Social quiz
Someone that has a devotion to human welfare
The art or science of building The buildings in the renaissance were infused by the book De Architectura by Marcus Vitruvius Pollio.
Humanist Scholars
Humanist scholars are people during the renaissance that shared and spread humanist ideas
Civic Humanism
Civic humanists were people believed that being a responsible citizen meant educating yourself about history and political issues and working to improve society
Michelangelo wanted people to struggle to be free from their enemies and and think for themselves
Humanist Education
Ots of humanists in the renaissance taught at schools and colleges. They educated young people on the ideas humanism
Humanism and Religion
Ots of humanists were the people that wrote the start of christianity
Ancient greek and roman art was the inspiration for humanists/renaissance art
Sculptures were considered not as artists but as craftspeople in the middle ages. They helped to build lots of the architecture. Eventually they became celebrities
Writers were focused on translating roman and greek books and texts in the early renaissance. Italian, english and french became more accessible
Galileo Galilei
After publishing his book about the sun being the center of the universe. He was convicted of heresy by the church. He was told to give up his opinions. Galileo was sentenced to house arrest. The book was put on the list of books that catholics could not read.
The Scientific Method
The attitude toward science changed during the renaissance. People started making observations, experimenting and drawing, this led to the start of the scientific method.
People thought that the the sun revolves earth for thousands of years. More theories came to light during renaissance by astronomers. Before this people believed that god had placed the earth in the center of the universe.
Icolaus Copernicus
He established the principle that the sun is the middle of the solar system.
Johannes Kepler
He also helped to establish the belief that the sun is the center if the solar system.
Midwives and others with the knowledge of herbal and traditional remedies played an important role for curing the sick during the renaissance. When people got a more accurate idea of anatomy they realized that practices such as superstition, bloodletting and applying leeches to skin may not help as much as other practices.
Andreas Vesalius dissected bodies that were donated to him and found out human anatomy. Because of this we have most of our modern science developments.
Leonardo Da Vinci and other thinkers like him believed that mathematics were the way to understanding the universe. In Europe’s growing market mathematics were very important. Early civilizations contributed a lot to the renaissance ideas.
Scientific Ruler
Niccolò Machiavelli was observing people and government. His observations lead to him having a completely new way of thinking about leadership and power.
Niccolo Machiavelli
Niccolò Machiavelli was observing people and government. His observations lead to him having a completely new way of thinking about leadership and power.
Allegorical Paintings
An allegory is a work in which the characters and events are meant to be understood as representing other things and symbolically expressing a deeper, often spiritual, moral or political meaning. This led to Allegorical Paintings.
Martin Luther
Martin Luther is the founder of the protestant religion. He felt that the church should not charge people for redemption for there sins. He wrote the 95 These and pinned it on the church. He thought that the church should follow the bible so he created Lutheran Religion.
Protestant Reformation
Martin Luther’s church was starting to lots of followers. Slowly lots of people stopped following the catholic church and started the protestant religion.
Catholic Counter Reformation
Pope Paul III called a number of meetings at which the church examined it politics. These meetings are now known as the Count of Trent. As a result the popes were given a better education and the corruption among the higher clergy was cleaned up.
Lots of humanists were teachers at Italian Universities. The University Of Padua people traveled from afar to hear them speak. At the Universities the humanists shared and spread ideas.
Printing Press
The printing press was invented by Johannes Gutenberg in 1450. With this books could be mass produced and more humanist idea spread.
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