The resultant effect of gravity being less powerful after the Big Bang
No stars or Galaxies would have been formed
Only Hydrogen stable element
Ocean made of Nitric acid
Usman believes no matter what he does, first position is beyond him; while Kabir has no such thought. Their different perspective is based on what
Which of the following is not among the things that helped modern physic realize that the Universe had a begining
All of the above
There are three main areas where the Scientific and Quranic perspectives on creation of the Universe agree upon
After the Big Bang, the second thing created were stars
If the percentage of Oxygen had been more than it is, this would have resulted in
Less Ozone produced
More Ozone produced
Oxidation will take place quicker
What condition would have caused less Ozone to be produced on Earth
If the percentage of Oxygen in the atmosphere was less
Too much oxygen in the atmosphere
The Earth crust thicker than it is
What is the scientific perspective for the Quranic verse: " He brings forth green pasture, then makes it blackened stubble.."
The levelled Earth surface for Man
The vegetation of the Earth for Man
Energy needs of Man
What is the scientific perspective of the verse: "We have made the sky a preserved and protected roof..."
The Earths atmosphere
The Seven heavens
The Ozone layer
The 23 degree tilt of the Earth is one of the fine-tune aspect of our Planet that leads to the 4 seasons
14. The distribution of celestial bodies in space and the enormous space between them are non-essential factors for the existence of life on Earth.
The Earth we see today is not too different from what it used to be in the past millions of years
Which of the following is not one of the effect of tampering with Earth's fine-tunning
Global Warming
Green house effect
All of the above
What would have been the effect of stronger gravity on Earth
Excess ammonia in the atmosphere
Excess oxygen in the atmospher
None of the above
If you were sent to a planet XYZ to find out why the planet is having extereme temperature. What would you report
The speed of revolution of the planet is faster
The speed of revolution of the planet is slower
The planets angle of tilt is more than it should be.
None of the above
{"name":"JSS2 ISP REVISION", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"The resultant effect of gravity being less powerful after the Big Bang, Usman believes no matter what he does, first position is beyond him; while Kabir has no such thought. Their different perspective is based on what, Which of the following is not among the things that helped modern physic realize that the Universe had a begining","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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