1 Millionth Item Sold Celebration!
In the next few months we will have sold our 1 Millionth item.
To celebrate, we are giving away a $1,000 voucher to the person who can guess the closest date and time to when the 1 Millionth item will be sold.
To enter, please fill in the details below. Good luck!
{"name":"1 Millionth Item Sold Celebration! In the next few months we will have sold our 1 Millionth item. To celebrate, we are giving away a $1,000 voucher to the person who can guess the closest date and time to when the 1 Millionth item will be sold. To enter, please fill in the details below. Good luck!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Name:, Please enter your email so we can contact you if you win. Email:, When will the 1 Millionth Gemstone, Opal, Jewelry or Coin item be sold across our Treasures Auctions Network? The person who guesses the closest date and time will win a $1,000 voucher to use across the Treasures Auctions Network. Key Statistics: We have been online for over a decade now. As of March the 9th 2020, we have sold 960,000 items. As of May 14th 2020, we have sold 995,818 items ( Our AVERAGE sales are around 15,000 items per month. Guess the Date & Time of the 1 Millionth item sold:","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}
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