Elder - Employing your wisdom to help the alpha weigh decisions
Inner Circle - Ready to take on the hard duties, whether that's punishing bad lupine or getting the alpha coffee
Hunter - Bringing food to the pack, whether it be deer or fresh-caught trout
Nurturer - If it helps the pack, I'm there! Watching kids, making meals for bachelors, sewing quilts to keep everyone warm, I'm on top of it!
Runner - Traveling, meeting new people, carrying messages and occasionally helping to solve problems
Whatever the pack needs in the moment. Jack of all trades.
Who is your mate?
A human from in town. A little unorthodox but the pack is accepting.
A lupine from another pack. It was love at first sniff.
A lupine from within my pack. What other choices are there?
No mate for me. I'm married to the pack and that's all I have time for.
It's the night before the wolf moon. How will you celebrate?
In quiet reflection of the ancestors and the moon
Drinking, dancing, and maybe making out with the cute lupine by the beer keg.
It's just another night
Dinner with family, nothing too special but comforting all the same
Uh oh. A human is lost on pack territory. What do you do?
Escort them back to a safe trail
Watch them and only interfere if it looks like they'll find pack housing
Shift into a wolf and scare them away
Report back to your alpha--you've never spoken to a human before!
Strike up a conversation to see if they're a Warden spy
Your friends are going into town. Will you join them?
Nah. I can go into town whenever I want
No, I don't need anything and prefer not to engage with humans
Of course! I love flirting with humans and picking up my own supplies
Yes, but only because I want a specific item I'd rather purchase myself
What town??
How technologically advanced is your pack?
Our main cabin has a wood-burning stove we can cook on
We're allowed television, but human entertainment is strange
Electricity to run anything from radios to computers, but of course there's no internet out here
What's your opinion on witches?
Don't trust them
Don't think about them
They help the pack, so they can't be that bad
What's your opinion on vampires?
Never seen one and don't care to, either.
Have been drinking with one or two. Not bad, but I wouldn't want one as a friend.
If I see one I just keep my distance. No opinion either way, just living my own life.
Is killing them on sight an opinion?
{"name":"What is your Night Wolves pack?", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"What do you admire most about your pack alpha?, Choose a setting, What is your role within the pack?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/images/ogquiz.png"}