Is Inbound Marketing Right for Your Business?

Does your business have a website?
Yes, and we’re happy with it
Yes, but it’s rather sad and neglected
No, not yet
How much time do potential customers take to make the decision to buy from you
At least a month, if not longer
Several days to a few weeks
A few minutes or hours
How much research do potential customers do before they buy from you?
Lots – they read documents, reviews and specs
Some – they look for information online
Not much, it’s a spur of the moment purchase
Do potential customers ask other people about your business?
Yes, they ask their colleagues and their network for recommendations
Yes, they ask one of two people
No, they rely on their gut feel
Who are your ideal customers?
A very specific group of people in a small number of industries
A fairly wide range of people in a few different sectors
Nearly everyone could be our customer
When did you, or someone in your business, last blog?
In the last couple of weeks
In the last six months
We don’t blog
How often does your business post on social media?
More than once a week
More than once a month
Hardly ever
How many of your enquiries and sales leads come from your website?
Over half
Some but less than half
Hardly any
Do potential customers find your company on Google?
Yes, frequently
How often do you keep in touch with existing customers?
Monthly or quarterly
When we remember
Only when they get in touch with us
To receive your result please enter your e-mail address
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