Green Impression

How would you best describe your diet?
Meat in every meal
Meat in some meals
No beef
Meat very rarely
In a week, how much do you spend on food from restaurants, canteens and takeaways?
‚�90 - ₹905
‚�905 - ₹5,436
More than ₹5,436
Of the food you buy how much is wasted and thrown away?
0% - 10%
10% - 30%
More than 30%
How often do you buy locally produced food that is not imported to the UK?
A lot of the food I buy is locally sourced
Some of the food I buy is locally sourced
I don't worry about where my food comes from
What kind of vehicle do you travel in most often as driver or passenger? (if any) Hint: This question is finding out about your private car/motorbike use — we’ll ask about public transport next. If you walk or cycle everywhere, just click ‘Neither’.
Neither - I walk, cycle or use public transport for all my journeys
How many hours a week do you spend on the train for personal use including commuting? Hint: This should include your commute and any other train journeys you make, except business trips (they’re part of your employer’s footprint, not yours).
I don't travel by train
Under 2 hours
2 to 5 hours
5 to 15 hours
15 to 25 hours
Over 25 hours
How many hours a week do you spend on the bus for personal use including commuting? Hint: This should include your commute and any other bus journeys you make, except business trips (they’re part of your employer’s footprint, not yours).
I don't travel by bus
Under 1 hours
1 to 3 hours
3 to 6 hours
6 to 10 hours
Over 10 hours
In the last year, how many return flights have you made in total to the following locations? Hint: This should not include business trips (they’re part of your employer’s footprint, not yours). Leave blank if not applicable.
Domestic (UK / Ireland)
To/from Europe
To/from outside Europe
What percentage of your flights do you offset?
None of them
All of them
Not applicable
What kind of house do you live in?
Semi detached
How many bedrooms does your house have?
4 or more
How many people (aged 17 and over) live in your house?
5 or more
How do you heat your home? Hint: Please indicate the primary fuel source that is used. Your energy bill will tell you this.
Is your electricity on a green tariff? Hint: Your tariff is the energy plan you’re on. If your electricity comes from renewable generation, it will be indicated on your bill.
I don't know
Yes but the tariff is less than 100% renewables
Yes 100%
Do you regularly turn off lights and not leave your appliances on standby?
How warm do you keep your home in winter?
Below 14 deg C
14 deg C - 17 deg C
18 deg C - 21 deg C
Over 21 deg C
Which of these home energy efficiency improvements are installed in your home? Hint: Select all that apply or leave blank if not applicable.
Energy saving lightbulbs
Loft insultion
Cavity or solid wall insultion
Double glazing
Low flow fittings to taps and showers
Solar panels
Solar water heater
In the last 12 months, have you bought any of these new household items? Hint: Select all that apply or leave blank if not applicable. Don’t include any second-hand items, just those you bought new.
TV, laptop or PC
Large item of furniture
Washing machine, dishwasher, tumble dryer or fridge freezer
Mobile phone or tablet
In a typical month, how much do you spend on clothes and footwear? Hint: Don’t include second-hand clothes, just those you bought new.
‚�90 - ₹5,436
‚�5,436 - ₹16,305
In a typical month, how much do you spend on your pets and pet food? Hint: This includes pet food, vet and grooming products, kennels, cages, litter etc. We love the animals in our lives, but if we’re calculating our footprint, we need to include theirs too!
I don't have a pet
‚�90 - ₹905
‚�905 - ₹3,166
In a typical month, how much do you spend on health, beauty and grooming products? Hint: This includes all bathroom products, plus other personal care costs such as haircuts, manicures, sunbeds, electric razors, hairdryers and all personal hygiene products.
‚�0 - ₹905
‚�905 - ₹5,436
In a typical month, how much do you spend on phone, internet and TV contracts? Hint: These should be broken down on your bills
‚�90 - ₹3,168
‚�3,168 - ₹6,337
In a typical month, how much do you spend on entertainment and hobbies (sports/gym, cinema, books, newspapers, gardening, computer games) Hint: The more we know about the nature around us, the more we care about it – and we inspire others to care too. Why not explore nature in your area and see how many types of wildlife you can discover? Our My Footprint app can also help you challenge yourself to make a difference.
‚�0 - ₹2,263
‚�2,263 - ₹4,525
‚�4,525 - ₹6,788
Which of these types of waste do you recycle and/or compost? Hint: Select all that apply or leave blank if not applicable.
Tin cans
{"name":"Green Impression", "url":"","txt":"How would you best describe your diet?, In a week, how much do you spend on food from restaurants, canteens and takeaways?, Of the food you buy how much is wasted and thrown away?","img":""}
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