Online Course Survey

Hi there! To whom do I owe the pleasure? (Type something random if you'd rather not share your name.)
Would you be interested in taking paid online courses from me?
Nah, I just like taking surveys.
What topics would you be interested in? (Check all that apply.)
Photography/Editing Photos
Pen Pal/Letter Writing
Which of these specific courses would you watch first?
The Ultimate Guide to Pen Pal-ing
Lettering & Typography Basics
Exploring Watercolor
Blogging Tips + How I Make Posts
Miniature Art Camp {A Series of Tiny Painting Tutorials}
Any other specific course idea you'd like to see? (Type "no" to skip.)
Would you prefer short, fun courses with just a few videos, or more in-depth, informational courses with many videos?
Just for fun courses
Longer, more informational courses
It depends on the topic
How much would you pay, for example, for an in-depth, 5 hr. course of your choice, broken into multiple videos? (To see if they'd be worth it for me to make. :))
How about for a 1 hr. specific mini course broken into videos, like "Brush Lettering" or "Decorating Envelopes."
If "other" for either option, please specify here: (type something random to skip)
Okay, I'm going to add in a short video clip from one of the tutorial videos I've done for my students in the past so you can reference it for the last few questions. (Type anything below to continue.)
How important is "cinematography," multiple video angles, or unique editing to you? (I don't currently have a lot of fancy film equipment. ;))
The simple set up in the video is just fine with me!
I'd enjoy the videos more if they were more aesthetic, but I'd watch the course anyway.
I probably wouldn't take the course with the current format.
Do you like seeing the teacher's face in videos?
I like the top-down video angle above.
I like some of both.
I definitely want to see who's teaching me!
I don't really care.
Do you prefer hearing the teacher's voice or reading subtitles/captions with music instead?
And that's it, my friend! Thanks ever so much for your feedback. <3 If you're interested in being a part of a launch group email list, type your email address below for more polls, discussion, and exclusive details. Otherwise, you know the drill to skip. ;) Farewell!
{"name":"Online Course Survey", "url":"","txt":"Hi there! To whom do I owe the pleasure? (Type something random if you'd rather not share your name.), Would you be interested in taking paid online courses from me?, What topics would you be interested in? (Check all that apply.)","img":""}
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