How was your Ol Pejeta Experience

Did you engage in any Ol Pejeta conservation activities?
What hindered you from participating in any activity?
I did not have enough time
Not in my budget
I did not know about them
None of the activities was interesting
How can we improve your experience at Ol Pejeta?
The Online Ol Pejeta Membership is designed to involve all those who would wish to support our conservation efforts but are too far away (or do not have the time) to visit us. 
Would you consider being an online Ol Pejeta Member? 
The Virtual Ultra Marathon is an Ol Pejeta app for people who love to run or cycle and would like use that love for running and cycling to raise funds for conservation from anywhere around the world.
Would you be interested in participating in the Virtual Ultra Marathon? 
Would you be interested in coming to Ol Pejeta for a Music Festival with your friends?
What is your email address?
(Giving us your email address helps us associate your feedback with you).
{"name":"How was your Ol Pejeta Experience", "url":"","txt":"Did you engage in any Ol Pejeta conservation activities?, Which activity did you enjoy the most?, What hindered you from participating in any activity?","img":""}
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