Welcome to the Brand Self Assessment!

Do you struggle to come up with social media content?
Nah, it’s easy breezy
So sometimes I feel like I get it and sometimes it falls flat
I sometimes post, but it takes a lot of effort to come up with ideas and captions
Do you know what kind of posts to share with your audience or what will interest them?
Hit and miss
No clue whatsoever
How well do you know your customers’ needs and desires?
I dream their dreams
I’d say I get it 50% of the time
I can help anyone, why do I need to know more?
Are you able to describe your business in 1-2 sentences?
I smash the elevator pitch
Some days I can smash it, some days I struggle.
I’m still trying to figure out the best way to sum it up
What level do you feel like your brand is connecting with your audience on?
We’re BFFs, we can joke about random things and know each others secrets
Usually it just relates to what I offer, but sometimes we connect on pop culture
I know only how they use my product, should I know more?
Do you dream of your brand becoming a household name?
It already is
For sure, but it still feels pretty far off
In my wildest dreams
Do you want to be selling internationally?
I’m dominating the markets I want to be in
Wow I’d love that
I would love to see my work soaring around the world
Do you want to expand your team?
We’ve got the sustainable growth for our team and loving it
I’m not sure, but maybe if I was big enough I’d need to
I want that! I just need the business to be big enough to support it
Does your business allow the kind of lifestyle you want?
I’m living my dream
So I keep hearing about work life balance, are people actually doing that?
Turns out I left my 9-5 job for a 24/7 business
Are you confident that your images are consistently authentic to how you see your brand?
My images have been created strategically by a genius to really set the mood
It’s hard to always get them to match, you know life
Stock images make it easy
{"name":"Welcome to the Brand Self Assessment!", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QQE2MFH46","txt":"Do you struggle to come up with social media content?, Do you know what kind of posts to share with your audience or what will interest them?, How well do you know your customers’ needs and desires?","img":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/3012/CDN/77-3579959/form-flowlifestylebranding-websitedesign-110.jpg?sz=1200-00000006341000005300"}
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