TOEFL Vocabulary Exercise 48

Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1)multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each.
Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process.
When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning.
√ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on.
For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction.
Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1)multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each.
Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process.
When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning.
√ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on.
For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction.
Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. 
Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. 
zenith (n)
Highest point
Opposite of nadir
The absolute top
All of the above
laissez-faire (phr)
Closed-market business approach
Free-market business model
Foreign-market business style
All of the above
impugn (v)
To agree
To attack
To borrow
To incubate
epitome (n)
equanimity (n)
placate (v)
To assuage
To mollify
To pacify
All of the above
resplendent (adj)
Brilliant and amazing
Educational and important
Boring and ridiculous
Silly and persnickety
impervious (adj)
Vulnerable to attack
Ready to attack
Invulnerable to attack
Always under attack
harangue (n/v)
Short, fun lecture
Short, dull lecture
Long, angry lecture
Academic lecture
rancor (n)
All of the above
You will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
You will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence.
Word List:
• zenith • impugn • laissez-faire • epitome • equanimity
• placate • rancor • harangue • impervious • resplendent
The bubble reached its _______________ on March 10, 2000 when the stock market hit a new high.
Word List:
• zenith • impugn • laissez-faire • epitome • equanimity
• placate • rancor • harangue • impervious • resplendent
Many in England argue that royalty is superfluous. On the contrary, many believe that there is nothing more emblematic of England than their benevolent Queen _______________ in her crown.
Word List:
• zenith • impugn • laissez-faire • epitome • equanimity
• placate • rancor • harangue • impervious • resplendent
_______________ the president is an integral part of the American political process.
Word List:
• zenith • impugn • laissez-faire • epitome • equanimity
• placate • rancor • harangue • impervious • resplendent
LeMichael is wary of his parents because whenever they talk, they always _______________ him about getting a job.
Word List:
• zenith • impugn • laissez-faire • epitome • equanimity
• placate • rancor • harangue • impervious • resplendent
Sir Isaac Newton, the esteemed eighteenth century British scientist who created calculus and the theory of gravity, among other seminal
achievements, is the _______________ of genius.
Word List:
• zenith • impugn • laissez-faire • epitome • equanimity
• placate • rancor • harangue • impervious • resplendent
Is the Earth _______________ to black holes? That is the $64,000.00 question.
Word List:
• zenith • impugn • laissez-faire • epitome • equanimity
• placate • rancor • harangue • impervious • resplendent
It’s hard for Al to think of his future with any degree of _______________ , especially when his boss just pulled the plug on his research.
Word List:
• zenith • impugn • laissez-faire • epitome • equanimity
• placate • rancor • harangue • impervious • resplendent
When the drought was at its ___________ , the tyrannical Queen tried to ___________ her people by enumerating the harbingers of rain she’d seen.
Word List:
• zenith • impugn • laissez-faire • epitome • equanimity
• placate • rancor • harangue • impervious • resplendent
In the 1970s, the Chicago School of Economics championed a
_____________ system of business in South and Central America, a brand of free-market capitalism which was, without a doubt, an overwhelming failure.
Word List:
• zenith • impugn • laissez-faire • epitome • equanimity
• placate • rancor • harangue • impervious • resplendent
_______________ precipitates stress.
You have 60 seconds to type the following passage. 
If you made one mistake on the 60-word diagnostic typing test, you can type 59 wpm (60 – 1 = 59 words per minute), two mistakes, 58 wpm, etc.
Note: A letter not capitalized is a mistake. A comma in the wrong place is a
mistake. A missing comma is a mistake.
You have 60 seconds to type the following passage. 
If you made one mistake on the 60-word diagnostic typing test, you can type 59 wpm (60 – 1 = 59 words per minute), two mistakes, 58 wpm, etc.
Note: A letter not capitalized is a mistake. A comma in the wrong place is a
mistake. A missing comma is a mistake.
The president was at his zenith when critics started to impugn his
laissez-faire approach to business. The president, the epitome of
equanimity, tried to placate his detractors by having a succession of
resplendent dinners at the White House. Yet the rancor of his foes
went unappeased. The president, impervious to the harangues of his
critics, simply refused to play ball.
{"name":"TOEFL Vocabulary Exercise 48", "url":"","txt":"Directions: √ Each recycling exercise is divided into three quizzes: 1) multiplechoice quiz; 2) sentence-completion quiz; 3) 60-word typing test. Time yourself when doing each. √Do all four quizzes sequentially to maximize the recycling learning process. √ When choosing a multiple-choice answer (Quiz #1), do not look for the perfect answer. For TOEFL, and for this text, there are no perfect answers. Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. √ Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer. For TOEFL, you will not lose a point if you answer a multiple-choice question incorrectly, so guess and move on. √ For the sentence-completion quiz (Quiz #2), you will have to use the appropriate part of speech to complete each sentence. For example, you might have to change a singular noun to a plural noun, or a base verb to the infinitive according to the syntax of the sentence. √ Abbreviations: n = noun, v = verb, adj = adjective, adv = adverb, phr = phrase, id = idiom, conj = conjunction., Quiz#1   Choose the multiple-choice answer you think is closest in meaning. Answer all multiple-choice questions even if you do not know the answer., carnivore (n)","img":""}
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