Find out what type of Halloween Dive you should do…

On a dive would you rather
Take it slow and keep an eye out for that Nudibranch
Try out your new piece of kit
See something you’ve been reading about on the surface
Which Speciality would (or did) you find the most fun?
Fish Identification
Which marine creature is on your diving bucket list?
Vampire squid
Conger Eel
Hairy Frogfish
What’s your favourite Halloween Movie?
Beetle juice
Pirates of the Caribbean
What’s your opinion on horror movies?
Hocus Pocus is about as scary as I go!
I love being frightened. Just not too much
I’ve never found a horror movie scary enough!
When you’re dressing up for Halloween do you…
Insure your costume is as accurate as possible
Go for something funny
Put on a mask, if you’re feeling adventurous. Fancy dress is not really your thing
{"name":"Find out what type of Halloween Dive you should do…", "url":"","txt":"On a dive would you rather, Which Speciality would (or did) you find the most fun?, Which marine creature is on your diving bucket list?","img":""}
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