British Literature

When did Julius Cesar cross the English Chanel?
55 B.C.
When did Claudius and the Roman Empire control Britain
43 AD
What happened in between 43 AD and 320 AD?
Christianity is formed some time between these two dates
Constantine makes Christianity the official religion of the Roman Empire
320 AD
When did Alaric the visigoth burn Rome to the ground?
410 AD
What was the result of Alaric's invasion of Rome in England?
Romans left England to go defend Rome. Germanic tribes, the Anglo-Saxins and Jutes, moved in to England.
When did St.Augustine go to England?
597 AD
Why did St. Augustine go to England?
He went because Pope Gregory sent him to go Christianize the Germanic tribes and the people. He set up monasteries and spread literacy.
When did Bede write Caedmon's Hymn?
680 AD
Why is Caedom's hymn important?
Considered the first official poem of English.
Storyline of Caedom's Hymn
-Poem of God's Creation of the world written in Old English
History of Dream of the Rood
Old english poem of Jesus' crucifixion from the crosses perspective.
What happens in 735 AD?
Bede dies, England is Christian, and literate
When was the viking invasion of England?
739 AD
When was Judith written?
793 AD
History of Judith
Based of Bible story of Judith. Young English woman who saved her people using her sexuality and rallying them to defeat the vikings.
When did Cnut rule in England?
When was Beowulf speculated to be written?
When was the Norman Conquest?
What occurs in England due to the Norman conquest?
What occurs in England due to the Norman conquest?
When did Geoffrey Monmouth write "History of the Kings of Britain"
When did King John lose Normandy?
When did Marie de France write Lanval
Plot of the story of Lanval
Young knight Lanval is in King Arthur's court and is ignored until a mystery woman and him fall in love and take care of each other forever
What happened in the Mid 14th Century?
The Reemergence of English
What four factors led to the reemergence of English
1. Economic changes in Britain 2. Education and Friars 3. Political Reasons 4. Chaucer and Gower start writing in English
When was Sir Orfeo written?
Plot of Sir Orfeo
Reworking of the classic myth of Orpheus and his wife. Sir Orfeo's wife stolen by fairy queen, he wanders forest, finds her, saves her by entertaining the king, goes back to reclaim his kingdom
Main Themes of Sir Orfeo
Devotion, bond, and keeping one's word
What is the Irish Sovereignty Goddess?
Sexual goddess in celtic mythology who weds the king in order to bring prosperity to the kingdom
Example of stories with a Irish Sovereignty Goddess
Lanval, Wife of Bath's Tale, and The tale of Florent
When did Chaucer and Gower begin writing in English?
When was William Langland alive?
What do we know about William Langland?
Don't know much, most of what we know comes from Pier Plowman
When was John Gower alive?
How many languages did John Gower speak? Which languages did John Gower speak?
3 languages, French, Latin, and English
When was Chaucer alive?
When does Black Death spread through England?
What economic changes lead to the reemergence of English?
Money moved to the city with trade and Black death lead the value of laborers to go up.
What educational changes lead to the reemergence of English?
Friars came and educated the public and opened universities. They spread education and therefore English.
What political reason led to the reemergence of english?
King John loses Normandy and the 100 Year War
When was the 100 Year War?
What was the 100 Year War over?
Was over the debate between the French and English over who was entitled to run the English government due to the fact that English and French monarchs have married one another for years. This made the French the enemy.
When was Pier Plowman written?
1370-1390 by William Langland?
History of Pier Plowman
Early Morality Play that was considered a rallying cry for the peasant people
When was Confessio Amantis: Tale of Philomene and Tereus written?
1386-1390 by John Gower
History of Tale of Philomene and Tereus
Written in Middle English about two sisters, Progne and Philomene, and their vengeance on Tereus.
When was the Tale of Florent written?
Part of the Confessio mantis written in 1390
Plot of Tale of Florent
Florent the knight searches to prove himself and ends up getting into a bad situation. He must marry an old hag to get out of it and give her free will over not only her fate but his as well. This is a story of love, honor, and goodness
When was Chaucer's General Prologue written?
Plot of Chaucer's General Prologue
Prologue of the Canterbury Tales giving a character profile of the 30 pilgrims taking the quest from London to Canterbury and highlighting that each must tell two stories on the way to Canterbury and 2 stories on the way back home to London.
When as the Wife of Bath's Tale written?
Written in 1405-1410 by Chaucer
Plot of the Wife of Bath's Tale
Rapist knight in Arthur's court is about to be put to death until Guinevere saves him if he can answer the question what all women want. Old woman gives him the answer and he must marry he because of it and when she asks him to choose her autonomy he gives her free will to choose and she becomes perfect because she finally gets what she always wanted, freedom to choose over herself and her lover. Story of free will and choice
When did Gutenberg start printing in mass production?
What does Gutenberg print?
Printed bibles in mass production in Ireland
When did William Caxton bring printing to London
What did Caxton print?
Printed government documents and important literature
When was the War of the Roses?
What was the War of the Roses about?
Fight between House of York and House of Lancaster about the succession of the British monarch and who was meant to rule.
When was the Battle of Bosworth?
What occurred at the Battle of Bosworth
Henry Tudor defeated Richard III on behalf of the Lancaster's and brought the Tudor dynasty to the throne as Henry VII.
When did the Middle Ages come to an end?
When did Caxton print Mallory's Le Morte d'Arthur?
When was the reign of Henry VII?
When was the Moment of Reformation?
What was the Moment of Reformation?
When Martin Luther got excommunicated from the church because he thought it was corrupt.
What did Martin Luther believe?
Sola scriptura, sola fide
When was the reign of Henry VIII
What was special about the rule of Henry VIII
Had 6 wives and switched from the Catholic church to Protestant when they wouldn't let him get divorces
What happened to the wives of Henry VIII in order
Divorced, dies, beheaded, divorce, dies, survives
Who was the mother to Henry VIII first child Mary I?
Catherine of Aragon
Did Mary I rule protestant or catholic?
Who was the mother to Henry VIII second child Elizabeth I?
Ann Boleyn
Did Elizabeth rule Catholic or Protestant?
Who was the mother of Henry VIII last child Edward VI?
Jane Seymour
Did Edward VI rule protestant or catholic
In what order did Henry VIII children rule?
1. Edward 2. Mary 3. Elizabeth
What is the significance of Henry VIII and his children?
They show religious back and forth the country was in during their rule
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