
Business size:
Small business (Under 250 employees)
Medium business (250 - 500 employees)
Enterprise (Over 500 employees)
What server(s) are you currently using?
I don't know
Why are you looking for a new server?
Ours crashed and we need to replace it ASAP.
Ours is getting old and will need to be updated soon.
Please Specify:
Do you know what you kind/type of server you are looking for?
Yes, I know what I want.
I'm pretty sure, but I want to do a little more research
No, I'd like some help to look at my options.
What brand(s) have you been looking at for your new server?
Please Specify:
What model(s) are you considering?
What technical specifications do you need in a server?
Describe what the server will be used for/business needs it will fulfill, etc.
What is your timeline for getting a new server?
Less than 3 months
3 - 6 months
6 - 12 months
More than 12 months
How many servers are you looking to purchase
3 or more
I'm not sure yet
What is your budget?
Under $5,000
$5,000 - $10,000
$10,000 - $20,000
Over $20,000
Describe why you are reaching out to us.
In our experience, the fastest way to determine if/how we can help you is with a brief phone call to learn more about your needs. Do you think it makes sense to have a 15 minute conversation to see if we might be able to help?
Yes, that makes sense.
No, I don't want to talk to anyone.
We can appreciate you not wanting to commit to a phone call, but without learning more about your business, we will not know if we can help you. Do you think it would make sense to have a 15 minute call to figure that out.
First name:
Last name:
Business email:
Business phone
Company name:
Your job title:
What would be the best time to talk for a few minutes about if we might be able to help?
{"name":"Server", "url":"","txt":"Why are you looking for a server?","img":""}
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