Survive the Evil House Quiz

A spooky house with ominous shadows and mysterious figures lurking around, a sense of danger and adventure

Survive the Evil House Quiz

Are you ready to enter a world of suspense and excitement? This quiz will test your instincts and decision-making skills in a thrilling scenario where evil lurks at every corner. Think carefully as you make your choices!

  • Discover your reactions to intense situations
  • Find out how you would handle danger
  • Test your survival instincts and social skills
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by BraveKnight247
What would you do at a party?
A. Sit in the corner alone and not talking much
B. Be the life of the party!
C. Stand with a couple close friends and gossip
D. I am just their for the food!
You find out the house is EVIL and you have to start looking for clues! What do you do?
A. Take action and start looking around
B. Just stand around and let everyone do the hard work
C. Be the one reading the clues
D. Just laugh and try to make jokes about the situation
Vampires come in and try to eat you?!?! What do you do?
A. Scream
B. Try to run away
C. Stand there shocked
D. Laugh because you think it is a joke
You find out that you are only there to defeat evil monsters!??! What do you do?
A. Question if they are serious
B. Agree to help
C. Try to leave
D. Yell and shout because you are mad
You hear someone banging on the door somewhere in the house! What do you do??
A. Find out where it is coming from
B. Refuse to go because you are scared
C. Refuse to go because you don't care
D. Just follow what everyone else does
You realize you have to play an immunity challenge to safe your LIFE!?! What do you do?
A. Agree to play
B. Don't won't to play because you are worried
C. Act cocky (You keep saying that you will win)
D. Refuse to play because you are tired
How do you think you would perform in an immunity challenge?
A. I would be out first (10th)
B. I would be out somewhere in the middle (5th)
C. It would be neck and neck between me and someone else, but I would ultimately come up short (2nd)
D. I would definitely win! (1st)
You find out you have to vote someone into a DEATH CHALLENGE!?!? What do you do?
A. Start thinking about who you are going to vote
B. Say who you are voting OUT LOUD
C. Refuse to vote one of your friends in
D. Just sit quietly and go with the crowd
You witness a FIGHT!?! What do you do?
A. I am the one fighting
B. I am backing up my friend
C. I am laughing and shocked
D. I am trying to stop the fight
Your friend DIES in the death challenge!?! What are you thinking?
A. Nooooooo!! (Crying)
B. This SUCKS!! (Mad)
C. At least it wasn't me (relieved)
D. I was the one that died
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