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New submissions in physics on Mon, 15 Mar 21
[2103.06886] Miguel Arratia, Stephen Sekula: A Delphes card for the EIC yellow-report detector
[2103.06889] Mauricio J. del Razo, Manuel Dibak, Christof Schütte et al.: Multiscale molecular kinetics by coupling Markov state models and reaction-diffusion dynamics
[2103.06926] Fátima Velásquez-Rojas, María Fabiana Laguna: The knowledge acquisition process from a complex system perspective: observations and models
[2103.06952] Ali Afrouzian, Salman Pouryazdian, GolamHossein Liaghat et al.: Quasi-static perforation of the ceramic foam core sandwich panels impregnated with Newtonian and non-Newtonian fluids
[2103.06958] Manuel F. Ferrer-Garcia, Alessio D'Errico, Alicia Sit et al.: Polychromatic Electric Field Knots
[2103.06961] Tim Berk, Filippo Coletti: Dynamics of small heavy particles in homogeneous turbulence: a Lagrangian experimental study
[2103.06969] Evgeniy Romenski, Galina Reshetova, Ilya Peshkov: Two-phase hyperbolic model for porous media saturated with a viscous fluid and its application to wavefields simulation
[2103.06974] Qi Wen, Elena Fadeeva, Shaul Hanany et al.: Picosecond Laser Ablation of Millimeter-Wave Subwavelength Structures on Alumina and Sapphire
[2103.06988] Tomasz Radożycki: A concise and universal method for deriving arbitrary paraxial and non-paraxial cylindrical Gaussian-type light modes
[2103.07001] Abigail C. Allwood, Joel A. Hurowitz, Benton C. Clark et al.: The PIXL Instrument on the Mars 2020 Perseverance Rover
[2103.07024] Alexei Belochitski, Vladimir Krasnopolsky: Robustness of Neural Network Emulations of Radiative Transfer Parameterizations in a State-of-the-Art General Circulation Model
[2103.07028] Alexei Belochitski, Vladimir Krasnopolsky: Stable Emulation of an Entire Suite of Model Physics in a State-of-the-Art GCM using a Neural Network
[2103.07034] Zhichao Gao, Liang Lu, Chaochao Xing et al.: Design of a 200-MHz Continuous-Wave Radio Frequency Quadrupole Accelerator for Boron Neutron Capture Therapy
[2103.07038] Xin Fang, Jihong Wen, Li Cheng et al.: Bidirectional elastic diode with frequency-preserved nonreciprocity
[2103.07076] Frances I Allen, Thomas C Pekin, Arun Persaud et al.: Fast Grain Mapping with Sub-Nanometer Resolution Using 4D-STEM with Grain Classification by Principal Component Analysis and Non-Negative Ma...
[2103.07077] Alexander A. Milner, Valery Milner: Controlling the degree of rotational directionality in laser-induced molecular dynamics
[2103.07089] Tatsuki Hinamoto, Minoru Fujii, Takumi Sannomiya: Optical Spin Sorting Chain
[2103.07109] Denis Novitsky, Alexander Shalin, Alexander Pavlov et al.: Quasi-bound states in the continuum induced by $\mathcal{PT}$-symmetry breaking
[2103.07121] Sven Ahrens, Ziling Guan, Baifei Shen: Beam focus and longitudinal polarization influence on spin dynamics in the Kapitza-Dirac effect
[2103.07127] Louis-Alexandre Couston: Turbulent Convection in Subglacial Lakes
[2103.07130] Xin-Yao Wang, Matthew D. Frye, Zhen Su et al.: Magnetic Feshbach resonances in collisions of $^{23}$Na$^{40}$K with $^{40}$K
[2103.07136] Nils Erland L. Haugen, Jonas Krüger, Jørgen R. Aarnes et al.: Thermophoresis and its effect on particle impaction on a cylinder for low and moderate Reynolds numbers
[2103.07171] Jolijn Onvlee, Sebastian Trippel, Jochen Küpper: Ultrafast light-induced dynamics in solvated biomolecules: The indole chromophore with water
[2103.07175] Slađan Jelić, Dušan Zorica: Fractional Burgers wave equation on a finite domain
[2103.07181] I.C. Bandac, A.S. Barabash, L. Bergé et al.: Phonon-mediated crystal detectors with rejection capability of surface $α$ and $β$ particles assisted by metallic film coating
[2103.07221] Alexander W. Wray, Patrick S. Wray, Brian R. Duffy et al.: Contact-line deposits from multiple evaporating droplets
[2103.07227] Zaza Osmanov: From the SpaceX Starlink megaconstellation to the search for Type-I civilizations
[2103.07235] M. M. Heyhat, M. Abbasi, A. Rajabpour: Molecular dynamic simulation on the density of titanium dioxide and silver water-based nanofluids
[2103.07247] Shashank Singh, Soumya Chatterjee, Debasis Mitra et al.: Evaluation of accurate uncertainty of measurement in L subshell ionization cross-section
[2103.07285] Sergiu Busuioc, Livio Gibelli, Duncan A. Lockerby et al.: On the velocity distribution function of spontaneously evaporating atoms
[2103.07311] Daniel Parrochia: On von Weizsäcker's philosophy of Quantum Mechanics
[2103.07314] Simon Chatelin, Raoul Pop, Céline Giraudeau et al.: Influence of portal vein occlusion on portal flow and liver elasticity in an animal model
[2103.07326] Carlo Pagani, Léonie Canet: Spatio-temporal correlation functions in scalar turbulence from functional renormalization group
[2103.07334] Hongfeng Ma: Numerical study of laser micro- and nano-processing of nanocomposite porous materials
[2103.07336] Jayson Nissen, Ian Her Many Horses, Ben Van Dusen: Investigating society's educational debts due to racism and sexism in student attitudes about physics using quantitative critical race theory
[2103.07341] Alexander J. Smits, Marcus Hultmark: Reynolds stress scaling in the near-wall region
[2103.07358] Rui Zhang, Emmanuel Klinger, Felipe Pedreros Bustos et al.: Stand-off magnetometry with directional emission from sodium vapors
[2103.07384] Sean Gryb, David Sloan: When scale is surplus
[2103.07385] Mohammed Kharrouba, Jean-Lou Pierson, Jacques Magnaudet: Flow structure and loads over inclined cylindrical rodlike particles and fibers
[2103.07387] Alejandro Güemes, Hampus Tober, Stefano Discetti et al.: From coarse wall measurements to turbulent velocity fields with deep learning
[2103.07398] Iván A. Ramos, L. M. León Hilario, María L. Pedano et al.: Geometry-induced enhancement factor improvement in covered-gold-nanorod-dimer antennas
[2103.07409] Eleanor C. Johnstone, Philip Hall: Free-stream coherent structures in parallel compressible boundary-layer flows at subsonic Mach numbers
[2103.07416] G. Kornakov, L. Chlad, J. Friese et al.: Performance study and calibration strategy of the HADES scintillator TOF Wall with fast digital readout
[2103.07418] Sunghwan Jung: Vapor flux on bumpy surfaces: condensation and transpiration on leaves
[2103.07420] Debadrita Saha, Srinivasan S. Iyengar, Philip Richerme et al.: Mapping quantum chemical dynamics problems onto spin-lattice simulators
[2103.07424] Tiandong Wang, Sidney Resnick: Measuring Reciprocity in a Directed Preferential Attachment Network
[2103.07434] Ricardo Simão, Lucas L. Wardil: The slowest is the winner in one-dimensional vehicular traffic models
[2103.07448] Li-Jen Chen, Jonathan Ng, Yuri Omelchenko et al.: Magnetopause reconnection and indents caused by foreshock turbulence
[2103.07457] Kit M. Gerodias, M. Victoria Carpio-Bernido, Christopher C. Bernido: Resonant Tunneling in Natural Photosynthetic Systems
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Mon, 15 Mar 21","img":""}
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