Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 15 Dec 20
[2012.06589] Henry Shackleton, Alexander Wietek, Antoine Georges et al.: Quantum phase transition at non-zero doping in a random $t$-$J$ model
[2012.06614] Chen-En Tsai, James Hung, Youxin Hu et al.: Improving fretting corrosion resistance of CoCrMo alloy with TiSiN and ZrN coatings for orthopedic applications
[2012.06622] Mohammad H. Zhoolideh Haghighi, Sohrab Rahvar, M Reza Rahimi Tabar: Phase transition in Modified Newtonian Dynamics (MONDian) self-gravitating systems
[2012.06624] Nadina Gheorghiu, Charles R. Ebbing, Timothy J. Haugan: Boron Content and the Superconducting Critical Temperature of Carbon-Based Materials
[2012.06625] Christoph Feinauer, Carlo Lucibello: Reconstruction of Pairwise Interactions using Energy-Based Models
[2012.06630] Maciej Fidrysiak, Józef Spałek: Universal collective modes from strong correlations: Modified $1/\mathcal{N}_f$ theory with application to high-$T_c$ cuprates
[2012.06640] Yuanjie Chen, Shaoyun Huang, Dong Pan et al.: Strong and tunable spin-orbit interaction in a single crystalline InSb nanosheet
[2012.06693] Xiaodong Zhou, Wanxiang Feng, Xiuxian Yang et al.: Electrically Controllable Crystal Chirality Magneto-Optical Effects in Collinear Antiferromagnets
[2012.06696] Zubia Hasan, Michal J. Winiarski, Kathryn E. Arpino et al.: Strong Magnetic Interactions and Short Range Magnetic Correlations in CuTeO4
[2012.06726] Srikanth Sastry: Models for the yielding behaviour of amorphous solids
[2012.06741] Alexey Kozharin, Pavel Levashov: Thermodynamic Coefficients of Ideal Fermi-gas
[2012.06752] Gang Chen: Dilemma in strongly correlated materials: Hund's metal vs relativistic Mott insulator
[2012.06778] Leonid Litinskii, Boris Kryzhanovsky: Inverse problem for Ising connection matrix with long-range interaction
[2012.06787] Inna Kaganowa, Boris Kryzhanovsky, Leonid Litinskii: n-vicinity method for Ising Model with long-range interaction
[2012.06812] Bogdan Guster, Miguel Pruneda, Pablo Ordejón et al.: Electron-hole response function of transition metal trichalcogenides NbSe$_3$ and monoclinic-TaS$_3$
[2012.06820] Alexander Jurisch: Lagrangian dynamics in inhomogeneous and thermal environments, An application of the Onsager-Machlup theory I
[2012.06823] C. Banerjee, K. Rode, G. Atcheson et al.: Ultra-fast Double Pulse All-Optical Re-switching of a Ferrimagnet
[2012.06837] Ali Frotanpour, Justin Woods, Barry Farmer et al.: Magnetization Dynamics of Fibonacci-Distorted Kagome Artificial Spin Ice
[2012.06868] A. Almoalem, I. Silber, S. Sandik et al.: Link between superconductivity and a Lifshitz transition in intercalated Bi$_2$Se$_3$
[2012.06886] G. Fedorovich, D. Kornovan, M. Petrov: Disorder in two-level atom array chirally coupled via waveguiding mode
[2012.06892] Róbert Németh, Zoltán Kaufmann, József Cserti: Current distribution in magnetically confined 2DEG: semiclassical and quantum mechanical treatment
[2012.06933] Xingchi Mu, Jian Zhou: Pure Bulk Orbital and Spin Photocurrent in Two-Dimensional Ferroelectric Materials
[2012.06935] Yuya Kurebayashi, Hiroki Oshiyama, Naokazu Shibata: Ground-state phase diagram of the one-dimensional $t$-$J_s$-$J_τ$ model at quarter filling
[2012.06944] T. A. Sobral, V. H. de Holanda, F. C. B. Leal et al.: Deformation of loops in 2D packing of flexible rods
[2012.06950] Kerem Y. Camsari, Mustafa Mert Torunbalci, William A. Borders et al.: Double Free-Layer Magnetic Tunnel Junctions for Probabilistic Bits
[2012.06955] Y. Rajesh, M.S.S. Bharati, S. Venugopal Rao et al.: ZnO Nanowire Arrays Decorated with Titanium Nitride Nanoparticles as Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates
[2012.06962] Jia Meng, Jae Bem You, Gilmar F. Arends et al.: Microfluidic device coupled with total internal reflection microscopy for in situ observation of precipitation
[2012.06996] M. Ünzelmann, H. Bentmann, T. Figgemeier et al.: Momentum-space signatures of Berry flux monopoles in a Weyl semimetal
[2012.07001] Xianqi Tong, Yeming Meng, Xunda Jiang et al.: Dynamics of a quantum phase transition in the Aubry-André-Harper model with $p$-wave superconductivity
[2012.07010] Kacper Koteras, Jakub Gawraczynski, Mariana Derzsi et al.: Lattice dynamics of KAgF3 perovskite, unique 1D antiferromagnet
[2012.07020] Daniel Steffensen, Andreas Kreisel, P. J. Hirschfeld et al.: Inter-orbital nematicity and the origin of a single electron Fermi pocket in FeSe
[2012.07025] Matteo Salvato, Mattia Scagliotti, Maurizio De Crescenzi et al.: Stoichiometric Bi2Se3 Topological Insulator Ultra-Thin Films Obtained Through a New Fabrication Process for Optoelectronic App...
[2012.07036] Daniel Hexner: Training nonlinear elastic functions: nonmonotonic, sequence dependent and bifurcating
[2012.07040] G.Violano, A.Papangelo, M.Ciavarella: Stickiness of randomly rough surfaces with high fractal dimension: is there a fractal limit?
[2012.07041] Dawei Zhai, Wang Yao: Layer pseudospin dynamics and genuine non-Abelian Berry phase in inhomogeneously strained moiré pattern
[2012.07053] Yoonsang Park, Hossein Daneshpajooh, Timo Scholehwar et al.: Physical Parameter and Loss Determination of Piezoceramics Using Partial Electrode: k31 and k33 Mode Cases
[2012.07057] Iain Muntz, Job H. J. Thijssen: Interfacial Shear Rheology without an Interfacial Geometry
[2012.07070] Y. Avni, S. Komura, D. Andelman: Brownian motion of a charged colloid in restricted confinement
[2012.07087] Jose Martin, Raul Martinez, Lachlan C. Alexander et al.: Characterization of MIPS in a suspension of repulsive Active Brownian Particles through dynamical features
[2012.07093] Burkhard Militzer, Felipe Gonzalez-Cataldo, Shuai Zhang et al.: First-Principles Equation of State Database for Warm Dense Matter Computation
[2012.07103] S. S. Kubakaddi: Giant thermopower and power factor in twisted bilayer graphene at low temperature
[2012.07111] Andrew T. R. Christy, Halim Kusumaatmaja, Mark A. Miller: Control of superselectivity by crowding in three-dimensional hosts
[2012.07114] Y.M. Beltukov, V.I. Kozub, A.V. Shumilin et al.: Tunneling magnetoresistance in ensembles of ferromagnetic granules with exchange interaction and random easy axes of magnetic anisotropy
[2012.07125] Roman Ya. Kezerashvili, Anastasia Spiridonova: Magnetoexcitons in transition-metal dichalcogenides monolayers, bilayers, and van der Waals heterostructures
[2012.07132] Javier Cerrillo, Max Hays, Valla Fatemi et al.: Spin Coherent Manipulation in Josephson Weak Links
[2012.07191] Neha Wadehra, Ruchi Tomar, Yuichi Yokoyama et al.: Light-enhanced gating effect at the interface of oxide heterostructure
[2012.07194] Riccardo Alessandri, Fabian Grünewald, Siewert J. Marrink: The Martini Model in Materials Science
[2012.07201] A. Watanabe, T. Nishikawa, H. Kato et al.: Shallow NV centers augmented by exploiting n-type diamond
[2012.07210] Numan Yanar, Hosik Park, Moon Son et al.: Efficacy of Electrically-Polarized 3D Printed Graphene-blended Spacers on the Flux Enhancement and Scaling Resistance of Water Filtration Membranes
[2012.07215] Kin On Ho, Man Yin Leung, Yiu Yung Pang et al.: In-Situ Studies of Stress Environment in Amorphous Solids Using Negatively Charged Nitrogen Vacancy Centers in Nanodiamond
[2012.07217] Qun Wei, Ying Yang, Alexander Gavrilov et al.: A new 2D auxetic CN2 nanosheet with high energy and strength
[2012.07220] Ying Yang, Guang Yang, Xihong Peng: New stable crystal structures of C and GeC2 predicted from first-principles calculations
[2012.07223] Deepak Dhar, R. Rajesh: Entropy of fully packed hard rigid rods on $d$-dimensional hyper-cubic lattices
[2012.07227] Arian Vezvaee, Girish Sharma, Sophia E. Economou et al.: Driven dynamics of a quantum dot electron spin coupled to a higher-spin nuclear bath
[2012.07255] Ke Xiao, Chen-Xu Wu: Critical condition for electrowetting-induced detachment of a droplet from a curved surface
[2012.07260] Lei Kang, Pifu Gong, Zheshuai Lin et al.: Predicting Berborite as Potential Deep-Ultraviolet Nonlinear Optical Crystal from First Principles
[2012.07263] Nandagopal Manoj, Kevin Slagle, Wilbur Shirley et al.: Screw dislocations in the X-cube fracton model
[2012.07264] Koun Shirai: Interpretation of the apparent activation energy of glass transition
[2012.07281] Mariya Lizunova, Jasper Kager, Stan de Lange et al.: Emergence of oscillons in kink-impurity interactions
[2012.07293] Xuguang Wang, Daiyu Geng, Dayu Yan et al.: Observation of quantum spin Hall states in Ta$_2$Pd$_3$Te$_5$
[2012.07294] Harukuni Ikeda: Testing mean-field theory for jamming of non-spherical particles: Contact number, gap distribution, and vibrational density of states
[2012.07295] A. Chavarría-Sibaja, S. Marín-Sosa, E. Bolaños-Jiménez et al.: Interstellar Amorphous Ice: MgO surface lattice phonons observation
[2012.07366] Mikhail S. Kalenkov, Andrei D. Zaikin: Long-range Josephson effect controlled by temperature gradient and circuit topology
[2012.07374] Yu-Guo Liu, Zhi Li: Quantum phase transition in a non-Hermitian XY spin chain with global complex transverse field
[2012.07378] Constantin Babenko, Frank Göhmann, Karol K. Kozlowski et al.: Exact real-time longitudinal correlation functions of the massive XXZ chain
[2012.07382] Václav Janiš, Antonín Klíč, Jiawei Yan: Antiferromagnetic fluctuations in the one-dimensional Hubbard model
[2012.07405] G. A. Bobkov, I. V. Bobkova, A. M. Bobkov et al.: Thermally induced spin torque and domain wall motion in superconductor/antiferromagnetic insulator bilayers
[2012.07413] Alexander C. Forse, Céline Merlet, Clare P. Grey et al.: NMR studies of adsorption and diffusion in porous carbonaceous materials
[2012.07423] Dhiman Bhowmick, Abhinava Chatterjee, Prasanta K. Panigrahi et al.: Twisted superfluid and supersolid phases of triplons in bilayer honeycomb magnets
[2012.07444] S. De Palo, E. Orignac, M.L. Chiofalo et al.: Polarization angle dependence of the breathing modes in confined one-dimensional dipolar bosons
[2012.07445] Shahid Sattar, J. Andreas Larsson: Tunable Electronic Properties and Large Rashba Splittings Found in Few-Layer Bi$_2$Se$_3$/PtSe$_2$ Van der Waals Heterostructures
[2012.07465] Qianqian Wang, Liemao Cao, Shi-Jun Liang et al.: Unexpected Suppression of Fermi Level Pinning in Metal Contacts to Two-Dimensional Semiconductors MoSi$_2$N$_4$ and WSi$_2$N$_4$
[2012.07466] Julian Reichert, Leon Granz, Thomas Voigtmann: Transport Coefficients in Dense Active Brownian Particle Systems: Mode-Coupling Theory and Simulation Results
[2012.07470] Péter Lajkó, Ferenc Iglói: Mixed-order transition in the antiferromagnetic quantum Ising chain in a field
[2012.07482] Xi Chen, Ke Xiao, Rui Ma et al.: Electrostatics in a crooked nanochannel in a newly developed curvilinear coordinate system
[2012.07486] Sambunath Das, Dayasindhu Dey, Manoranjan Kumar et al.: Quantum phases of a frustrated spin-1 system: the 5/7 skewed ladder
[2012.07488] Marko Znidaric: Absence of superdiffusion in the quasiperiodic spin chain at weak integrability breaking
[2012.07506] Bosiljka Tadic, Neelima Gupte: Hidden geometry and dynamics of complex networks: Spin reversal in nanoassemblies with pairwise and triangle-based interactions
[2012.07523] Yazhou Zhou, Jing Guo, Shu Cai et al.: Universal quantum transition from superconducting to insulating states in pressurized Bi2Sr2CaCu2O8+δ superconductors
[2012.07529] Yuan Yao, Akira Furusaki: Parafermionization, bosonization, and critical parafermionic theories
[2012.07537] J. E. Hirsch: Comment on "Pressure-Induced Superconducting State of Europium Metal at Low Temperatures"
[2012.07547] Qi-Bo Zeng, Rong Lü, Li You: Topological Superconductors in One-Dimensional Mosaic Lattices
[2012.07550] Stephen Derenzo, Edith Bourret, Christiane Frank-Rotsch et al.: How Silicon and Boron Dopants Govern the Cryogenic Scintillation Properties of N-type GaAs
[2012.07559] Josiah Cochran, Giovanni Franco-Rivera, Denghui Zhang et al.: Dual on-chip SQUID measurement protocol for flux detection in large magnetic fields
[2012.07577] Asaf Kay, Barbara Scherrer, Yifat Piekner et al.: Film flip and transfer process to enhance light harvesting in ultrathin absorber films on specular back-reflectors
[2012.07578] Yixuan Zhang, Chen Shen, Teng Long et al.: Thermal conductivity of h-BN monolayers using machine learning interatomic potential
[2012.07582] Clifford M. Krowne, Xianwei Sha: Ab Initio Physics Calculations for Borophene for Electronic Devices
[2012.07583] Baldur Steingrimsson, Xuesong Fan, Anand Kulkarni et al.: Machine Learning and Data Analytics for Design and Manufacturing of High-Entropy Materials Exhibiting Mechanical or Fatigue Propertie...
[2012.07588] I. D. Breev, A. V. Poshakinskiy, V. V. Yakovleva et al.: Stress-controlled zero-field spin splitting in silicon carbide
[2012.07592] A. Huamán, L. E. F. Foa Torres, C. A. Balseiro et al.: Quantum Hall edge states under periodic driving: a Floquet induced chirality switch
[2012.07594] Corrado Carlo Maria Capriata, Sheng Jiang, Mykola Dvornik et al.: Frequency Stability of Spin-Hall Nano-Oscillators with Realistic Grain Structure
[2012.07605] Chun-Chia Chen, Rodrigo González Escudero, Jiří Minář et al.: An ultracold Bose-Einstein condensate in steady state
[2012.07611] JingJun Zhu, Xi Chen: Fast-forward scaling of atom-molecule conversion in Bose-Einstein condensates
[2012.07633] Andrés G. Jirón Vicente, Luis B. Castro, Angel E. Obispo et al.: Remarks on thermodynamic properties of a double ring-shaped quantum dot at low and high temperatures
[2012.07636] G Sitja: Statistics modification under coalescence
[2012.07642] Daniel Erben, Alexander Steinhoff, Michael Lorke et al.: Optical nonlinearities in the excited carrier density of atomically thin transition metal dichalcogenides
[2012.07663] David C. Johnston: Thermodynamic Properties of the Spin S = 1/2 Fermi Gas
[2012.07666] I. A. Ado, O. Tchernyshyov, M. Titov: Non-collinear ground state from a four-spin chiral exchange in a tetrahedral magnet
[2012.07672] Bin Yan, Vladimir Y. Chernyak, Wojciech H. Zurek et al.: Nonadiabatic Phase Transition with Broken Chiral Symmetry
[2012.07674] Rafael Haenel, Paul Froese, Dirk Manske et al.: Time-resolved optical conductivity and Higgs oscillations in two-band dirty superconductors
[2012.07693] Andrey Polyakov, Katayoon Mohseni, Roberto Felici et al.: Fermi surface chirality induced in a TaSe$_{2}$ monosheet formed by a Ta/ Bi$_{2}$Se$_{3}$ interface reaction
[2012.07700] Rajat Pratap Singh Parihar, Dhiwakar V. Mani, Anuradha Banerjee et al.: Role of spatial patterns in fracture of disordered multiphase materials
[2012.07715] Rishi Maiti, Md Abid Shahriar Rahman Saadi, Rubab Amin et al.: Strain Induced Modulation of Local Transport of 2D Materials at the Nanoscale
[2012.07770] Paul C. Bressloff: Construction of stochastic hybrid path integrals using "quantum-mechanical'' operators
[2012.07776] Rebecca W. Smaha, Idris Boukahil, Charles J. Titus et al.: Site-Specific Structure at Multiple Length Scales in Kagome Quantum Spin Liquid Candidates
[2012.07779] Guido Violano, Antoine Chateauminois, Luciano Afferrante: Rate-dependent adhesion of viscoelastic contacts. Part I: contact area and contact line velocity within model multi-asperity contacts wit...
[2012.07795] João P. K. Abal, Marcia C. Barbosa: Water permeability in nanopores: when size, shape, and charge matter
[2012.07799] Guido Violano, Antoine Chateauminois, Luciano Afferrante: Rate-dependent adhesion of viscoelastic contacts. Part II: numerical model and hysteresis dissipation
[2012.07806] Zihao Qi, Eric Bobrow, Yi Li: Robust Flat Bands with Tunable Energies in Honeycomb Superlattices
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 15 Dec 20","img":""}
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