Star Wars Expanded Universe Quiz

A vibrant, detailed scene featuring iconic Star Wars elements such as lightsabers, starships, and the Death Star, with a vast galaxy background filled with stars and planets.

Star Wars Expanded Universe Challenge

Test your knowledge of the Star Wars Expanded Universe with this interactive quiz! Discover how well you know the lore, characters, and events that shaped the galaxy far, far away.

  • 30 challenging questions
  • Covering various aspects of the Expanded Universe
  • Perfect for fans of all ages
50 Questions12 MinutesCreated by DuelingWookiee27
What is the Phase One armor color for a clone trooper lieutenant?
What was the original name of General Grievous?
Ronderu lij Kummar
Karabbac nai Kubal
Qymaen jai Sheelal
The Hero with no Fear refers to whom?
Han Solo
Luke Skywalker
Anakin Skywalker
The planet Ossus was located where?
The Tion Cluster
The Cron Cluster/Drift
The Core Worlds
Venator-class Star Destroyers were used by which Clone Wars faction?
The Confederacy of Independent Systems
The Galactic Republic
The Shadow Collective
Darth Malgus fought in which conflict?
The Great Sith War
The Dark Wars
The Great Galactic War
B1 Battle Droids were produced by which corporation?
Baktoid Combat Automata
The Trade Federation
Huppla Pasa Tisc
Where did Asajj Ventress set a trap for Anakin Skywalker?
Yavin IV
Bast Castle was located on which world?
The 501st Legion was known by which name during the Galactic Civil War?
Vader's Fist
Vader's Legion
The Tarkin Legion
Obi-wan Kenobi commanded which army during the Clone Wars?
Systems Army Alpha
The Ninth Systems Army
The Third Systems Army
Grand Moff Tarkin was in charge of which part of the galaxy?
The Expansion Region
Oversector Outer
Hutt Space
The Super Star Destroyer Reaper belonged to which Imperial Remnant faction?
The Crimson Empire
The Pentastar Alignment
The Empire of the Hand
Which famous New Republic hero was killed on Sernpidal?
Leia Organa
Han Solo
Zonama Sekot became the adopted homeworld of which extragalactic species?
The Yuuzhan Vong
The Tofs
The Nagai
Which Core World sat at the crossroads of the Perlimian Route and the Hydian Way?
Brentaal IV
How many Alsakan Conflicts were there?
Which future Sith were once heroes of the Mandalorian Wars?
Revan and Milak
Naga Sadow and Ludo Kressh
Hego Damask and Palpatine
Which of these planets was considered a wound in the Force?
Malachor V
Which planet housed the CIS Shadowfeed during the Clone Wars?
Raxus Prime
Castell was the homeworld of which race?
The Gossams
The Castellans
The Neimoidians
The Sand People were also known by what other name?
Tusken Raiders
What superweapon was located in the Corellia System?
The Star Forge
Centerpoint Station
The Galaxy Gun
What Sith technique was used by Lord Kaan during the Seventh Battle of Ruusan?
Thought Bomb
Force Genocide
Force Necromancy
Who was the Sith apprentice of Darth Bane?
Darth Teneborous
Darth Ruin
Darth Zannah
Which Sith was the Lord of Hunger?
Darth Nihilus
Darth Malak
Darth Traya
Which Jedi led the Seventh Battle of Ruusan?
Lord Hoth
Lord Yoda
Lord Shan
Who was the head of the Jedi Council during the Clone Wars?
Mace Windu
Of what species was Durge?
Which of the following was a Neimoidian Purse World?
Kanu Neimoidia
Koru Neimoidia
Renu Neimoidia
Aside from Cloud City, which of these was a city on Bespin?
Which Clone Wars battle lasted the entirety of the first year of the war?
The Battle of Ryloth
The Battle of Atraken
The First Battle of Geonosis
Which Wookiee city housed the Claatuvac Guild?
How many clone troopers were deployed to the First Battle of Geonosis?
"Rule by fear of force rather than through force itself" is the core philosophy of which Imperial doctrine?
The Tarkin Doctrine
The Sith Doctrine
The Doctrine of Palpatine
What did Grand Admrial Thrawn call his rebuilt Empire?
The Empire of the Hand
The Empire Reborn
The New Galactic Empire
What was the Sith name of A'Sharad Hett?
Darth Tyranus
Darth Ruin
Darth Krayt
What was Darth Sidious's secret throne world?
What was the title of Darth Sion?
The Lord of Betrayal
The Lord of Hunger
The Lord of Pain
Who was the Sith master of Darth Plageuis?
Darth Bane
Darth Teneborous
Darth Sidious
What major corporate faction controlled Felucia during the Clone Wars?
The Commerce Guild
The Trade Federation
The Corporate Alliance
What was the capital of the Sith Empire before the Great Hyperspace War?
What was another name for the watery world of Lehon?
Rakata Prime
Mon Calamari
In what battle was General Grievous revealed to the Republic?
The Battle of Hypori
The First Battle of Geonosis
The Battle of Abregado
The Providence-class destroyers Colicoid Swarm and Lucid Voice were made to resemble which modified capital ship?
The Invisible Hand
The Saak'ak
The Malevolence
Carness Muur created what Dark Side artifact?
The Muur Crystal
The Force Harvester
The Muur Talisman
What was the original Jedi homeworld?
What was the only hyperroute to cross the entire galaxy?
The Correllian Run
The Hydian Way
The Rimma Trade Route
The Perlimian Route connected Coruscant to what Outer Rim region?
The Cron Cluster/Drift
The Tion Cluster
Hutt Space
What was the disguise of Darth Plageuis?
Cosigna Palpatine
{"name":"Star Wars Expanded Universe Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge of the Star Wars Expanded Universe with this interactive quiz! Discover how well you know the lore, characters, and events that shaped the galaxy far, far away.30 challenging questionsCovering various aspects of the Expanded UniversePerfect for fans of all ages","img":"https:/images/course8.png"}
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