Water safety

If your at the beach and someone got bitten by a blue ringed octopus what would you do
Laugh your head off
Tell a life guard and call triple zero
Just leave them
If you have a backyard pool do you
Close the gate fully
Close it half way
Dont close it at all
Which one of these is not safe to swim in
Flood water
If you see someone doing gymnastics near the pool do you
Push them in
Tell them they cant do gymnastics around the pool
Tell them to go closer to the pool so they fall in
If someone has just left a bubbler on what do you do
Turn it off and go and tell them they need to turn it off when they are done
Go up to them and yell in there face
Tell the teacher they didnt turn the tap off
If there are sea creatures near the rock pools do you
Poke them
Leave them alone
Scream at the top of your lungs theres a sea creature
Which one of these is safe to swim in
Flood waters
Fast moving water
If you see fast moving water what do you do
Jump in and float away
Go tell a adult
See if someone is there and go push them in
If you see someone in trouble that the pool what do you do
Raise the alarm
Go in and try save them yourself
Pretend you didnt see them
When your at home and your younger brothere or sister jumps in the pool and htye are drowning would you
Go tell you parents and gte them to help them out
Take a photo and put it on facebook
Laugh and go back to what you were doing
If you are at the pool and your going to dive where would you dive
The shallow end
The little kids pool
The deep end
How many people die a year in australian waterways
{"name":"Water safety", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"If your at the beach and someone got bitten by a blue ringed octopus what would you do, If you have a backyard pool do you, Which one of these is not safe to swim in","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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