
What is peat made up of?
85% water and 15% sand
A mixture of plastics and plant matter
Partially-decomposed plants
None of the above.
Peat is more carbon-dense than other soils.
True, it traps the carbon from decomposed plants
False, peat naturally releases all of its carbon as it forms
Tropical Peat is a type of soil, which parent material is from?
Lime stone
Clay stone
What happens to the carbon in peat soil when the soil is disturbed?
The carbon is released into the atmosphere, contributing to climate change
It contracts, pulling the carbon deeper into the ground
It converts the carbon into beneficial nutrients like nitrogen
All of the above
How much of the world’s trapped carbon is trapped in peatlands?
Three percent
Close to ninety-five percent
Less than 1 percent
What are peatlands being destroyed to make? (Choose all correct answers)
Rice projects
Oil palm plantations
Panda bear sanctuaries
Timber plantations
Endangered animal sanctuaries
None of the above
Some ecosystem functions of natural tropical peat swamp forest include: (Choose all correct answers)
Regulates water, storing water in dry season, and distribute excess water in rainy seasons
Sequestering carbon from the atmosphere
A land for oil palm plantations
A land for industrial plantations
Providing indigenous products
One of the largest existing uses of tropical peatlands in Indonesia is ___.
Agriculture of oil palm
Peatlands are a type of wetland which are critical for preventing and mitigating the effects of climate change, preserving biodiversity, minimising flood risk, and ensuring safe drinking water.
The world's largest tropical peatland is located in __.
The Americas
{"name":"Peatlands", "url":"","txt":"What is peat made up of?, Peat is more carbon-dense than other soils., Tropical Peat is a type of soil, which parent material is from?","img":""}
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