Deck Watch Finals Quiz
Test your knowledge and skills in navigation and maritime rules with our Deck Watch Finals Quiz. This quiz is designed for aspiring mariners and seasoned professionals alike, covering essential topics related to safe navigation and vessel operations.
Key features of the quiz include:
- 30 challenging questions
- Multiple choice format
- Focus on COLREGS and navigation rules
1. A watercraft exhibiting a sail with a conical shape apex down is what type of vessel?
A. Sailing vessel
B. Power driven vessel
C. Not a vessel
D. Ram vessel
2. As stated in Rule 3, this happens when the vision is impaired by haze.
A. Obstructed visibility
B. Impaired visibility
C. Restricted visibility
D. Good visibility
3. A vessel propelled with machinery has 100 persons onboard and each has fishing rods, and they are catching fish all at the same time, what type of vessel is it?
A. Trawling vessel
B. Power driven vessel
C. Fishing vessel
D. RAM vessel
4. A raft made of logs with sail, is fitted with outboard motor and used the outboard motor to maneuver is an example of what type of vessel?
A. Power driven vessel
B. Sailing vessel
C. Not a vessel
D. Ram vessel
5. You observed a dead ahead at 6 n. miles, its speed is 13kts, what is the expected navigational lights, that should be visible as per Rule 22 - Visibility of lights.
A. All navigational lights
B. sidelights
C. Masthead lights
D. Masthead lights and side lights
6. Rule 6 states that in determining safe speed, one factor is the maneuverability of the vessel with special reference to what?
A. Speed reduction
B. Stopping distance
C. Turning diameter
D. Crash stop
7. When you use RADAR/ARPA, how are you going to have more exact assessment of the visibility thru targets?
A. Bearing of targets
B. Speed of targets
C. Aspect of targets
D. Range of targets
8. When plotting the targets vector, the target’s speed is 25 kts, how far will she travel in 12 minutes?
A. 2.6 Nmi
B. 3.6 Nmi
C. 4.6 Nmi
D. 5.6 Nmi
9. As an OOW, when there is enough sea room, this action may be the most effective to avoid close-quarter situation.
A. Course alteration
B. Speed alteration
C. Course and speed alteration
D. RADAR watch
10. According to Rule 8, which is NOT correct when taking action to avoid collision?
A. In ample time
B. positive
C. Good navigation
D. Good seamanship
11. While navigating in a narrow channel nearing a bend, as an OOW, this should be done.
A. Sound one prolonged blast
B. Sound one short blast
C. Sound two prolonged blast
D. Sound two short blast
12. According to Rule 9, which is to be avoided when navigating in narrow channel?
A. fishing
B. sailing
C. anchoring
D. overtaking
13. Which of the following is NOT directed by ColRegs to keep out of the way of vessels that can safely navigate in narrow channel?
A. Sailing vessel
B. Fishing vessel
C. 20 meters vessel
D. kayak
14. As an OOW, you are navigating in a narrow channel and observed a fishing vessel that intends to cross with risk of collision. What should be your action?
A. Sound the danger signal
B. Alter course to starboard
C. Stop your engine
D. Call master
15. How are you going to join a traffic lane from either side?
A. You cannot join a traffic lane
B. At a large angle to the direction of the flow
C. At a small angle to the direction of the flow
D. At right angle to the direction of the flow
16. Two sailing vessels are approaching each other with risk if collision, both have the wind on the same side, which vessel shall keep out of the other?
A. Vessel on the leeward side
B. Vessel on the windward side
C. Both vessels will keep clear
D. None of the vessels will keep clear
17. Two sailing vessels are approaching each other with risk if collision, both have the wind on the different side, which vessel shall keep out of the other?
A. Vessel with the wind on her port side
B. Vessel with the wind on her starboard side
C. Both vessels will keep clear
D. None of the vessels will keep clear
18. Rule 12 of COLREGS is applicable only when?
A. All kinds of weather
B. Not in sight of one another
C. When inside a TSS
D. In sight of one another
19. During your watch, you observed a target fast approaching coming from 23 degrees abaft your beam. Which of the following is true?
A. Crossing situation
B. Overtaking situation
C. Both crossing and overtaking situation
D. Neither crossing nor overtaking situation
20. At night, you observed a target ahead of you, gradually decreasing in range and checked it has the same heading as you, what navigational lights can be seen from the target? a. Sidelights only b. Masthead lights and both sidelights c. Sternlight and both side lights d. Sternlight only
A. Sidelights only
B. Masthead lights and both sidelights
C. Sternlight and both side lights
D. Sternlight only
21. At night you observed a target showing two white lights nearly in a line, as per COLREGS what should be your action assuming there are plenty of sea room?
A. Alter course to port
B. Alter course to starboard
C. Maintain course and speed
D. Maintain course and reduce speed
22. At night you observed a target showing consistently two white lights and a red light, as per COLREGS what should be your action assuming there are plenty of sea room?
A. Alter course to port
B. Alter course to starboard
C. Maintain course and speed
D. Maintain course and reduce speed
23. Rule 15 is applicable only when?
A. All weather
B. Restricted visibility
C. In sight of one another
D. Night time only
24. As a give way vessel directed by the rule, what will be your standard when taking action?
A. Alter course to starboard
B. Sound the correct signals
C. Actions resulting to close quarter situation
D. Keep well clear
25. You are stand-on vessel in a crossing situation which action must be avoided?
A. Altering course to port
B. Altering course to starboard
C. Maintain course and speed
D. Sound the danger signal
26. Which of the following is covered by RULE 18 of COLREGS?
A. Vessel inside TSS
B. Vessel inside narrow channel
C. Vessel inside a port area
D. Vessel inside restricted visibility
27. A sailing vessel and a fishing vessel are navigating inside a restricted visibility area, which vessel must keep out of the way?
A. Both must keep clear
B. Sailing vessel must keep clear
C. Fishing vessel must keep clear
D. The vessel on the starboard side must keep clear
28. You are OOW onboard a WIG craft, what additional light are you going to display during night or restricted visibility?
A. All round flashing yellow light
B. All round flashing red light
C. All round yellow light
D. All round red light
29. Which navigating along a coast, you happen to see a night light display of another vessel as three all-round green light, which of the choices is correct?
A. submarine
B. Aircraft carrier
C. Mine clearing vessel
D. WIG craft
30. A pushing vessel and vessel being pushed are rigidly connected and is making way through the water. Which of the following is their correct sound signal?
A. Two prolonged blast
B. One prolonged blast
C. One prolonged followed by two short blasts
D. One short blast followed by two prolonged blasts
31. Which of the following is the correct exemption for the repositioning of lights resulted from conversion from imperial to metric units?
A. Three years
B. Four years
C. permanent
D. Nine years
32. Which of the following is the correct measurement of height above the hull?
A. Vertically beneath the mast
B. Vertically beneath the upper most continuous deck
C. Vertically beneath the gunwale
D. Vertically beneath the location of the light
33. Which of the following is the minimum height of forward masthead light?
A. Five meters
B. Six meters
C. Seven meters
D. Eight meters
34. Which of the following is the maximum spacing of two masthead lights if fitted?
A. 50 meters
B. 70 meters
C. 100 meters
D. 120 meters
35. Onboard vessel, you are going to hoist two black balls in a vertical line, how far apart will you separate these shapes?
A. 1 meter
B. 1.5 meters
C. 2 meters
D. 2.5 meters
36. When you are in any doubt as to whether crossing situation exists, you shall assume that it does exist and act accordingly.
37. Rule-15 is applicable to sailing vessels.
38. Is Rule 15 crossing situation applicable to all vessels?
39. Two power driven vessels are crossing, and NO risk of collision exists, they both should maintain course and speed.
40. Two power driven vessels are crossing, and risk of collision exists, they both should alter course to their own starboard side.
41. When a directional whistle is to be used as the only whistle on a vessel, it shall be installed with its maximum intensity directed straight ahead.
42. The sidelights of vessels of 20 meters or more in length shall be fitted with inboard screens painted what color?
Matt black
43. A diamond shape shall consist of two cones having a common base.
44. A bell or gong, or other device having similar sound characteristics shall produce a sound pressure level of not less than 110 dB at a distance of 1 meter from it.
45. Day shapes should be what color?
46. When two masthead lights are carried, the after one shall be at least how many meters vertically higher than the forward one?
47. The masthead light of a power-driven vessel of 12 meters but less than 20 meters in length shall be placed at a height above the gunwale of not less than how many meters?
48. Vessels of 20 meters or more in length when engaged in trawling, shall exhibit two white lights in a vertical line when shooting their nets.
50. The sidelights, if in a combined lantern and carried on a power-driven vessel of less than 20 meters in length, shall be placed not less than how many meter/s below the masthead light?
{"name":"DECK WATCH 1 FINALS", "url":"","txt":"Test your knowledge and skills in navigation and maritime rules with our Deck Watch Finals Quiz. This quiz is designed for aspiring mariners and seasoned professionals alike, covering essential topics related to safe navigation and vessel operations.Key features of the quiz include:30 challenging questionsMultiple choice formatFocus on COLREGS and navigation rules","img":"https:/images/course6.png"}