The Spencer-Dee Test
How many pages is this book?
Less than 150
On a scale of 1-5, how graphic is the content of your book?
1: Not graphic at all. Very prudent. Very modest. Someone may have been insulted, once...
2: Maybe some light confrontation. Nothing grotesque or even very surprising. Some romance might be included.
3: Some intermittent violence. Perhaps a few characters might have been killed. Not jarring, but still had some decent action. Characters might have started to become more intimate with on another.
4: Rather violent. Many segments of the book included excerpts of either violence and death, or expressed clear moments of romantic intimacy.
5: Very Graphic. For adult eyes only. The amount and magnitude of sex and/or violence in this book would stun most readers.
Select all that apply:
The main characters are entirely made up of humans.
The majority of the events in this book happen within the context of real human civilization.
The main plot centers around plausible obstacles and events that could potentially happen in real life..
This book does NOT take place on Earth.
The main characters consist (partially or entirely) of non-human creatures/humanoids.
The majority of the events in this book are not plausible in reality.
This book is set on Earth.
This book takes place mostly in outer space.
Would you reccomend this book to an 11 year old boy/girl?
Yes, but only if they were already pretty mature, and they could understand the vocabulary.
How many main, central, characters would you say there were?
4 to 10
10 to 20
More than 20
Which most accurately describes the word usage throughout the book?
An expansive and advanced vocabulary permeates every line on every page of this book.
The book used intelligent words frequently, but mostly focused on communicating ideas clearly.
The book used generally clear and concise words to express its ideas. There was hardly ever a word that I did not already know.
The book uses words that would be apropriate for children. Advanced diction is few and far between, if it exists at all. The words are simple enough for quite a young reader to understand.
Would you recommend this book to your grandmother?
Yes, just because I want to see her reaction.
My grandmother is more hardcore than I am. So... yes...
This book is too simple for my grandmother. She reads the encyclopedia for entertainment.
No, because my grandmother is not interested in SciFi/Fantasy.
How long did it take you to finish the book?
I am a frequent reader, and it took me a very long time.
I don't read very much and it took me a very long time.
I hardly ever pick up a book, and it took me a very long time.
I am a frequent reader, and it only took a little while. Not too bad.
I don't read very much and it only took a little while. Not too bad.
I hardly ever pick up a book and it only took a little while. Not too bad.
I am a frequent reader, and it did not take much time at all.
I don't read very much, and it did not take much time at all.
I hardly ever pick up a book, and it did not take much time at all.
Is there magic in this book?
Magic exists, but few people use it.
Magic barely exists, or mght have existed at some point in distant memory.
There is no magic in this book.
They don't use magic, but they have science that is so advanced that is looks like magic.
Not necessarily magic... More superpowers/superhuman abilities.
Does everyone in the book's world know about its magic/science/superpowers?
Yes, everyone knows.
Only a few people know that it's still around.
Nobody (or hardly anybody) knows anything about the magic of this world.
Only the people that practice the magic, know it exists.
There's no magic... so, no?
The crazy science is pretty common knowledge..
The crazy science is only known by very few.
Nobody knows about the superpowers.
Everyone knows about the superpowers.
When was this book published?
Before 1950
Between 1950 and 1980
In the 80's
In the 90's
In the 21st century
I have no idea.
What is your relationship to this book?
I own it.
I borrowed it from a friend.
I borrowed it from an enemy.
I stole it.
I listened to my friend's audiobook.
I was given the knowledge of this book through a divine blessing.
An implant in my brain uploaded the book to my neuro-network.
This book was passed down to me from a friend or a relative.
I won this book in a duel.
Have you read this book before?
Yes, multiple times.
I've only read this book once.
I only read part of this book.
I've never read this book. (why am I taking this quiz?)
If you removed the characters from their story and placed them somewhere into Earth's timeline, what would they do?
They would be very confused at such a strange and foreign landscape.
They would be surprised to be transported, but they would realise that it's not that different from their home.
They already are on Earth.
They would be initially shocked, but then they would be elated to be in such a hospitable place.
They would totally know how to handle themselves. They are amply prepared for the challenges they would face.
Why would someone want to read this book?
The main character is relatable, and I admire their journey.
The book sets up such an expansive and dense universe. I love learning more about the world in which it takes place.
I really end up rooting for the central characters in their struggle against their various obstacles. I want them to succeed and I am eagerly anticipating every additional chapter.
I love feeling like this place is real, and I could be a part of it in my imagination.
The book provides some very interesting food for thought. It makes me think.
It provides me a relief from reality.
What got you to read this book?
I wanted a book with a main character I could relate to.
My friends keep talking about it.
My friends tell me all about how extensive the world is, and how much history the author had to know.
I was looking for a new book, and this is the first one that looked interesting.
I saw the movie.
I just heard that it was a good book.
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