Resolution Quiz

A detailed illustration of a technician solving technical issues, surrounded by network equipment, with visual icons representing connectivity, troubleshooting, and customer support.

Resolution Quiz

Test your troubleshooting skills with our comprehensive Resolution Quiz! This quiz covers various scenarios related to technical support and issue resolution, helping you to assess your expertise in the field.

  • 10 challenging questions
  • Real-world scenarios
  • Improve your problem-solving abilities
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by FixingWizard427
 Emri Juaj
Kur gjendeni perballe nje ankese per shkeputje, me sinjal optimal, dhe pa shkeputje ne verbose, si veproni, cfare verifikimesh kryeni ?
Kontakton klienti, ankohet se ka los te kuq dhe ne U2000 shfaqet offline due to power failure, si veproni ?
Ankese me user pppoe te paloguar, cfare investigimesh kryhen ?
Kerkese per ndryshim password wifi, modemi shfaqet pa IP ne CRM, por nga dritat kuptohet qe eshte ne status online, a mund te kryhet ndryshimi ? Jepni dhe arsyet per secilen pergjigje.
Klienti nuk gjeneron trafik, ka sinjal optimal dhe nuk ka fisha lan te lidhura , cfare investigimi kryhet, dhe cfare troubleshoot ( te dy rastet, coax dhe FO) ?
Klienti ankohet per ping te larte , cfare investigimesh/pyetjesh kryeni me klientin ?
Ankese per telefonin fiks , ben thirrje dalese por nuk merr thirrje hyrese, ku mund te qendroje problemi ?
Klienti ka blackscreen me baner, cilat jane hapat e verifikimit/troubleshoots deri ne zgjidhje ? ( shpjegoni hap pas hapi)
Imagjinoni , ju ndodheni ne siperfaqen e tokes, ecni 1 km drejt veriut, 1 km drejt lindjes dhe 1 km drejt jugut. Perfundoni ne piken ku u niset. Ku ndodheni ?( adrese gjeografike)
{"name":"Resolution Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Test your troubleshooting skills with our comprehensive Resolution Quiz! This quiz covers various scenarios related to technical support and issue resolution, helping you to assess your expertise in the field.10 challenging questionsReal-world scenariosImprove your problem-solving abilities","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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