Your FOCUS Conference Personality

Discover what's in store for you at FOCUS based on your personality!
Discover what's in store for you at FOCUS based on your personality!
My most important business challenge is...(select one)
Attracting new residents
Retaining existing residents
Competitive pricing strategies
Improving our online presence
Adding value to communities
Employee engagement
Reputation management
Understanding renter motivations
The main reason I attend education conferences is... (select one)
To gain inside tips to outsmart my competitors
To keep up with the latest trends
To position my team for success
To increase my knowledge of the industry
Education conferences are a great opportunity to... (select all that apply)
Learn new strategies
Network with others in the industry
Get away from the office
Swap best practices
Hear from great keynote speakers
Meet up with old friends
Discover a better way of doing business
Get re-energized and motivated
The biggest drawback to an education conference is... (select one)
Time away from the office
Having to travel
The cost
Information I've heard before
{"name":"Your FOCUS Conference Personality", "url":"","txt":"Why do you attend education conferences? (select one), Education conferences are a great opportunity to... (select all that apply), The main downside to education conferences is... (select one)","img":""}
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