KINS 350 Exam 1

Create an image representing muscle physiology, featuring a diagram of a sarcomere, illustrations of muscle fibers (Type I, Type IIa, Type IIb), and dynamic images of muscle contraction during exercise.

KINS 350 Muscle Physiology Quiz

Welcome to the KINS 350 Exam 1 quiz! This comprehensive assessment covers various aspects of muscle physiology, including muscle contraction, fiber types, and the biochemical processes involved in muscular function.

Test your knowledge and enhance your understanding of key concepts with questions designed for both students and enthusiasts of exercise science:

  • Muscle contraction mechanisms
  • Types of muscle fibers
  • Role of calcium in muscle activity
51 Questions13 MinutesCreated by FlexingMuscle21
The power stroke is a portion of the ______________ theory.
A muscle contraction ends when Ca2+ is actively pumped out of the ___________ and back into the _____________.
___________ is released from the sarcoplasmic reticulum in order to bind with troponin to uncover the active binding sit for the myosin globular head.
____________ is a method in which a part of the muscle is removed from the muscle belly in order to determine fiber type distribution.
Which of the following areas might you find smooth muscle?
Internal Organs
Lower Limb Muscles
Upper LImb Muscles
The "thin filaments" or the "water" within a sarcomere are known as what?
The protein myosin is stabilized by what protein?
The smallest contractile uinit of muscle is known as what?
Muscle Fibers
According to the ____________ theory, the failure of one enzyme system, cell, tissue organ or system places an undue burden on realted systems, such that several may begin to fail simultaneously.
Choose the correct answer to complete the section on the myosin filament structure and activity section "thick filament". In most mammalian limb muscles, at least four adult MHC isoforms have been identified, and they are designated as slow type I, fast type IIa, fast type IIx, and fast type IIb, in order of their increasing __________ activity.
MHC isoform
__________ contractions are a result of muscle producing force while simultaneously not changing sarcomere length.
The two main molecules needed to make a cross bridge formation and induce the power stoke are _________ and _________.
One effect of aging is the relative distribution shift of muscle fiber types from Type I to Type II
While fiber type is gentically determined, it is possible to change the force and contraction characteristics of a muscle fiber by changing the nerve innervating it.
Muscle fibers are reduced to what next smaller unit?
Muscle fibers
Muscle capillaries are a thin, mesh network that provide a __________ supply to the skeletal muscles.
___________ is hydrolyzed and provides the energy needed for the myosin head to change its configuration and go through the power stroke.
The precise mechanism by which the action potential in one membrane, the T-tubule, opens the calcium channels in another membrane, the sarcoplasmic reticulum, resulting in the diffusion of calcium into the cytosol from the sarcoplasmic reticulum, remains to be discovered.
Cross-bridge formation, and thus force production, relies on the hydrolysis of ATP. Once hydrolyzed, 90% of _________ is bound to actin.
_________ is hydrolyzed and provides the energy needed for the myosin head to change its configuration and go through the power stroke.
The "thick filaments" or the "row boat full of rowers" within a asrcomere are known as what?
Once depolarized, the action potential travels down the __________ in order to reach the sarcoplasmic reticulum.
A single motor neuron may innervate only one muscle fiber.
____________ is the fatigue that, during exercise, no evidence of fatigue exists at the neuromuscular junction, sarcolemma, or muscle cell in the intact human.
___________ is released form the sarcoplasmic reticulum on order to bind with troponin to uncover the active binding site for the myosin globular head.
Name the extensive lattice-like structure of tubules and vesicles that provides structural integrity and stores, releases, and reabsorbs Ca2+.
Sarcoplasmic reticulum
Transverse tubules
While the cross-sectional area of the muscle is an important determinant of muscle strength, the amount of ___________ in the muscle cell also determines force capacity.
Who wrote your text Book?
Gerorge A. Brooks
Thomas D. Fahey
Kenneth M. Baldwin
All the above
Depolarization of the muscle fiber takes place after which chemical reaches the motor end plate?
Which fiber type has the fastest contraction time?
Slow-twitch (Type I)
Fast-twitch B (Type IIb)
Fast-twitch A (Type IIa)
The motor unit is nicknamed what?
The Final Common Pathway
Ventral root
Dorsal root
It is possible to produce a minor shift in myosin isoforms in an effort to create hybrid fibers.
The action of the myosin head tilting and pulling the thin filament past the thick filament is known as the ___________.
The overall muscle, or entire muscle belly, is reduced to the next smaller unit known as?
Muscle Fibers
A muscle contraction is the result of the summation of individual muscle __________, stacked closely together, also known as summation.
_________ muscle shapes produce the most force.
Endurance exercise training has a significant impact on the cross-sectional area of muscle and muscle fibers. However, minimal adaptations to the metabolic features of muscle occur with endurance training.
The term ___________ refers specifically to the capacity of skeletal muscle for adaptive change
__________ fatigue can be demonstrated by an increase in the increment in force evoked by nerve stimulation during a maximal voluntary effort. If extra force can be evoked by motor nerve stimulation during a maximal voluntary effort, some motor units were not recruited or were not firing fast enough to produce fused contractions at the moment of stimulation. An increase in this increment signifies ___________ fatigue and means that ___________ processes proximal to the site of motor axon stimulation are contributing to a loss of force.
Neurons must ____________ in order to reach threshold to fire an action potential.
___________ contractions are a result of muscle producing force while shortening.
The Setchenov phenomenon is related to what type of fatigue?
Physiological fatigue
Psychological fatigue
Most studies have found that the ideal number of repititions, fro strength development is 4-8 repititions maximum (4-8RM) perfromed over multiple sets. Less of a strength gain is made when either fewer or greater numbers of repititions are perfromed.
The localized, nonpropagating decrease in memebrane potenital is called an ___________ postsynaptice potential or (IPSP).
Fascicles are reduced to what next smaller unit?
Muscle fibers
Which fiber type has the lowest force production?
Fast-twitch A (Type IIa)
Slow-twitch (Type I)
Fast-twitch B (Type IIb)
An action potential is a rapid alterartion, lasting perhaps only 500 milliseconds, in the memebrane potential, whereby the polarity across the cell becomes reversed, that is, the inside of the cell becomes charged positive relative to the outside.
__________ contractions are a result of muscle producing force while lengthening.
Which of the three types of muscle are controlled voluntarily?
Skeletal muscle
Smooth muscle
Cardiac muscle
Muscle cell hyperplasia refers to the increase in the number of cell in response to high intensity training, which has only been confirmed in animal studies.
Low-frequency high-force output activity is more commonly referred to as what?
Combination training
Endurance training
Resistance training
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