Relationship Insights Quiz

A vibrant illustration of a diverse group of friends laughing and discussing relationship dynamics in a lively setting, emphasizing camaraderie and fun

Relationship Insights Quiz

Discover how well you and your friends understand relationships and personal preferences! This fun and engaging quiz will spark interesting conversations and reveal surprising insights about your group dynamics.

  • Find out who your friends would run from the police with!
  • Share your pet peeves and see if they match with others.
  • Uncover who the biggest overthinker is among you.
15 Questions4 MinutesCreated by ReflectingSun104
Who would get back with an ex?
Nae koe
Say they
Htoo they
If a guy takes you out what’s the most important thing?
The way he dresses
Pays for food
His personality
His vibe
His character.
Write someone’s name in the gc and describe them in 5 words
Who over thinks the most?
Who would you run from the police with.. And why?
Biggest pet peeve’s?
Who would you not tell a secret to and why?
Do looks matter?
Who has the biggest mouth?
Who goes back on their word?
Most intelligent?
Who’s the problem solver ?
Feminist of the group?
If you walk into your man cheating what you doing??
Beating his ass!!
Confront the girl.
Storm out.
Throw hot water on both their asses.
Try see if the girl knew y’all were together?
{"name":"Relationship Insights Quiz", "url":"","txt":"Discover how well you and your friends understand relationships and personal preferences! This fun and engaging quiz will spark interesting conversations and reveal surprising insights about your group dynamics.Find out who your friends would run from the police with!Share your pet peeves and see if they match with others.Uncover who the biggest overthinker is among you.","img":"https:/images/course5.png"}
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