Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 17 Nov 21
[2111.08003] Chloé Sauvage, Clélia Robert, Laurent M. Mugnier et al.: Near ground horizontal high resolution $C_n^2$ profiling from Shack-Hartmann slope and scintillation data
[2111.08007] Shane Smith, Danny C Price, Sofia Z Sheikh et al.: A radio technosignature search towards Proxima Centauri resulting in a signal-of-interest
[2111.08012] Cyril Creque-Sarbinowski, Marc Kamionkowski, Bei Zhou: Seeking Neutrino Emission from AGN through Temporal and Spatial Cross Correlation
[2111.08016] Yu-Jing Qin, Ann Zabludoff, Marina Kisley et al.: Linking Extragalactic Transients and their Host Galaxy Properties: Transient Sample, Multi-Wavelength Host Identification, and Database Construction
[2111.08021] B. T. Draine: On Far-Infrared and Submm Circular Polarization
[2111.08023] G. Surcis, W.H.T. Vlemmings, H.J. van Langevelde et al.: EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol maser polarization in massive star-forming regions. V. Completion of the flux-limited sample
[2111.08030] Alex Cole, Benjamin Kurt Miller, Samuel J. Witte et al.: Fast and Credible Likelihood-Free Cosmology with Truncated Marginal Neural Ratio Estimation
[2111.08039] Ondřej Pejcha, Diego Calderón, Petr Kurfürst: Supernovae in colliding-wind binaries: observational signatures in the first year
[2111.08042] Andrew Everall, N. Wyn Evans, Vasily Belokurov et al.: The Photo-Astrometric Vertical Tracer Density of the Milky Way I: The Method
[2111.08043] Andrew Everall, Vasily Belokurov, N. Wyn Evans et al.: The Photo-Astrometric Vertical Tracer Density of the Milky Way II: Results from Gaia
[2111.08050] Delphine Nna-Mvondo, Carrie M. Anderson: Infrared spectra, optical constants and temperature dependences of amorphous and crystalline benzene ices relevant to Titan
[2111.08065] Rebecca Nealon, Enrico Ragusa, Davide Gerosa et al.: The Bardeen-Petterson effect in accreting supermassive black-hole binaries: disc breaking and critical obliquity
[2111.08072] Jouni Kainulainen, Sara Rezaei Kh., Andri Spilker et al.: The effect of viewing angle on the Kennicutt-Schmidt relation of the local molecular clouds
[2111.08079] B-G Andersson, Geoffrey C. Clayton, Kirstin D. Doney et al.: Ultraviolet Spectropolarimetry with Polstar: Interstellar Medium Science
[2111.08086] C. J. A. P. Martins, C. M. J. Marques, C. B. D. Fernandes et al.: Alternatives to $Λ$: Torsion, Generalized Couplings, and Scale Invariance
[2111.08103] Guillaume Drouart, Nick Seymour, Jess W. Broderick et al.: The Nature and Likely Redshift of GLEAM J0917-0012
[2111.08104] Guillaume Drouart, Nick Seymour, Tim J. Galvin et al.: The GLEAMing of the First Supermassive Black Holes
[2111.08106] Sudip Mandal, Hardi Peter, Lakshmi Pradeep Chitta et al.: Propagating brightenings in small loop-like structures in the quiet Sun corona: Observations from Solar Orbiter/EUI
[2111.08124] M.M. Briel, J.J. Eldridge, E.R. Stanway et al.: Estimating Transient Rates from Cosmological Simulations and BPASS
[2111.08125] G. V. Panopoulou, S. E. Clark, A. Hacar et al.: The width of Herschel filaments varies with distance
[2111.08139] C. Knight, E. Peeters, M. Wolfire et al.: Characterizing Spatial Variations of PAH Emission in the Reflection Nebula NGC 1333
[2111.08144] Giulia Valvano, Othon Cabo Winter, Rafael Sfair et al.: APOPHIS -- Effects of the 2029 Earth's Encounter on the Surface and Nearby Dynamics
[2111.08151] J. Prat, C. Hogan, C. Chang et al.: Vacuum Energy Density Measured from Cosmological Data
[2111.08153] Wei Wu, Zhongxiang Wang, Yi Xing et al.: Gamma-ray spectral properties of the Galactic globular clusters: constraint on the numbers of millisecond pulsars
[2111.08182] Hunter Brooks, J. Davy Kirkpatrick, Dan Caselden et al.: Discovery of CWISE J052306.42-015355.4, an Extreme T Subdwarf Candidate
[2111.08188] Alexander Chernoglazov, Bart Ripperda, Alexander A. Philippov: Dynamic alignment and plasmoid formation in relativistic magnetohydrodynamic turbulence
[2111.08235] Nikolaos Georgakarakos: Dynamics and habitability of the TESS circumbinary systems TOI-1338 and TIC-172900988
[2111.08247] Ashwani Pandey, Bhoomika Rajput, C. S. Stalin: Correlation between optical flux and polarization variations in Flat Spectrum Radio Quasars on diverse timescales
[2111.08271] Prakash Tripathi, Gulab C. Dewangan: AstroSat view of spectral transition in the changing-look active galaxy NGC1566 during the declining phase of the 2018 outburst
[2111.08273] Michael Efroimsky, Valeri V. Makarov: The tidal quality of the hot Jupiter WASP-12b
[2111.08289] Reginald Christian Bernardo, Daniela Grandón, Jackson Levi Said et al.: Parametric and nonparametric methods hint dark energy evolution
[2111.08303] M. Kachelriess, J. Tjemsland: On the origin and the detection of characteristic axion wiggles in photon spectra
[2111.08316] Lei Lei, Bing-Qiu Chen, Jin-Da Li et al.: Identifications of RR Lyrae stars and Quasars from the simulated data of Mephisto-W Survey
[2111.08317] E. R. Garro, D. Minniti, M. Gómez et al.: Inspection of 19 globular cluster candidates in the Galactic bulge with the VVV survey
[2111.08336] Akriti Sinha, Aritra Basu, Abhirup Datta et al.: Deep uGMRT observations of the ELAIS-North 1 field: statistical properties of radio--infrared relations up to $z \sim$2
[2111.08337] Katarzyna Kruszyńska, Ł. Wyrzykowski, K. A. Rybicki et al.: Lens parameters for Gaia18cbf -- a long gravitational microlensing event in the Galactic Plane
[2111.08353] Theodoros Soultanis, Andreas Bauswein, Nikolaos Stergioulas: Analytic model of the spectral properties of gravitational waves from neutron star merger remnants
[2111.08373] Noraiz Tahir, Francesco De Paolis, Asghar Qadir et al.: Seeing the halo rotation of nearby spiral galaxies using Planck data
[2111.08388] A. Paiella, A. Coppolecchia, P. de Bernardis et al.: Total power horn-coupled 150 GHz LEKID array for space applications
[2111.08494] Adam McMaster, Andrew J. Norton, Hugh J. Dickinson et al.: VeSPA: The SuperWASP Variable Star Photometry Archive
[2111.08517] Melis O. Irfan, Philip Bull, Mario G. Santos et al.: Measurements of the diffuse Galactic synchrotron spectral index and curvature from MeerKLASS pilot data
[2111.08528] Nicha Leethochawalit, Michele Trenti, Takahiro Morishita et al.: A quantitative assessment of completeness correction methods and public release of a versatile simulation code
[2111.08541] Felipe Avila, Armando Bernui, Rafael C. Nunes et al.: The homogeneity scale and the growth rate of cosmic structures
[2111.08548] Gleb Fedoseev, Danna Qasim, Ko-Ju Chuang et al.: Hydrogenation of accreting C-atoms and CO molecules -- simulating ketene and acetaldehyde formation under dark and translucent cloud conditions
[2111.08561] D I Jones: Learning from the Frequency Content of Continuous Gravitational Wave Signals
[2111.08576] Gerhard Ulbricht, Mario De Lucia, Eoin Baldwin: Applications for Microwave Kinetic Induction Detectors in Advanced Instrumentation
[2111.08584] Henric Krawczynski, Roberto Taverna, Roberto Turolla et al.: Fitting XMM-Newton Observations of the AXP 1RXS J170849.0-400910 with four magnetar surface emission models, and predictions for X-ray p...
[2111.08632] L. Ighina, A. Moretti, F. Tavecchio et al.: Direct observation of an extended X-ray jet at $z$=6.1
[2111.08642] Rebecca G. Martin, Alessia Franchini: Non-periodic type I Be/X-ray binary outbursts
[2111.08648] B. Portilla-Revelo, I. Kamp, Ch. Rab et al.: Self-consistent modelling of the dust component in protoplanetary and circumplanetary disks: the case of PDS 70
[2111.08660] Adina D. Feinstein, Trevor J. David, Benjamin T. Montet et al.: V1298 Tau with TESS: Updated Ephemerides, Radii, and Period Constraints from a Second Transit of V1298 Tau e
[2111.08683] Pablo Villanueva-Domingo, Francisco Villaescusa-Navarro, Daniel Anglés-Alcázar et al.: Inferring halo masses with Graph Neural Networks
[2111.08699] Volodymyr Takhistov, Philip Lu, Kohta Murase et al.: Impacts of Jets and Winds From Primordial Black Holes
[2111.08700] Hong-Yi Zhang, Mudit Jain, Mustafa A. Amin: Polarized Vector Oscillons
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in astro-ph on Wed, 17 Nov 21","img":""}