Soc Final Practice Quiz #9

The most distinctive feature of social scientific experiments is...
Random sampling
The direct observation of behavior
A laboratory setting
The experimenter's control over events to which participants are exposed.
What procedure was used in the prosecutorial misconduct study to ensure that any differences in misconduct were due to the severity of the crime and not to characteristics of the research participants?
Use of two levels of crime severity
Use of quantitative measurement of misconduct
Requiring all participants to read the same police report
Random assignment
What does it mean when the results of an experiment are statistically significant?
The results may be generalized to other sample populations.
The independent variable is likely to be associated with the dependent variable.
Measurement of the dependent variable is valid.
Manipulation of the independent variable is valid.
A study is designed to test the effectiveness of a program to teach adolescents about nutrition. All research participants are randomly assigned to two groups, one which goes through the program and the other which does not. Both before and after the program, all participants take a test measuring knowledge of nutrition. What type of experimental design is this?
2 x 2 factorial design
2 x 4 factorial design
Pretest-posttest control group design
Posttest-only control group design
Unlike in a laboratory experiment, in a field experiment...
The independent variable usually is measured rather than manipulated.
It is easier to protect the rights of participants.
Random assignment of participants is rarely possible.
Participants are unaware that they are in an experiment.
Which of the following is true of the cover story in an experiment?
It provides research participants with an explanation of experimental events.
It usually is presented between the manipulation of the independent variable and the measurement of the dependent variable.
It rarely involves deception
If sufficiently detailed, it can take the place of debriefing.
How was a manipulation check performed in the experiment on the effect of crime severity on prosecutorial misconduct?
By asking participants to rate the severity of the crime
By asking participants in a postexperimental interview how they felt about being in the experiment
By asking participants if they perceived misconduct on the part of the prosecutor
By explaining to participants why they would be reading a police report of the crime
What is a primary objective of debriefing?
To make sure that participants were behaving naturally during the experiment
To present the results of the experiment
To pay participants and thank them for their participation
To inform participants about any deception and explain the true purpose of the experiment
____________________ is used to ensure internal validity, whereas ____________________ increases external validity.
Random sampling; random assignment
Replication; random assignment
Random sampling; replication
Random assignment; random sampling
Which of the following is an advantage of the experimental approach?
High external validity
High internal validity
Estimate sampling error
Minimization of reactive measurement effects
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