[2009.00138] Clay Cordova, Thomas T. Dumitrescu, Kenneth Intriligator: 2-Group Global Symmetries and Anomalies in Six-Dimensional Quantum Field Theories
[2009.00141] Dimitrios Kosmopoulos: Simplifying $D$-Dimensional Physical-State Sums in Gauge Theory and Gravity
[2009.00186] Vassilis Anagiannis, Miranda C. N. Cheng, John Duncan et al.: Vertex operator superalgebra/sigma model correspondences: The four-torus case
[2009.00341] B. Hoare, S. Lacroix: Yang-Baxter deformations of the Principal Chiral Model plus Wess-Zumino term
[2009.00381] Wenhe Cai, Sang-Jin Sin: The superconducting dome for holographic doped Mott insulator with hyperscaling violation
[2009.00393] Ilija Buric: Harmonic Analysis in d-dimensional Superconformal Field Theory
[2009.00404] Cédric Deffayet, François Larrouturou: Domain walls without a potential
[2009.00435] Chuan-Yin Xia, Hua-Bi Zeng: Winding up a finite size holographic superconducting ring beyond Kibble-Zurek mechanism
[2009.00450] Huajie Gong, Peng Liu, Guoyang Fu et al.: Informational properties of holographic Lifshitz field theory
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[2009.00518] Michael Stone: Gamma matrices, Majorana fermions, and discrete symmetries in Minkowski and Euclidean signature
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