Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 15 Dec 21
[2112.06919] Frederick T.-K. So, Alexander I. Shames, Daiki Terada et al.: The Anomalous Formation of Irradiation Induced Nitrogen-Vacancy Centers in 5-Nanometer-Sized Detonation Nanodiamonds
[2112.06935] Eslam Khalaf, Ashvin Vishwanath: From electrons to baby skyrmions in Chern ferromagnets: A topological mechanism for spin-polaron formation in twisted bilayer graphene
[2112.06936] Yves H. Kwan, Glenn Wagner, Nick Bultinck et al.: Skyrmions in twisted bilayer graphene: stability, pairing, and crystallization
[2112.06939] Jeremy Côté, Stefanos Kourtis: Entanglement phase transition with spin glass criticality
[2112.06942] Apratim Kaviraj, Slava Rychkov, Emilio Trevisani: The fate of Parisi-Sourlas supersymmetry in Random Field models
[2112.06946] Lei Gioia, Chong Wang: Non-zero momentum requires long-range entanglement
[2112.06950] Wayne J. Chetcuti, Juan Polo, Andreas Osterloh et al.: Probe for bound states of SU(3) fermions and colour deconfinement
[2112.06954] David B. Kaplan, Srimoyee Sen: Index theorems, generalized Hall currents and topology for gapless defect fermions
[2112.06958] Fatemeh Mohammadi, Mehdi Kargarian: Designing $\mathbb{Z}_2$ and $\mathbb{Z}_2 \times \mathbb{Z}_2$ topological orders in networks of Majorana bound states
[2112.06966] Chaitanya Murthy, Akshat Pandey, Ilya Esterlis et al.: A stability bound on the $T$-linear resistivity of conventional metals
[2112.06976] Timour Ichmoukhamedov, Jacques Tempere: General memory kernels and further corrections to the variational path integral approach for the Bogoliubov-Fröhlich Hamiltonian
[2112.06977] Abhiram Reddy, Michael S. Dimitriyev, Gregory M. Grason: Medial packing and elastic asymmetry stabilize the double-gyroid in block copolymers
[2112.06982] Pavel Naumov, Ritu Gupta, Marek Bartkowiak et al.: Optical setup for a piston-cylinder type pressure cell: a double-volume approach
[2112.06998] Thomas A. Maier, Elbio Dagotto: Coupled Hubbard ladders at weak coupling: Pairing and spin excitations
[2112.07008] Nathan C. Keim, Dani Medina: Mechanical annealing and memories in a disordered solid
[2112.07033] Xingyue Han, Anastasios Markou, Jonathan Stensberg et al.: Giant room-temperature anomalous terahertz Faraday rotation in the magnetic Weyl semimetal Co2MnGa
[2112.07034] Jayshankar Nath, Alexandru Vladimir Trifu, Mihai Sebastian Gabor et al.: Mechanism of Spin-Orbit Torques in Platinum Oxide Systems
[2112.07071] Satoru Hayami, Takuya Matsumoto: Essential model parameters for nonreciprocal magnons in multisublattice systems
[2112.07072] Satoru Hayami: Skyrmion crystal and spiral phases in centrosymmetric bilayer magnets with staggered Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya interaction
[2112.07081] Mayu Kibune, Shunsaku Kitagawa, Katsuki Kinjo et al.: Observation of antiferromagnetic order as odd-parity multipoles inside the superconducting phase in CeRh$_{2}$As$_{2}$
[2112.07083] Julia Dshemuchadse: Soft matter crystallography -- complex, diverse, and new crystal structures in condensed materials on the mesoscale
[2112.07095] Kazuto Akiba, Nobuaki Umeshita, Tatsuo C. Kobayashi: Magnetotransport studies of the Sb square-net compound LaAgSb$_2$ under high pressure and rotating magnetic fields
[2112.07112] Qingqi Zeng, Hongyi Sun, Jianlei Shen et al.: Pressure-Driven Magneto-Topological Phase Transition in a magnetic Weyl semimetal
[2112.07118] Manabu Shiomi, Keita Kojima, Naoyuki Katayama et al.: Charge-ordered state satisfying the Anderson condition in LiRh2O4arising from localdimer order
[2112.07119] Kai Liu, Keke Bai, Jing Wang et al.: Phase-dependent epitaxy for antimonene growth on silver substrate
[2112.07127] Phum Siriviboon, Jiang-Xiazi Lin, Harley D. Scammell et al.: Abundance of density wave phases in twisted trilayer graphene on WSe$_2$
[2112.07138] Pengjie Wang, Sanfeng Wu: Comments on quantum oscillations in two-dimensional insulators induced by graphite gates
[2112.07151] Vikram Mahamiya, Alok Shukla, Brahmananda Chakraborty: Exploring yttrium doped C$_{24}$ fullerene as a high-capacity reversible hydrogen storage material: DFT investigations
[2112.07172] azmik A. Hovhannisyan, Sergey Yu. Grebenchuk, Denis S.Baranov et al.: Lateral Josephson Junctions as Sensors for Magnetic Microscopy at Nano-Scale
[2112.07181] Kai Wang, Jia-Xiao Dai, L. B. Shao et al.: Tensor Theory for Higher Dimensional Chern Insulators with Large Chern Numbers
[2112.07199] Zheng Zhang, Jianshu Li, Mingtai Xie et al.: Low-energy Spin Dynamics of Quantum Spin Liquid Candidate $NaYbSe_{2}$
[2112.07226] Yuriy Yerin, Andrey Varlamov, Claudia Fasolato et al.: Possible realization of a phononic tsunami in a wedge-shaped sample
[2112.07229] Boris Brun, Viet-Hung Nguyen, Nicolas Moreau et al.: Graphene whisperitronics: transducing whispering gallery modes into electronic transport
[2112.07233] Lucia Gálisová, Michał Kaczor: Ground State, Magnetization Process and Bipartite Quantum Entanglement of a Spin-1/2 Ising-Heisenberg Model on Planar Lattices of Interconnected Trigonal Bipyr...
[2112.07256] Mario Okawa, Yuka Akabane, Mizuki Maeda et al.: Ultrafast dynamics of photoexcited carriers in multiband semiconductors SnSe and Sn$_{1-x}$Na$_x$Se
[2112.07261] A.D. Belogur, D.A. Baghdasaryan, I.V. Iorsh et al.: Theory of nonlinear excitonic response of hybrid organic perovskites in the regime of strong light-matter coupling
[2112.07264] Manik Kuila, Archna Sagdeo, Lanuakum A Longchar et al.: Robust perpendicular magnetic anisotropy in Ce substituted yttrium iron garnet epitaxial thin films
[2112.07265] J. Krsnik, O. S. Barišić: Phenomenology of phonon-plasmon coupled excitations in three dimensional polar materials
[2112.07276] M.M. Sharma, N.K. Karn, Poonam Rani et al.: Heat Capacity analysis of Superconducting Pb2Pd having non-trivial band Topology
[2112.07296] Ivan S. Maksymov, Mikhail Kostylev: Magneto-electronic hydrogen gas sensors: a critical review
[2112.07299] Taras Hvozd, Yurij V. Kalyuzhnyi, Vojko Vlachy et al.: Empty liquid state and re-entrant phase behavior of the patchy colloids confined in the porous media
[2112.07309] Felipe Attanasio, Lukas Rammelmüller, Joaquín E. Drut et al.: Pairing patterns in polarized unitary Fermi gases above the superfluid transition
[2112.07312] Pierre Rizkallah, Alessandro Sarracino, Olivier Bénichou et al.: Microscopic theory for the diffusion of an active particle in a crowded environment
[2112.07316] Viliam Vaňo, Somesh Chandra Ganguli, Mohammad Amini et al.: Evidence of nodal f-wave superconductivity in monolayer 1H-TaS$_2$ with hidden order fluctuations
[2112.07318] David Möckli: Unconventional singlet-triplet superconductivity
[2112.07321] Jianchen Dang, Mingwei Yang, Xin Xie et al.: Enhanced valley polarization in WS$_2$/LaMnO$_3$ heterostructure
[2112.07326] Reece N. Oosterbeek, Xiang C. Zhang, Serena M. Best et al.: The evolution of the structure and mechanical properties of fully bioresorbable polymer-glass composites during degradation
[2112.07329] Reece N. Oosterbeek, Xiang C. Zhang, Serena M. Best et al.: A technique for improving dispersion within polymer-glass composites using polymer precipitation
[2112.07355] Titus Masese, Godwill Mbiti Kanyolo, Yoshinobu Miyazaki et al.: Honeycomb Layered Oxides With Silver Atom Bilayers and Emergence of Non-Abelian SU(2) Interactions
[2112.07362] Nei Lopes, Mucio A. Continentino, Daniel G. Barci: Excitonic insulators and Gross-Neveu models
[2112.07371] V. Apinyan, T. K. Kopec: Ultraviolet absorption spectrum of the half-filled bilayer graphene
[2112.07372] V.P. Koshcheev, Yu.N. Shtanov: Calculation of the total energy of a diatomic molecule in the first order of perturbation theory taking into account the Pauli principle and plasma oscillations...
[2112.07378] Erkki Thuneberg: Comment on "Ballistic SNS sandwich as a Josephson junction"
[2112.07379] I. V. Andreev, V. M. Muravev, N. D. Semenov et al.: Magnetodispersion of Two-Dimensional Plasmon Polaritons
[2112.07412] Vishnu V. Krishnan, Kabir Ramola, Smarajit Karmakar: Annealing effects of multidirectional oscillatory shear in model glass formers
[2112.07417] Jens Kerski, Hendrik Mannel, Pia Lochner et al.: Post-processing of real-time quantum event measurements for an optimal bandwidth
[2112.07418] Mohammad Khorrami, Jaber R. Mianroodi, Bob Svendsen: On the higher-order pseudo-continuum characterization of discrete kinematic results from experimental measurement or discrete simulation
[2112.07432] Andy Knoll, Carsten Timm: Classification of band touchings based on magnetic point groups for spin-1/2 quasiparticles
[2112.07444] Qifang Wan, Zhuocong Xiao, Ahmed Kursumovic et al.: Ferrotronics for the creation of band gaps in Graphene
[2112.07454] Hugo Le Roy, Jake Song, Gareth H. McKinley et al.: Valence can control the non-exponential viscoelastic relaxation of reversible multivalent gels
[2112.07472] R. Seoane Souto, M. Leijnse: Fusion rules in a Majorana single-charge transistor
[2112.07474] Andrea Crovetto, Jesse M. Adamczyk, Rekha R. Schnepf et al.: Boron phosphide films by reactive sputtering: Searching for a p-type transparent conductor
[2112.07481] Taras Hvozd, Yurij V. Kalyuzhnyi, Myroslav Holovko et al.: Behaviour of the model antibody fluid constrained by rigid spherical obstacles. Effects of the obstacle--antibody attraction
[2112.07482] Ya-Ping Li, Liu Yang, Hao-Dong Liu et al.: Phonon-mediated superconductivity in two-dimensional hydrogenated phosphorus carbide: HPC$_{3}$
[2112.07501] M. Wenzel, B. R. Ortiz, S. D. Wilson et al.: Optical investigations of RbV$_3$Sb$_5$: Multiple density-wave gaps and phonon anomalies
[2112.07511] Matthew B. Henry, Mukesh Tumbapo, Benjamin O. Tayo: Identification of DNA Bases Using Nanopores Created in Finite-Size Nanoribbons from Graphene, Phosphorene, and Silicene
[2112.07523] Yongxin Zeng, Fei Xue, Allan H. MacDonald: In-plane magnetic field induced density wave states near quantum spin Hall phase transitions
[2112.07531] Marcel Klett, Philipp Hansmann, Thomas Schäfer: Magnetic properties and pseudogap formation in infinite-layer nickelates: insights from the single-band Hubbard model
[2112.07533] Ianina L. Violi, Luciana P. Martinez, Mariano Barella et al.: Challenges on Optical Printing of Colloidal Nanoparticles
[2112.07559] Maedeh Rassekh, Hernán Santos, Andrea Latge et al.: Charge-spin interconversion in graphene-based systems from density functional theory
[2112.07592] Brice Saint-Michel, George Petekidis, Valeria Garbin: Tuning local microstructure of colloidal gels byultrasound-activated deformable inclusions
[2112.07604] Matthias Pickem, Emanuele Maggio, Jan M. Tomczak: Prototypical many-body signatures in transport properties of semiconductors
[2112.07629] J.E. Prieto, E.M. Trapero, P. Prieto et al.: RBS/Channeling characterization of Ru(0001) and thin epitaxial Ru/Al$_2$O$_3$(0001) films
[2112.07654] E. Tirrito, M. Lewenstein, A. Bermudez: Topological chiral currents in the Gross-Neveu model extention
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