Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in physics on Thu, 16 Dec 21
[2112.07702] Austin M. Kay, Oskar J. Sandberg, Nasim Zarrabi et al.: Quantifying the Excitonic Static Disorder in Organic Semiconductors
[2112.07703] Clara Herrero Martin, Alon Oved, Rasheda A Chowdhury et al.: EP-PINNs: Cardiac Electrophysiology Characterisation using Physics-Informed Neural Networks
[2112.07707] Vladimir V Yachin, Vyacheslav V Khardikov, Ludmila A Kochetova et al.: Resonant response in tunable metasurface based on crossed all-dielectric gratings
[2112.07721] Joel Creutzberg, Erik D. Hedegård: Polarizable embedding complex polarization propagator in four- and two-component frameworks
[2112.07722] Patrik Pirkola, Marko Horbatsch: Partial-wave approach to the Stark resonance problem of the water molecule
[2112.07724] J. M. Nogiec, P. Akella, G. Chlachidze et al.: Designing a Magnetic Measurement Data Acquisition and Control System with Reuse in Mind: A Rotating Coil System Example
[2112.07731] Spencer A. Hill, Simona Bordoni, Jonathan L. Mitchell: Toward a unified theory for the Hadley cell descending and ascending edges
[2112.07738] Cori Haws, Edgar Perez, Marcelo Davanco et al.: Broadband, efficient extraction of quantum light by a photonic device comprised of a metallic nano-ring and a gold back reflector
[2112.07740] Joseph D. Johnson, Adam M. Redlich, Daniel M. Abrams: A Mathematical Model for the Origin of Name Brands and Generics
[2112.07753] O. Jamadi, B. Real, K. Sawicki et al.: Optically defined cavities in driven-dissipative photonic lattices
[2112.07757] Amer Al-Hiyasat, Yazgan Tuna, Yin-Wei Kuo et al.: Herding of proteins by the ends of shrinking polymers
[2112.07788] A. Allemand, F. Kulzer, B. Mahler et al.: CdS/CdSe/CdS spherical quantum wells as single-photon sources
[2112.07792] Simon Raschke, Andreas Heuer: Frame-guided assembly from a theoretical perspective
[2112.07793] Jonathan P. Edelen, Nathan M. Cook: Anomaly Detection in Particle Accelerators using Autoencoders
[2112.07815] Qiyuan Fu, Chen Li: Snake robot traversing large obstacles using vertical bending with force feedback
[2112.07829] Paulo Cesar Ventura, Alberto Aleta, Francisco A. Rodrigues et al.: Epidemic spreading in populations of mobile agents with adaptive behavioral response
[2112.07832] N. Muramatsu, M. Yosoi, T. Yorita et al.: SPring-8 LEPS2 beamline: A facility to produce a multi-GeV photon beam via laser Compton scattering
[2112.07838] Tae-Hoon Kim, Jie Ding, Xincheng Yao: Intrinsic signal optoretinography of dark adaptation kinetics
[2112.07854] Ratan Othayoth, Blake Strebel, Yuanfeng Han et al.: A terrain treadmill to study animal locomotion through large obstacles
[2112.07906] Alexey V. Slunyaev, Yury A. Stepanyants: Modulation property of flexural-gravity waves on a water surface covered by a compressed ice sheet
[2112.07911] Abhijit Roy, Ritabrata Sarkar, Choonsik Lee: Extensive study of radiation dose on human body at aviation altitude through Monte Carlo simulation
[2112.07946] Sudipta Biswasa, Debabrata Mandalb, Ananya Chowdhury et al.: Role of redox additive modified electrolytes in making Na-ion supercapacitors a competitive energy storage device
[2112.07956] Yan Benhammou: Detector challenges of the strong-field QED experiment LUXE at the European XFEL
[2112.07972] Vernon Cooray, Gerald Cooray, Marcos Rubinstein et al.: Hints of the Quantum Nature of the Universe in Classical Electrodynamics
[2112.07973] Ferran Garcia, Frank Stefani, Emmanuel Dormy: Weak branch and multimodal convection in rapidly rotating spheres at low Prandtl number
[2112.07976] Maximilian Protte, Varun B. Verma, Jan Philipp Höpker et al.: Laser-lithographically written micron-wide superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors
[2112.07988] Irfan Ansari, John P. George, Gilles F. Feutmba et al.: Light modulation in Silicon photonics by PZT actuated acoustic waves
[2112.08009] Jia-Min Xiong, Wei-Jun Zhang, Guang-Zhao Xu et al.: Reducing current crowding in meander superconducting strip single-photon detectors by thickening bends
[2112.08063] Shivam Kumar Mishra, Sarveshwar Sharma, Sudip Sengupta: Effect of radiation-reaction on charged particle dynamics in a focused electromagnetic wave
[2112.08076] Takuma Nakamura, Venkata Ramaiah Badarla, Kazuki Hashimoto et al.: A simple approach of broadband mid-infrared pulse generation with a mode-locked Yb-doped fiber laser
[2112.08084] Amrollah Amini, Homayoon Oraizi: Temporally Modulated One-Dimensional Leaky-Wave Holograms
[2112.08089] Anna Rita Altamura, Fabio Acerbi, Benedetto Di Ruzza et al.: Radiation damage on SiPMs for Space Applications
[2112.08112] Richarda Niemann, Sören Wasserroth, Guanyu Lu et al.: Infrared super-resolution wide-field microscopy using sum-frequency generation
[2112.08113] Aleksey Rozhkov: Elasticity and relaxation properties of oral fluid
[2112.08120] Quentin Cauvet: Modélisation Magnétohydrodynamique
[2112.08131] Anass El Aouni, Arthur Vidard: Lagrangian angular momentum vortex definition and tracking
[2112.08133] Shaowei Jiang, Chengfei Guo, Zichao Bian et al.: Ptychographic sensor for large-scale lensless microbial monitoring with high spatiotemporal resolution
[2112.08144] Shaowei Jiang, Chengfei Guo, Pengming Song et al.: Resolution-enhanced parallel coded ptychography for high-throughput optical imaging
[2112.08163] Oznur Apsimon, Daniel Seipt, Monika Yadav et al.: An Innovative Transverse Emittance Cooling Technique using a Laser-Plasma Wiggler
[2112.08173] Anna Guseva, Javier Jimenez: Linear instability and resonance effects in large-scale opposition flow control
[2112.08213] D. Aloini, A. Fronzetti Colladon, P. Gloor et al.: Enhancing operations management through smart sensors: measuring and improving well-being, interaction and performance of logistics workers
[2112.08238] Camilo Brandao-de-Resende, Ubirajara Agero, Oscar N. Mesquita et al.: Red Blood Cell Sphericity Index Obtained by Defocusing Microscopy and Retinopathy Severity in Sickle Cell Disease
[2112.08240] Giulio Burgio, Benjamin Steinegger, Alex Arenas: Homophily impacts the success of vaccine roll-outs
[2112.08264] Fabio Bonaccorso, Marco Lauricella, Andrea Montessori et al.: LBcuda: a high-performance CUDA port of LBsoft for simulation of colloidal systems
[2112.08278] Mathias Wegner, Christian Enss, Sebastian Kempf: Analytical model of the readout power and SQUID hysteresis parameter dependence of the resonator characteristics of microwave SQUID multiplexers
[2112.08296] Manuel Müller, Thomas Luschmann, Andreas Faltermeier et al.: Magnetic field robust high quality factor NbTiN superconducting microwave resonators
[2112.08302] Luis Roso, Roberto Lera, Smrithan Ravichandran et al.: Towards a direct measurement of the quantum vacuum Lagrangian coupling coefficients using two counter propagating super-intense laser pulses
[2112.08349] Nathaniel B. Vilas, Christian Hallas, Loïc Anderegg et al.: Magneto-Optical Trapping and Sub-Doppler Cooling of a Polyatomic Molecule
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Thu, 16 Dec 21","img":""}