Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in gr-qc on Thu, 27 Jan 22
[2201.10587] Shi-Lin Li, Yu-Jie Chen, Yu-Zhu Chen et al.: Constructing effective action for gravitational field by effective potential method
[2201.10593] Jonathan R Gair, Martin Hewitson, Antoine Petiteau et al.: Space-based Gravitational Wave Observatories
[2201.10668] Varun Srivastava, Derek Davis, Kevin Kuns et al.: Science-Driven Tunable Design of Cosmic Explorer Detectors
[2201.10682] Alberto A. Garcia Diaz: AdS--dS Stationary Rotating Black Hole Exact Solution within Einstein--Nonlinear Electrodynamics
[2201.10706] David García-Peláez, César Simón López-Monsalvo: Wave propagation in the anti-deSitter optical metric
[2201.10732] M.J.Luo: Local Conformal Instability and Local Non-Collapsing in Quantum Spacetime
[2201.10748] Hong Guo, Yunqi Liu, Chao Zhang et al.: Detection of scalar fields by Extreme Mass Ratio Inspirals with Kerr black hole
[2201.10772] Shyam Das, Bikram Keshari Parida, Koushik Chakraborty et al.: Anisotropic compact star with a linear pressure-density relationship
[2201.10817] Philippe Brax, Santiago Casas, Harry Desmond et al.: Testing Screened Modified Gravity
[2201.10875] Jarosław Kopiński, Juan A. Valiente Kroon: The Bach equation and the matching of spacetimes in the Conformal Cyclic Cosmology models
[2201.10902] Gang Wang, Bin Li, Peng Xu et al.: Charactering instrumental noises and stochastic gravitational wave signals from time-delay interferometry combination
[2201.10924] Laura Bernard, Luc Blanchet, David Trestini: Gravitational waves in scalar-tensor theory to one-and-a-half post-Newtonian order
[2201.10941] Shoushan Bao, Qi-Xuan Xu, Hong Zhang: Improved Analytic Solution of Black Hole Superradiance
[2201.11021] Nikolaos Kalntis: A heuristic approach to the far-future state of a universe dominated by phantom energy
[2201.11031] Andronikos Paliathanasis, Genly Leon: Modified Brans-Dicke cosmology with Minimum Length Uncertainty
[2201.11068] Filippo Camilloni, Oscar J. C. Dias, Gianluca Grignani et al.: Blandford--Znajek monopole expansion revisited: novel non-analytic contributions to the power emission
[2201.11072] Carlos Barceló, Jokin Eguia Sánchez, Gerardo García-Moreno et al.: Chronology Protection Implementation in Analogue Gravity
[2201.11102] Daniel Blixt, Rafael Ferraro, Alexey Golovnev et al.: Lorentz gauge-invariant variables in torsion-based theories of gravity
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in gr-qc on Thu, 27 Jan 22","img":""}
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