Star Wars Prequel EU Quiz

A fantastical depiction of a lightsaber duel between Jedi and Sith in a Galactic setting, with iconic Star Wars characters in the background, featuring vibrant colors and a sci-fi atmosphere.

Star Wars Prequel EU Challenge

Are you a true Star Wars fan? Put your knowledge of the Prequel Era and Expanded Universe to the test with our engaging quiz!

Discover how well you know the intricacies of the Star Wars saga. This quiz covers essential topics such as:

  • Jedi Masters and their teachings
  • Key battles and events
  • The mysteries of the Sith
14 Questions4 MinutesCreated by WanderingForce123
Episode 1: Obi Wan Kenobi's master was...
Qui Gon Jinn
Mace Windu
Anakin Skywalker
Episode 1: Jar Jar Bink's race was...
Tuskin Raider
Episode 1: Darth Maul was...
Right Handed
Left Handed
Episode 1: Who is the head of the Jedi Council
Ki Adi Mundi
Mace Windu
Plo Koon
Eeth Koth
Saesee Tiin
Kit Fisto
Adi Gallia
Shaak Ti
Episode 1: All Jedi on the Council are Masters, only one Knight was allowed, who was it?
Eeth Koth
Mace Windu
Ki Adi Mundi
Kit Fisto
Plo Koon
Shaak Ti
Episode 1: Who trained Qui Gon Jinn?
Count Dooku
Mace Windu
Episode 1: Mace Windu created which Lightsaber Form?
Form 1
Form 2
Form 3
Form 4
Form 5
Form 6
Form 7
Episode 1: Qui Gon was concidered to be given a seat on the Councel, but the Councel declined, do to...
Qui Gon's irattional thinking
Qui Gon was rude to the Council
Qui Gon was suspected to be a sith
Episode 1: Maul killed Qui Gon because he practiced Form 4. Form 4 is mostly used for...
1 on 1 combat
Fighting multiple foes
Episode 2: Who supposably commissioned the Clone army?
Mace Windu
Qui Gon Jinn
Sifo Dyas
Plo Koon
Adi Gallia
Episode 2: Dooku asked Jango Fett to be the host of the Clones. He asked Jango Fett because...
Dooku had duelled Jango in the Mandalorian Wars
Dooku was a bounty of Jango's in the past
Episode 2: During the battle of Geonosis, which Jedi managed to get close enought to Dooku, only to be killed by Jango Fett?
Ki Adi Mundi
Mace Windu
Coleman Trebor
Plo Koon
Kit Fisto
Shaak Ti
Saessee Tiin
Episode 2: Before Anakin, which famous Jedi betrayed the order?
Ki Adi Mundi
Plo Koon
Saesee Tiin
Quinlan Vos
Eeth Koth
Kit Fisto
Obi Wan Kenobi
Shaak Ti
Episode 2: When Anakin failed to save his mother, he took his anger out on the Raiders, slaughtering them all. Who used the force to try and stop Anakin?
Qui Gon Jinn
Mace Windu
Obi Wan
{"name":"Star Wars Prequel EU Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Are you a true Star Wars fan? Put your knowledge of the Prequel Era and Expanded Universe to the test with our engaging quiz!Discover how well you know the intricacies of the Star Wars saga. This quiz covers essential topics such as:Jedi Masters and their teachingsKey battles and eventsThe mysteries of the Sith","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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