How well do you know Leave No Trace and trail etiquette?

How many Principles in Leave No Trace(LNT)?
Select three of the LNT principles
Go Hard or Go Home
Hashtag #LNT on All Photos Posted in Nature
Plan Ahead and Prepare
Be Considerate of Other Visitors
Dispose of Waste Properly
Treat Nature Like it is Your Home
What are the Benefits for good meal planning on trip?(Select all that apply)
Reduced trash
Reduced pack weight, resulting in faster hiking times and less fatigue.
Will have extra food to feed the animals
Reduced dependence upon campfires for cooking.
What are some Elements to consider when trip planning?
Identify the skill and ability of trip participants
All of These
What is the goal of backcountry travel?
To get the most likes on Instagram
To move through the backcountry while avoiding damage to the land
To find and collect artifacts for your personal collection
Survive, because you did not come prepared
What is OK to Leave Out on the Trails?
Broken Equipment
Dog Waste, as long as it is bagged
Only Footprints (Pack in, Pack Out)
My Stash of empty beer cans
My Name carved into a rock or tree
Trash because someone else will clean it up
(True or False) The Proper way to dispose of Human Waste in the backcountry is by dropping it in a river.
True - Nature will take care of it
False - Dig a Cathole at least 200 feet (about 70 adult steps) from water, trails and camp
Carving initials into trees is an acceptable practice because
It lets animals know that nature belongs to humans
It's not acceptable at any time! EVER. Once one person does it others will think it is ok
It gives the tree more character and if you add a heart everyone will like it on Instagram.
It lets others know what day I was there because I'm super important
What is the best Fire Wood to use according to Leave No Trace?
A recently fallen tree
Firewood brought from home
Local sourced wood either bought or gathered responsibly from dead and down trees
Branches off an alive standing tree
How should encounters with wild animals be handled?
Taking a selfie with a wild animal would be the ultimate social media post!
Observe wildlife from a distance so they are not scared or forced to flee
We should make quick movements and loud noises to scare and harass the animal
Try offering some food so that the animal will come closer to you
Trail etiquette 101 (Select all that are true)
Hikers, runners and bikers should always yield to horses.
Bikers should yield to hikers and runners
Downhill traffic should yield to uphill traffic.
Uphill traffic should yield to downhill traffic.
Hikers, runners and horses should always yield to bikers
Playing music without headphones is ok if
Its a song on the current top 10 pop charts
You don't see anyone around
It's your favorite song
You are on the hardest part of the hike and need motivation
None of the Above. Get some headphones, people come to the outdoors to listen to nature. Sounds in the backcountry travel far
In most Wilderness areas what is the maximum group size allowed?
There is no limit
Where should the Leave No Trace Principles be followed?
Wilderness Areas only
City and State Park Trails only
National Parks Only
On all trails and areas, at all times
Instagram can be a great source of inspiration for your next outdoor trip. Sometimes the place is even Geo-tagged where it is so you have directions. What elements of the Plan Ahead and Prepare Principle of LNT is it missing and why it should not be solely relied on for hiking information. (Select all that are true)
Road Conditions and Closures
Current trail conditions and Alerts
Nothing! The Gram is all I need
Current Weather Conditions
Regulations of the Area (Is permit required)
{"name":"How well do you know Leave No Trace and trail etiquette?", "url":"","txt":"How many Principles in Leave No Trace?, Select Three of the LNT Principles, What are the Benefits for good meal planning on trip?(Choose all that apply)","img":""}
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