Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 1 Jul 20
[2006.16249] Alexander C. Jenkins, Mairi Sakellariadou: Primordial black holes from cusp collapse on cosmic strings
[2006.16257] Luca Matrà, William R. F. Dent, David J. Wilner et al.: Dust Populations in the Iconic Vega Planetary System Resolved by ALMA
[2006.16258] Gregory M. Green, Hans-Walter Rix, Leon Tschesche et al.: Data-Driven Stellar Models
[2006.16259] Alice Zurlo, Lucas A. Cieza, Sebastián Pérez et al.: The Ophiuchus DIsc Survey Employing ALMA (ODISEA). II. The effect of stellar multiplicity on disc properties
[2006.16261] Jon K. Zink, Kevin K. Hardegree-Ullman, Jessie L. Christiansen et al.: Scaling K2. III. Comparable Planet Occurrence in the FGK Samples of Campaign 5 and Kepler
[2006.16262] Anupam Bhardwaj: High-precision distance measurements with classical pulsating stars
[2006.16263] Jenny Wagner, Xinzhong Er: Plasma lensing in comparison to gravitational lensing -- Formalism and degeneracies
[2006.16264] Mauro Sereno, Stefano Ettori, Giorgio F. Lesci et al.: CoMaLit -- VI. Intrinsic scatter in stacked relations. The weak lensing AMICO galaxy clusters in KiDS-DR3
[2006.16266] Janosz W. Dewberry, Henrik N. Latter, Gordon I. Ogilvie et al.: HFQPOs and discoseismic mode excitation in eccentric, relativistic discs. II. Magnetohydrodynamic simulations
[2006.16268] Masafusa Onoue, Eduardo Bañados, Chiara Mazzucchelli et al.: No Redshift Evolution in the Broad Line Region Metallicity up to z=7.54: Deep NIR Spectroscopy of ULAS J1342+0928
[2006.16272] Nathaniel Starkman, Jagjit Sidhu, Harrison Winch et al.: Straight Lightning as a Signature of Macroscopic Dark Matter
[2006.16280] Alexa Villaume, Daniel Foreman-Mackey, Aaron J. Romanowsky et al.: The Assembly History of M87 Through Radial Variations in Chemical Abundances of its Field Star And Globular Cluster Populations
[2006.16283] Helmer H. Koppelman, Amina Helmi: Determination of the escape velocity using a proper motion selected halo sample
[2006.16287] Leticia V. Ferrero, Cristina E. Cappa, Hugo P. Saldaño et al.: Multifrequency study of HH 137 and HH 138: Discovering new knots and molecular outflows with Gemini and APEX
[2006.16291] Eleonora Di Valentino, Eric V. Linder, Alessandro Melchiorri: $H_0$ Ex Machina: Vacuum Metamorphosis and Beyond $H_0$
[2006.16296] Hung Tan, Jacquelyn Noronha-Hostler, Nico Yunes: Kinky neutron stars in light of GW190814
[2006.16298] M. G. Aartsen, R. Abbasi, M. Ackermann et al.: Measurements of the Time-Dependent Cosmic-Ray Sun Shadow with Seven Years of IceCube Data -- Comparison with the Solar Cycle and Magnetic Field Models
[2006.16300] Ravindra Pawase, K. Sasikumar Raja: pyCallisto: A Python Library To Process The CALLISTO Spectrometer Data
[2006.16307] Cressida Cleland, Sean McGee: The environmental dependence of rapidly-quenching and rejuvenating galaxies
[2006.16314] Bhawna Motwani, Shy Genel, Greg L. Bryan et al.: First results from SMAUG: Insights into star formation conditions from spatially-resolved ISM properties in TNG50
[2006.16315] Chang-Goo Kim, Eve C. Ostriker, Rachel S. Somerville et al.: First results from SMAUG: Characterization of Multiphase Galactic Outflows from a Suite of Local Star-Forming Galactic Disk Simulations
[2006.16316] Drummond B. Fielding, Stephanie Tonnesen, Daniel DeFelippis et al.: First results from SMAUG: Uncovering the Origin of the Multiphase Circumgalactic Medium with a Comparative Analysis of Idealized ...
[2006.16317] Viraj Pandya, Rachel S. Somerville, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar et al.: First results from SMAUG: The need for preventative stellar feedback and improved baryon cycling in semi-analytic models of galaxy ...
[2006.16329] A. Maniyar, M. Béthermin, G. Lagache: A simple halo model formalism for the cosmic infrared background and its correlation with the thermal Sunyaev Zel'dovich effect
[2006.16342] Edmund Hodges-Kluck, Elena Gallo, Anil Seth et al.: Nuclear X-ray Activity in Low-Surface-Brightness Galaxies: Prospects for Constraining the Local Black Hole Occupation Fraction with a Chandra Suc...
[2006.16355] G. Cordoni, A. P. Milone, A. F. Marino et al.: Gaia and Hubble unveil the kinematics of stellar populations in the Type II globular clusters ω Centauri and M 22
[2006.16372] S. V. Jeffers, S. Dreizler, J. R. Barnes et al.: A multiple planet system of super-Earths orbiting the brightest red dwarf star GJ887
[2006.16390] Simon Blouin, Nathaniel R. Shaffer, Didier Saumon et al.: New Conductive Opacities for White Dwarf Envelopes
[2006.16408] Arya Farahi, Daisuke Nagai, Yang Chen: PoPE: A population-based approach to model spatial structure of astronomical systems
[2006.16413] A. Filócomo, G. J. Escobar, J. F. Albacete Colombo et al.: T Tauri stars as $γ$-ray source in the Rho Ophiuchi region
[2006.16443] W. L. Lin, X. F. Wang, W. X. Li et al.: SN 2018hti: A Nearby Superluminous Supernova Discovered in a Metal-poor Galaxy
[2006.16458] Y. Tsukamoto, M. N. Machida, H. Susa et al.: Early evolution of disk, outflow, and magnetic field of young stellar objects: Impact of dust model
[2006.16475] Liang Liu, Shengbang Qian, Kai Li et al.: The contact binary V344 Lacertae: is it a triple system?
[2006.16480] Bruce Grossan: Periodic Windowed Behavior in SGR1935+2154 SGR Bursts
[2006.16490] Claire E. Murray, J. E. G. Peek, Chang-Goo Kim: Extracting the cold neutral medium from HI emission with deep learning: Implications for Galactic foregrounds at high latitude
[2006.16494] Akihiro Suzuki, Takashi J. Moriya, Tomoya Takiwaki: A systematic study on the rise time-peak luminosity relation for bright optical transients powered by wind shock breakout
[2006.16502] Hao Qiu, Ryan M. Shannon, Wael Farah et al.: A population analysis of pulse broadening in ASKAP Fast Radio Bursts
[2006.16555] V.V. Bobylev, A. T. Bajkova: Analysis of Close Stellar Encounters with the Solar System
[2006.16560] Long Wang, Masaki Iwasawa, Keigo Nitadori et al.: PeTar: a high-performance N-body code for modeling massive collisional stellar systems
[2006.16563] Joonas Herranen, A. Lazarian: Alignment of irregular grains by radiative torques: efficiency study
[2006.16584] Anton T. Jaelani, Cristian E. Rusu, Issha Kayo et al.: Survey of Gravitationally lensed Objects in HSC Imaging (SuGOHI) -- VII. Discovery and Confirmation of Three Strongly Lensed Quasars
[2006.16598] E. I. Vorobyov, V. G. Elbakyan, K. Omukai et al.: Accretion bursts in low-metallicity protostellar disks
[2006.16608] D. Baroch, J. C. Morales, I. Ribas et al.: The CARMENES search for exoplanets around M dwarfs: Convective shift and starspot constraints from chromatic radial velocities
[2006.16609] N. Nardetto, A. Salsi, D. Mourard et al.: Calibrating the surface brightness - color relation for late-type red giants stars in the visible domain using VEGA/CHARA interferometric observations
[2006.16610] Marcella Marconi, Giulia De Somma, Vincenzo Ripepi et al.: Predicted masses of Galactic Cepheids in the Gaia Data Release 2
[2006.16635] Andrew Panteli: Dark matter neutrinos: A proposed mechanism for the stellar rotational velocity curve of the Milky Way
[2006.16650] A. Petralia, E. Alei, G. Aresu et al.: A systematic study of \ce{CO2} planetary atmospheres and their link to the stellar environment
[2006.16692] Xue Zhang, Qing-Guo Huang: The Hubble constant and sound horizon from the late-time Universe
[2006.16695] Diego F. Torres, Shuang-Nan Zhang: Introducing a special collection of papers in the Journal of High Energy Astrophysics on the Early Results of China's 1st X-ray Astronomy Satellite: Insight-HXMT
[2006.16700] Jana Bogdanoska, Denis Burgarella: UV dust attenuation as a function of stellar mass and its evolution with redshift
[2006.16706] Alejandra Aguirre-Santaella, Viviana Gammaldi, Miguel A. Sánchez-Conde et al.: Cherenkov Telescope Array sensitivity to branon dark matter models
[2006.16734] Jason T. Wright: Dyson Spheres
[2006.16738] Chih-Teng Ling, Tetsuya Hashimoto, Tomotsugu Goto et al.: What determines the maximum stellar surface density of galaxies?
[2006.16746] Rahul Bandyopadhyay, Ramkrishna Das, Soumen Mondal et al.: Morphology and ionization characteristics of planetary nebulae PB 1 and PC 19
[2006.16828] Yuxiang Qin, Vivian Poulin, Andrei Mesinger et al.: Reionization inference from the CMB optical depth and E-mode polarization power spectra
[2006.16838] Antonino Del Popolo, Maksym Deliyergiyev, Morgan Le Delliou et al.: Can Pulsars in the inner parsecs from Galactic Centre probe the existence of Dark Matter?
[2006.16906] Chris H. Lee, Edmund Hodges-Kluck, Elena Gallo: Ultraviolet and X-ray Properties of Coma's Ultra-Diffuse Galaxies
[2006.16927] Hans W. Wilschut: Frequency shifts of head echos in meteoroid trail formation
[2006.16951] Kyle E Conroy, Angela Kochoska, Daniel Hey et al.: Physics of Eclipsing Binaries. V. General Framework for Solving the Inverse Problem
[2006.16970] M. L. Lister, D. C. Homan, Y. Y. Kovalev et al.: TXS 0128+554: A Young Gamma-Ray Emitting AGN With Episodic Jet Activity
[2006.16975] Yoann Génolini, Pasquale Serpico, Peter Tinyakov: Revisiting primordial black holes capture into neutron stars
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