Bobby the Bee's English Quiz Level 3

Monkeys love to eat _?_
This fruit is called a _?_
An _?_ a day keeps the doctor away.
This fruit is called a _?_
People eat _?_ in the summer to cool down.
_?_ grow on trees.
Wine is made from _?_
The second colour of the rainbow is _?_ , which is also a fruit.
Valentine's Day is celebrated in the month of _?_
This animal is called a _?_
This animal is called a _?_
This underwater reptile is called a _?_
_?_ are delicious!
The grey _?_ is not a native species in the UK.
The princess was saved by a _?_ in shining armour.
I rang my mum on my _?_
Mike drank some apple _?_
_?_ is a special celebration in December.
This animal is called an _?_
The last colour in the rainbow is _?_
{"name":"Bobby the Bee's English Quiz Level 3", "url":"","txt":"Monkeys love to eat _?_, This fruit is called a _?_, An _?_ a day keeps the doctor away.","img":""}
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