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New submissions in physics on Fri, 10 Dec 21
[2112.04526] Riádigos Irma, González-Díaz Diego, Pérez-Muñuzuri Vicente: Revisting the limits of atmospheric temperature retrieval from cosmic-ray measurements
[2112.04582] Mohammad Hossein Mahdieh, Mehrad Sohrabi: Precise design of VO2 thin films for smart windows by employing thickness dependent refractive index
[2112.04614] Yuqi Zhu, Sumita Ghosh, S. B. Cahn et al.: EIT spectroscopy of high-lying Rydberg states in $^{39}K$
[2112.04638] Rahil N. Valani, Brendan Harding, Yvonne M. Stokes: Bifurcations and dynamics in inertial focusing of particles in curved rectangular ducts
[2112.04642] Danfu Liang, Yifu Zhu, Hebin Li: Collective resonance of $D$ states in rubidium atoms probed by optical two-dimensional coherent spectroscopy
[2112.04646] A.J. Rogers, C.J. Farrugia, R.B. Torbert et al.: Applying Magnetic Curvature to to MMS data to identify thin current sheets relative to tail reconnection
[2112.04649] M. Khalid Hossain, Kenichi Hashizume: Comparative studies of hydrogen dissolution and release behavior in zirconate oxides by TDS and TMAP4 analysis
[2112.04668] Jun Gu, Jiawang Feng, Xiaoyu Hao et al.: Establishing a non-hydrostatic global atmospheric modeling system (iAMAS) at 3-km horizontal resolution with online integrated aerosol feedbacks on the Su...
[2112.04679] Xiang-Yu Li, Hailong Wang, Jingyi Chen et al.: Large-eddy simulations of marine boundary-layer clouds associated with cold air outbreak during the ACTIVATE campaign. Part II: aerosol-meteorology-...
[2112.04691] Ziyan Zhu, Christopher Li, J. B. Marston: Topology of rotating stratified fluids with and without background shear flow
[2112.04696] Jan M.L. Martin: Electron Correlation: Nature's Weird and Wonderful Chemical Glue
[2112.04707] Kejie Chen, Kairong Qin: Microbial transport and dispersion in heterogeneous flows created by pillar arrays
[2112.04738] Alexander V. Oleynichenko, Andréi Zaitsevskii, Stepan Romanov et al.: Global and local approaches to population analysis: bonding patterns in superheavy element compounds
[2112.04742] Johan Sundin, Umberto Ciri, Stefano Leonardi et al.: Heat transfer increase by convection in liquid-infused surfaces for laminar and turbulent flows
[2112.04747] Denis Antipin, Marcel Risch: Calculation of the Tafel slope and reaction order of the oxygen evolution reaction between pH 12 and pH 14 for the adsorbate mechanism
[2112.04750] S. Leardini, E. Sánchez García, P. Amedo et al.: Time and band-resolved scintillation in time projection chambers based on gaseous xenon
[2112.04756] Alexander Chesnokov, Sergey Gavrilyuk, Valery Liapidevskii: Long nonlinear internal waves and mixing in a three-layer stratified flow in the Boussinesq approximation
[2112.04772] X. Q. Li, X. Y. Wen, S. L. Xiong et al.: Inflight performance of the GECAM Gamma-ray and Charge particle Detectors
[2112.04789] Michal Mazurek, Gloria Corti, Dominik Muller: New simulation software technologies at the LHCb Experiment at CERN
[2112.04792] Jorge Maestre, Cristina Bahamonde, Inigo Lamas Garcia et al.: High intensity proton beam impact at 440 GeV/c on Mo and Cu coated CfC/graphite and SiC/SiC absorbers for beam intercepting devices
[2112.04799] Dennis C. Kirsch, Anastasia Bednyakova, Benoit Cadier et al.: Gain-controlled Broadband Tuneability in Mode-locked Thulium-doped Fibre Laser through Variable Feedback
[2112.04804] Ali Akbar Darki, Søren Peder Madsen, Aurélien Dantan: Polarization-independent optical spatial differentiation with a doubly-resonant one-dimensional guided-mode grating
[2112.04818] C. Will, M. Bohman, T. Driscoll et al.: Sympathetic cooling schemes for separately trapped ions coupled via image currents
[2112.04823] Vasiliy Pelenovich, Xiaomei Zeng, Yan Liu et al.: AlCrO protected textured stainless steel surface for high temperature solar selective absorber applications
[2112.04874] Paulo Freitas Gomes, Henrique Almeida Fernandes, Ariadne de Andrade Costa: Topological transition in a coupled dynamic in random networks
[2112.04879] Mikhail Garasev, Anton Nechaev, Andrey Stepanov et al.: Multi-scale magnetic field structures in an expanding elongated plasma cloud with hot electrons subject to an external magnetic field
[2112.04881] Alexander Ryabov, Petr Zhilyaev: Application of neural network for exchange-correlation functional interpolation
[2112.04901] Sergey A. Emelyanov: Testing an Einstein's intuitive objection to quantum mechanics
[2112.04909] Cem Yalcin, Nathan Tessema Ersaro, M. Meraj Ghanbari et al.: A MEMS-based optical scanning system for precise, high-speed neural interfacing
[2112.04916] F.S. Cuesta, A.D. Kuznetsov, G.A. Ptitcyn et al.: Coherent Asymmetric Absorbers
[2112.04923] John D. Gibbon, Dario Vincenzi: How to extract a spectrum from hydrodynamic equations
[2112.04938] Jeffrey Mc Hugh, Alice L. Thorneywork, Kurt Andresen et al.: 3D Flow Field Measurements Outside Nanopores
[2112.04944] Alberto Baiardi, Stephanie A. Grimmel, Miguel Steiner et al.: Expansive Quantum Mechanical Exploration of Chemical Reaction Paths
[2112.04945] Oliver Zingsheim, Holger S. P. Müller, Luis Bonah et al.: (Sub-)millimeter-wave spectroscopy of gauche-propanal
[2112.04964] Mariia Usoltceva, Stéphane Heuraux, Ildar Khabibullin et al.: A new technique for tokamak edge density measurement based on microwave interferometer
[2112.04973] I. Alekseev, M. Danilov, N. Kozlenko et al.: Optimized scintillation strip design for the DANSS upgrade
[2112.04979] Deniz A. Bezgin, Aaron B. Buhendwa, Nikolaus A. Adams: A fully-differentiable compressible high-order computational fluid dynamics solver
[2112.04990] Cenk Türkoğlu, Sarthak Choudhary: The optical simulation model of the DarkSide-20k Veto detector
[2112.04991] Paul S. Barklem: Correspondence between the surface integral and linear combination of atomic orbitals methods for ionic-covalent interactions in mutual neutralisation processes involving H$^-$...
[2112.05014] Dmitrii Gromyko, Sergey Dyakov, Vladimir Zinovyev et al.: Resonant mode approximation of the scattering matrix of photonic crystal slabs near several Wood-Rayleigh anomalies
[2112.05026] Albena Daskalova, Liliya Angelova, Emil Filipov et al.: Biomimetic Hierarchical Structuring of PLA by Ultra-Short Laser Pulses for Processing of Tissue Engineered Matrices: Study of Cellular and...
[2112.05086] Alkesh Punjabi, Allen H. Boozer: A new type of stellarator divertor: the hybrid stellarator divertor
[2112.05088] Jeroen Bruggeman, Don Weenink: Collective action in violent conflicts and other highly uncertain situations
[2112.05108] Kazuki Maeda, Daniel Fuster: Regressing bubble cluster dynamics as a disordered many-body system
[2112.05113] Gerd Häusler, Florian Willomitzer: Reflections about holographic and non-holographic acquisition of surface topography
[2112.05114] Davis M. Welakuh, Prineha Narang: Transition from Lorentz to Fano Spectral Line Shapes in Non-Relativistic Quantum Electrodynamics
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in physics on Fri, 10 Dec 21","img":""}
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