Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in physics on Wed, 27 May 20
[2005.12266] YuChen Xiang, Carin Basirun, Joshua Chou et al.: Background-free fibre optic Brillouin probe for remote mapping of micromechanics
[2005.12268] Thomas Dixon, Peter Reece: Stroboscopic detection of multi-colloidal hydrodynamics using time-multiplexed optical tweezers
[2005.12269] Assen Batchvarov, Lyes Kahouadji, Mirco Magnini et al.: Effect of surfactant on elongated bubbles in capillary tubes at high Reynolds number
[2005.12270] Seid Miad Zandavi, Taha Hossein Rashidi, Fatemeh Vafaee: Forecasting the Spread of Covid-19 Under Control Scenarios Using LSTM and Dynamic Behavioral Models
[2005.12272] V. C. Antochi, G. Cavoto, I. A. Costa et al.: A GEM-based Optically Readout Time Projection Chamber for charged particle tracking
[2005.12303] Olivia Borgue, Andreas M. Hein: Near-Term Self-replicating Probes -- A Concept Design
[2005.12322] Elizabeth A. Barnes, Benjamin Toms, James W. Hurrell et al.: Indicator patterns of forced change learned by an artificial neural network
[2005.12329] M.M. Neamtu-Halic, J.-P. Mollicone, M. van Reeuwijk et al.: Role of vortical structures for enstrophy and scalar transport in flows with and without stable stratification
[2005.12332] Adam C. Overvig, Stephanie C. Malek, Nanfang Yu: Multifunctional Nonlocal Metasurfaces
[2005.12335] Clive Ellegaard, Mogens T. Levinsen: Interaction of Wave-Driven Particles with Slit Structures
[2005.12338] Wenjie Dou, Ming Chen, Tyler Y. Takeshita et al.: Range-Separated Stochastic Resolution of Identity: Formulation and Application to Second Order Green's Function Theory
[2005.12342] Robert Garisto: Observer Selection Effects Depend on How Observers Are Selected
[2005.12346] Parry Y Chen, Yonatan Sivan: Resolving the Gibbs phenomenon via a discontinuous basis in a mode solver for open optical systems
[2005.12351] Ryan Alexander Pepper, Hans Fangohr: fmmgen: Automatic Code Generation of Operators for Cartesian Fast Multipole and Barnes-Hut Methods
[2005.12367] Ioan Baldea: What Can We Learn from the Time Evolution of COVID-19 Epidemic in Slovenia?
[2005.12372] Jia Huang, J. C. Kasper, M. Stevens et al.: Alfvénic Slow Solar Wind Observed in the Inner Heliosphere by Parker Solar Probe
[2005.12400] K. H. Leung, I. Majewska, H. Bekker et al.: Transition strength measurements to guide magic wavelength selection in optically trapped molecules
[2005.12403] Alberto Baldi, Franco Bagnoli: Intransitiveness in the Penney Game and in Random Walks on rings, networks, communities and cities
[2005.12405] Detlef-M. Smilgies: Phase space considerations for a microSAXS beamline located on a diamond Laue side-bounce monochromator
[2005.12417] Alexander Yu. Kostinskiy, Andrei Vlasov, Mikhail Fridman: Calculation of the dynamics of the initiation of streamer flashes that provide the NBE VHF signal profile and the VHF phase wave propagat...
[2005.12421] Mehul P. Makwana, Richard Wiltshaw, Sébastien Guenneau et al.: Hybrid topological guiding mechanisms for photonic crystal fibers
[2005.12422] Fabian Pokorny, Chi Zhang, Gerard Higgins et al.: Magic trapping of a Rydberg ion with a diminished static polarizability
[2005.12434] F. Tuitje, P. Martínez Gil, T. Helk et al.: Nonlinear Ionization Dynamics of Hot Dense Plasma Observed in a Laser-Plasma Amplifier
[2005.12435] A. Arefiev, D. Stark, T. Toncian et al.: Birefringence in thermally anisotropic relativistic plasmas and its impact on laser-plasma interactions
[2005.12440] Philippe Schucht, Hee Ryung Lee, Mohammed Hachem Mezouar et al.: Wide-Field Mueller Polarimetry of Brain Tissue Sections for Visualization of White Matter Fiber Tracts
[2005.12456] Chengyue Wang, Qi Gao, Biao Wang: On the effectiveness of local vortex identification criteria in the compressed representation of wall-bounded turbulence
[2005.12463] Sisira Suresh, Orad Reshef, M. Zahirul Alam et al.: Enhanced Nonlinear Optical Responses of Layered Epsilon-Near-Zero Metamaterials at Visible Frequencies
[2005.12464] Hadrien Salat, Markus Schläpfer, Zbigniew Smoreda et al.: The socio-economic impact of electrifying rural areas in Senegal
[2005.12465] Jiaxuan Li, Yingcai Zheng, Xinding Fang: A Numerical Study on the Effects of Heterogeneity, Anisotropy, and Station Coverage on the Compensated Linear Vector Dipole Component of Deep Earthquake ...
[2005.12475] Yongrui Wang, Alexey Belyanin: Harmonic frequency combs in quantum cascade lasers: time-domain and frequency-domain theory
[2005.12476] Leslie Ching Ow Tiong, Jeongrae Kim, Sang Soo Han et al.: Identification of Crystal Symmetry from Noisy Diffraction Patterns by A Shape Analysis and Deep Learning
[2005.12477] Kaichao Jin, Hua Zhong, Yongdong Li et al.: Type-II Dirac photonic lattices
[2005.12532] Mehar Ali Shah: Experiences from the RPC data taking during the CMS RUN-2
[2005.12534] Mehar Ali Shah: CMS RPC Activities During LHC LS-2
[2005.12546] Jun Liu, Xiong Shen, Zhe Si et al.: In-house beam-splitting pulse compressor with compensated spatiotemporal coupling for high-energy petawatt lasers
[2005.12547] Marco D'Orazio, Gabriele Bernardini, Enrico Quagliarini: Sustainable and resilient strategies for touristic cities against COVID-19: an agent-based approach
[2005.12554] A.D. Morozov, A.V. Lokhov, F.V. Tkachov: Error estimation in the method of quasi-optimal weights
[2005.12584] Paolo Vannucci: Structural study of the Notre-Dame ancient charpente
[2005.12586] Asla Husgard, Martin A. Olsen, Rebekka Frøystad et al.: Effects of ground movements on realistic guide models for the European Spallation Source
[2005.12606] I.Y. Vasko, I.V. Kuzichev, A.V. Artemyev et al.: On quasi-parallel whistler waves in the solar wind
[2005.12609] Romolo Savo, Andrea Morandi, Jolanda S. Müller et al.: Broadband Mie-driven random quasi-phase-matching
[2005.12612] Ville Vuorinen, Mia Aarnio, Mikko Alava et al.: Modelling aerosol transport and virus exposure with numerical simulations in relation to SARS-CoV-2 transmission by inhalation indoors
[2005.12613] Chang Liu, Kun Xu: A Unified Gas-kinetic Scheme for Micro Flow Simulation Based on Linearized Kinetic Equation
[2005.12621] Alexander Mishev, Ilya Usoskin: Current status and possible extension of the global neutron monitor network
[2005.12622] Mayur R. Bakrania, I. Jonathan Rae, Andrew P. Walsh et al.: Statistics of Solar Wind Electron Breakpoint Energies Using Machine Learning Techniques
[2005.12653] D. Gadkari, K.S. Shanks, H.T. Philipp et al.: Characterization of an architecture for front-end pixel binning in an integrating pixel array detector
[2005.12654] Stefan Donsa, Manuel Ederer, Renate Pazourek et al.: Angle-resolved time delays for shake-up ionization of helium
[2005.12669] Assen Batchvarov, Lyes Kahouadji, Cristian R. Constante-Amores et al.: Three-dimensional dynamics of falling films in the presence of insoluble surfactants
[2005.12671] Abi Thampi, Sam Hitchman, Stéphane Coen et al.: Towards real time assessment of intramuscular fat content in meat using optical fibre-based optical coherence tomography
[2005.12672] Michael Peper, Johannes Deiglmayr: Heteronuclear long-range Rydberg molecules
[2005.12687] Mohamed Loukili, Kamila Kotrasova, Denys Dutykh: A Computational Simulation of Steady Natural Convection in an H-form Cavity
[2005.12716] Zhaobin Li, Benjamin Bouscasse, Guillaume Ducrozet et al.: Spectral Wave Explicit Navier-Stokes Equations for wave-structure interactions using two-phase Computational Fluid Dynamics solvers
[2005.12728] Nick Huggett, Christian Wüthrich: Out of Nowhere: Duality
[2005.12749] Andreas S. Skeidsvoll, Alice Balbi, Henrik Koch: Time-dependent coupled cluster theory for ultrafast transient absorption spectroscopy
[2005.12764] Sauro Succi, Giorgio Amati, Fabio Bonaccorso et al.: Towards Exascale Design of Soft Mesoscale Materials
[2005.12769] R. Hadjiiska, A. Samalan, M. Tytgat et al.: CMS RPC Background -- Studies and Measurements
[2005.12796] Abhishek Mall, Abhijeet Patil, Amit Sethi et al.: A Cyclical Deep Learning Based Framework For Simultaneous Inverse and Forward design of Nanophotonic Metasurfaces
[2005.12807] Sherman W. Marcus, Ariel Epstein: Electrically Thick Fabry-Pérot Omega Bianisotropic Metasurfaces as Virtual Anti-Reflective Coatings and Non-Local Field Transformers
[2005.12828] Erik Sauer, Juan Pablo Vasco, Stephen Hughes: Theory of intrinsic propagation losses in topological edge states of planar photonic crystals
[2005.12837] M. Alamgir Hossain, Petra M. Menz, John M. Stockie: An open-access clicker question bank for numerical analysis
[2005.12849] E. V. Tsiper: Feasibility of Net Energy Gain in Kinematic Nuclear Fusion Devices
[2005.12862] Matthew E. Curd, Michael J. A. Smith, Parmesh Gajjar et al.: Characterisation of Expancel thermoplastic microspheres and their influence on the mechanical properties of all-polymer syntactic foams
[2005.12902] Aniello Lampo, Javier Borge-Holthoefer, Sergio Gómez et al.: Multiple abrupt phase transitions in urban transport congestion
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