Chapter 5

The reticular region of the dermis
Is called the reticular region
Consists of primarily of adipose tissue
Contains collagen fibers and elastic fibers
A and B are correct
A and C are correct
Appear during the 3rd and 4th week of development
Are formed as the dermis conforms to the underlying subcutaneous layer
Are unique to each individual and maintain a constant pattern throughout life
Decrease friction between the skin and smooth surfaces
Are studied by a field of science called dermatology
Which of the following is a benign , localized overgrowth of melanocytes that usually appears during childhood or adolescence?
A lentigo (age spot)
A freckle
A melanoma
A nevus (mole)
Either c or d
A patient with liver disease has elevated level of bilirubin in his blood. How may the presence of bilirubin affect the skin color?
He may have erythema (reddened skin)
He may have jaundiced (or yellowed) skin
He may have pallor (or very pale) skin
He may have cyanotic (or blue-tinted) skin
He may have vitiligo (or irregular white spots) on his skin
An obstetrician has just delivered a baby boy and is concerned because he is cyanotic. Which of the following statements explains the term cyanotic and why the doctor is concerned?
Cyanotic means that the skin and mucous membranes have an abnormal bluish tint
Cyanotic means that the skin has an abnormal yellowish tint
Cyanotic skin and mucous membranes reflect a lack of adequate oxygen circulation
A and c are correct
A and b are correct
Which of the following is not considered an accessory structure of the skin?
Sweat glands
Sebaceous glands
Merkel's disk
Which of the following is not true of hair?
It is not found on the palmar surfaces of the manus or digits
It is found in the eyebrows and on the scalp
It is found in the axillae and around the external genitalia
It is composed of rows of living cells bonded together by intracellular proteins
Its distribution is controlled by genetic ad endocrine factors
What is the function of hair?
Protect the scalp from UV radiation and heat loss
Help detect light touch
Protect the nostrils, ear canals and eyes from foreign particles
A and B are correct
A, B, and C are correct
Which of the following structures associated with hairs is correctly paired to it function?
Sebaceous gland: produce perspiration to cool the skin
Arrector pili muscle: raise hair in response to cold or emotional stress
Hair root plexus: provide blood to the hair shaft so it can grow
A and B are correct
A, B, and C are correct
Which of the following is true of hair growth?
Scalp hair grows for 2 to 6 months before resting for 3 years
At any given time, 85% of the scalp hairs are resting
Normal hair loss in the adult is around 100 hairs a day
Hair growth and replacement cycles are unaffected by stress and diet
Hair shafts contain living cells
All of the following are true except:
A fetus miscarried at 15 weeks will not have lanugo
Hair follicles develop between nine and twelve days after conception
Vellus, or "peach-fuzz" hairs are found on much of a young child's body
Terminal hairs develop at puberty
Terminal hairs include the hairs on the scalp, eyebrows, and eyelashes as well as whiskers
Is a watery secretion used to cool the body
Is a waxy substance produced by glands in the ear canal
Is produced by sebaceous glands that are, in most cases, attached to hair follicles
Contains primarily carbohydrates and salts
Promotes evaporation of water from the skin
Is an inflammation of sebaceous glands
Is caused by viruses attacking the cells of the sebaceous glands
Is more commonly associated with the elderly
Is usually found in sebaceous glands inhibited by androgen hormones
Is never associated with permanent scaring of the epidermis
Which of the following is true of eccrine sudoriferous glands?
They are less numerous than apocrine sudoriferous glands
Their primary function is to assist in regulation of body temperature
They are found on the glands of the penis, glans clitoris, nails bed and the margins of the lips
They produce perspiration that contains mostly lipids
They play a major role in eliminating nitrogenous wastes such as urea, uric acid, and ammonia
Apocrine sudoriferous glands
Are really holocrine glands
Are most active before puberty
Are least active during emotional stress or sexual excitement
Are found in the axillae, inguinal areas, areolae and the bearded regions of the face
Produces a less viscous and less salty secretion than eccrine sweat glands
Ceruminous glands
Produce ear wax
Produce milk
Produce sweat
Produce sebum
Produce ear wax and sebum
Which of the following is not true of nails?
They consist of a free edge , a nail body and a nail root
They are plates of lightly packed, hard, nonkeratinized dermal cells
Their thick lunula appears white because it obscures the underlying vasculature
Their growth occurs from the nail matrix deep to the nail root
They help us grasp and manipulate objects
Which of the following is not a function of the skin?
Regulates body temperature
Participates in synthesis of vitamin a
Serves as the first and foremost barrier to disease
Excretes some waste products
House sensory receptors
All of the following are part of the integumentary system except the
Subcuataneous layer
Hair and nails
Sebaceous and sweat glands
The epidermis
Is the deepest layer of the cutaneous membrane
Is composed of stratified squamous epithelium
Has four or five layers of cells
Is highly vascular
Contains adipoctyes and collagen fibers
Keratinocytes are the predominant cells in the:
Papillary region of the dermis
Reticular region of the dermis
Subcutaneous layer
All of the above are correct
The function of keratin is to:
Make skin hard and brittle
Make skin tough and waterproof
Protect skin from ultraviolet light
Provided added pigment
Store vitamin a
Arrange the layers of the epidermis in order from the most superficial to deepest. 1. Stratum spinosum 2. Stratum granulosum 3. Stratum corneum 4. Stratum basale 5. Stratum lucidum
4, 1, 2, 5, 3
3, 5, 1, 2, 4
4, 1, 5, 3, 2
3, 5, 2, 1, 4
4, 3, 2, 5, 1
Which layer of the epidermis consists of 25-30 layers of dead, flattened keratinocytes?
Stratum corneum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum granulosum
Stratum spinosum
Stratum basale
Which of the following is present in thick skin but not in thin skin
Stratum germinativum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum corneum
Stratum granulosum
Dermal papillae
Skin grafts
Are required when the remaining stratum basale cannot repair the damaged area
Are most successful when the donated skin comes from an uninjured part of the patient
May use skin replacement products grown from donated foreskins
A and B are correct
A, B, and C are correct
Place the following events of keratinization and epidermal growth in order of occurrence: 1. New cell push toward surface 2. Stratum basale cells divide 3. Dead cells are shed 4. Cells reach stratum granulosum and undergo apoptosis 5. Tonofilaments converted to keratin by keratohyalin
2, 1, 5, 4, 3
2, 1, 3, 4, 5
2, 1, 4, 5, 3
3, 4, 5, 1, 2
1, 2, 3, 4, 5
The average length of time for a cell to be produced by the stratum basale, rise to the surface, become keratinized, and slough off is about how long?
24 to 48 hours
Two weeks
One month
One year
Once cells are keratinized, they never slough off
The dermis
Is superficial to the epidermis
Is deep to the subcutaneous layer
Contains fibroblasts, macrophages, and a few adipocytes
Is avascular and poorly innervated
Is divided into aerolar and dense regular layers
The superficial portion of the dermis
Is called the papillary region
Includes touch receptors called Meissner's corpuscles
Has decreased surface area due to the presence of dermal papillae
A and B are correct
A,B, and C are correct
How does skin contribute to regulation of body temperature?
Releasing perspiration, which evaporates and carries away heat
Altering blood flow to the dermis, which adjusts how much heat will radiate from the body
Shivering, which produces heat
A and B are correct
A, B, and C are correct
Each of the following is a protection provided by the skin except:
It promotes dehydration
It protects underlying tissues from abrasions and chemicals
It prevents UV radiation from reaching underlying tissues
It secretes substances that kill microbes
It contains cells that trigger immune responses to microbes
Which of the following is true of cutaneous sensations?
They arise beneath the skin
They include touch, pressure, itch, and tickle
They cannot warn the body of possible injury
They exclude tactile discs, corpuscles of touch and hair root plexuses
All of the statements are true
How does aging affect the integumentary system?
Numbers of Langerhans cells increase dramatically
Numbers of functioning melanocytes increase
Elasticity and extensibility decrease
Dermal thickness increases
Growth of hair and nail accelerates
Nourishment to cells in the epidermis is provided by:
Blood vessels running through the stratum basale
Blood vessels in the dermal papillae
Bacteria that live in sebaceous glands
Both A and C are correct
Absorption of damaging light rays us the primary function of
Sweat is produced by
Cerumunious glands
Sudoriferous glands
Sebaceous glands
Protects skin and deeper tissues from germs, chemicals, and heat
Langerhans cell
Merkel cell
Produces melanin to help protect cell nuclei from UV damage
Langerhans cell
Merkel cell
Type of white blood cell; protects skin and deeper tissue from infection
Langerhans cell
Merkel cell
Consists of 25-30 layers of dead, flattened keratinocytes
Stratum basale
Stratum corneum
Stratum granulosum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum spinosum
Contains mitotic cells; source of new epidermal cells
Stratum basale
Stratum corneum
Stratum granulosum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum spinosum
Layer in which keratinization begins
Stratum basale
Stratum corneum
Stratum granulosum
Stratum lucidum
Stratum spinosum
Dermal papillae
Aerolar tissue, fine elastic fibers
Dense irregular connective tissue; course elastic fibers, collagen bundles
Capillary loops; free nerve endings; Meissner's corpuscles
Fibroblasts; few adipocytes
Small, rounded projections of dermis into dermis
Tissue and fibers characteristic of reticular dermis
Aerolar tissue, fine elastic fibers
Dense irregular connective tissue; course elastic fibers, collagen bundles
Capillary loops; free nerve endings; Meissner's corpuscles
Fibroblasts; few adipocytes
Small, rounded projections of dermis into dermis
Structures characteristic of papillary dermis
Aerolar tissue, fine elastic fibers
Dense irregular connective tissue; course elastic fibers, collagen bundles
Capillary loops; free nerve endings; Meissner's corpuscles
Fibroblasts; few adipocytes
Small, rounded projections of dermis into dermis
Made by melanocytes, contributes brown to black color to skin
Oxygen-rich hemoglobin
Oxygen-poor hemoglobin
Abnormal accumulations due to excessive ingestion of vitamin A cause yellowing of skin
Oxygen-rich hemoglobin
Oxygen-poor hemoglobin
Responsible for pink tone of skin and mucous membranes
Oxygen-rich hemoglobin
Oxygen-poor hemoglobin
Projects from surface of skin
Arrector pili muscle
Source of new hair cells
Arrector pili muscle
Raises hairs; causes "goose-bumps"
Arrector pili muscle
Most numerous sweat glands; active before and after puberty
Apocrine sudoriferous glands
Ceruminous glands
Eccrine sudoriferous glands
Sebaceous glands
Glands infected and/or inflamed in acne
Apocrine sudoriferous glands
Ceruminous glands
Eccrine sudoriferous glands
Sebaceous glands
Found only in the ear
Apocrine sudoriferous glands
Ceruminous glands
Eccrine sudoriferous glands
Sebaceous glands
{"name":"Chapter 5", "url":"","txt":"The reticular region of the dermis, Fingerprints, Which of the following is a benign , localized overgrowth of melanocytes that usually appears during childhood or adolescence?","img":""}
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