
I am ____ with power banks, the winter is comming
Stocking up
A: Do you have Bandera's biography? B: Sorry, it's _______. We ran out of it a week ago.
Out of stock
A: I saw Katia Osadcha in the shop _____
Looking for
Withdrawing cash
Doing groceries
B: What did she buy? A: I looked inside her _____ and she bought a chicken for her hat! (a large metal basket on wheels)
Since Kateryna Kukhar is a prima ballerina she doesn't eat _____ or frozen pizzas. She's on strict diet
Fresh food
Junk food
Sliced food
Shakira divorced her husband because he forgot their kid in the _____ section. (section where you buy bread or cakes)
Deli section
Produce section
Bakery section
Jennifer Aniston looks so good. I wonder what ______ she uses for her face
Personal care
Leonardo DiCaprio has ________ card the local grocery store in LA and buys exclusive meat from deli section each week
Before going on Eurovision stage Verka Serduchka drank a little bit of her favourite _____ - horilka (drink)
Schwarzenegger eats a lot of ______ meat to be so well-built
You can never eat borshch without _____! It's illegal! (a dairy product made of milk)
I saw Angela Merkel in grill ____ she was buying gas in bottles (a passage between shelves in a supermarket)
Your name/Last name
{"name":"A2", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"I am ____ with power banks, the winter is comming, A: Do you have Bandera's biography? B: Sorry, it's _______. We ran out of it a week ago., A: I saw Katia Osadcha in the shop _____","img":"https://media1.giphy.com/media/SwsW37eVVbyPLxCEnE/giphy-downsized.gif?sz=1200"}
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