Quiz 3, Laser installation and use

When installing a laser, you CANNOT do the following:
Forget using goggles if necessary for a give class
Wear jewelry that can reflect the beam
Avoid looking into the laser's output opening
Follow safety rules
When using the laser, it is fine to bend and put your eyes level with the laser.
Which of the following is a correct recommendation?
Install the laser so that the beam is only moving in a horizontal plane parallel to the optical table
Install the laser so that the beam moves in a vertical direction
Install the laser so that it can freely leave the working area on the table and reflect off of some random object
Install laser and make sure it is installed correctly by bending over the table and looking from above
O.D. Stands for...
Optical Density
Opaque Distance
Obvious Defect
Optical Dioptry
You're given a laser with power of 500 [mW]. You want to reduce it up to safe 0.5 [mW]. Goggles with what O.D. Value should you use?
OD 2
OD 3
OD 5
OD 1
{"name":"Quiz 3, Laser installation and use", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"When installing a laser, you CANNOT do the following:, When using the laser, it is fine to bend and put your eyes level with the laser., Which of the following is a correct recommendation?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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