Psych midterm 1

Baby duck syndrome is
A psychiatric fixation on your rubber ducky
A phenomenon concerning people’s attitudes toward computer systems
A baby duck’s tendency to walk before it can swim
A kind of immaturity observed in young male but not young female ducks
Monism is
The tendency to moan with pleasure
The tendency to moan with pain
The tendency to covet (desire) other people’s money
The belief that there is only physical stuff or only mental stuff but not both
Sigmund Freud proposed that
Talking at length about one’s past can resolve conflicts among the superego, ego, and id
Talking at length about one’s past can resolve conflicts among one’s instincts
Talking at length about one’s past can always resolve all unconscious problems
There is no physical basis for mental illness
The youngest person ever to win the Nobel Peace Prize was
Nelson Mandela
Martin Luther King
Marie Curie
Malala Yousafzai
Charles Darwin thought
All species originate from one and that natural selection is irrelevant to psychology
All species originate from one, and that natural selection is relevant to psychology
Species that can adapt to environmental challenges have more offspring, and this idea is relevant to psychology
Both b and c
The Greek philosopher Plato argued that
Nurture is more important than Nature in determining what we know, though a conversation with a slave could never reveal that
Nature is more important than Nurture in determining what we know, though a conversation with a slave could never reveal that
Nurture is more important than Nature in determining what we know, and a conversation with a slave could reveal that
Nature is more important than Nurture in determining what we know, and a conversation with a slave could reveal that
The French philosopher Descartes was the first to come up with the idea of
Plotting y as a function of x to represent space
Adding milk to coffee at café’s in Paris
Refusing to use reason to get at things we’re born knowing
Only relying on senses to learn things
John Locke, John B. Watson, and B. F. Skinner shared the view that
Experience has no role in learning
Experience has a limited role in learning
Experience and innate knowledge contribute equally to learning
Experience is the main contributor to learning
The reason a boy raised by wolves never learned language is believed to be that
He was rescued before puberty, during the critical period
He was rescued after puberty, after the critical period
He found humans scary
He was always so hungry, constantly wolfing down his meals and chewing with his canines, that he didn’t have any interest in learning language
If a little girl asks her parents if they want to go “tennising” (a term she invented), this suggests, most interestingly for psychologists, that
The little girl had not paid enough attention to what her parents said, for they had only said, “Do you want to play tennis?” not “Do you want to go tennising?”
The little girl’s mind was a blank slate at birth
The little girl had learned a rule for language but over-used it
The little girl will probably be a better tennis player than Serena or Venus Williams
In response to the question, “Can a computer be as intelligent as a person?” Alan Turing said
Of course
Of course not
You’d say yes if the computer solved math problems much more quickly than people can
You’d say yes if, when interacting with a computer, you couldn’t tell if it was a person or a computer
If you had to name a part of a computer that corresponded to consciousness, your best choice would be
The central processing unit
When psychologists use naturalistic observation, they
Go natural (wear no clothes)
Ask people to act naturally (preferably with their clothes on)
Observe people going about their everyday lives
Observe people in forests, jungles, and the like
Touching a frog on points of its body at different distances from its brain showed that
The speed of nerve conduction is as fast as the speed of light, which is why frogs are so quick
The speed of nerve conduction is surprisingly slow, despite the fact that frogs are quick
Some people freak out when they have to touch frogs, probably for the same reason that Little Albert was scared of puppies after John B. Watson banged cymbals when Little Albert was exposed to the puppies
None of the above
Reaction times are used in cognitive psychology
To infer the time required to carry out decisions
To infer the time to detect stimuli
Both a and b
To identify the fastest sprinters in races and to admonish people not to tailgate but for no other reason
Muscles contract because
They fill with fluid
They respond to electrical and chemical stimulation
Luigi Galvani proved that they do
Benjamin Franklin proved that they do
Send signals away from the somas of their own neurons
Send signals toward from the somas of their own neurons
Are special neurons for controlling chopping movements with an ax or hatchet
None of the above
The nervous system isn’t a “cotton ball.” Rather it has
Gaps (synapses) between neurons
Gaps (synapses) between neurons, with neurotransmitters going from pre-synaptic neurons to post-synaptic neurons
Gaps (synapses) between neurons, with neurotransmitters going from pre-synaptic neurons to postsynaptic neurons, and those neurotransmitters have excitatory or inhibitory effects on the post-synaptic neurons depending on the receptors on the post-synaptic side
All of the above
A plausible reason why you have more sensitivity on your fingers than on your abdomen is that
Your abdomen is on your ventral side
Your abdomen is on your dorsal side
Your abdomen has less neural “real estate” in the somatosensory cortex than your fingers do
Your abdomen has more neural “real estate” in the somatosensory cortex than your fingers do
Prosopagnosia is
Agony at the idea of proposing to someone because marriage is a huge commitment, plus it can ruin your pants when you get down on one knee
Being in favor of posing questions to others (the way Socrates was)
Wanting to propose a special medication called “gnosia”
Difficulty recognizing faces
Patterns of reaction times when people cross their hands and press keys in response to lights indicates that
Which hand is used is more important than where that hand is used
Which hand is used is less important than where that hand is used
Crossing the hands leads to more lying but weaker Galvanic skin responses
Crossing the hands leads to more lying and stronger Galvanic skin responses
If you sit in the same seat in this class over and over again and even get a bit perturbed if you find someone sitting in “your” seat if you arrive a bit later than usual, you are exhibiting
The Territorial Imperative, which some scientists think is instinctive
The Territorial Imperative, which no scientists think is instinctive
The desire for neural “real estate”
Fritsch-Hitzig syndrome
Wilder Penfield showed that
Body parts are represented topographically in the somato-sensory cortex but not the motor cortex
Body parts are represented topographically in the motor cortex but not the somato-sensory cortex
Body parts are not represented topographically in the somato-sensory cortex or the motor cortex
Body parts are represented topographically in the somato-sensory cortex and motor cortex
Mirror therapy is
Helpful for those who are Narcissistic and need some reality testing
A means of helping amputees “move” their painful phantom limbs
A way of reflecting light to people whose spirits need lifting
None of the above
A split-brain patient is someone who
Has terrible migraine headaches
Never has bad headaches
Has multiple (split) personalities
Whose corpus callosum has been cut
{"name":"Psych midterm 1", "url":"","txt":"Baby duck syndrome is, Monism is, Sigmund Freud proposed that","img":""}
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