According to the lecture, Social Constructionists employ a relativistic definition of crime whereby "Crime is ..."
An act that is evil in and of itself
Any act deemed "criminal" by the powerful
Any act of force or fraud undertaken in self-interested pursuits
The violation of laws that we all agree upon
According to the lecture, what is the source of incarceration disparities in the US?
Bias in law enforcement
Bias in policy making
Differential involvement
All of above
According to the Labeling Theory, once an individual has been labeled "criminal" , that individual will be subject to or engage in all of the following *EXCEPT*:
Primary deviance
Secondary deviance
Social stigmatization
In response to negative criticism of an overly harsh criminal justice process negatively shaming those labeled "criminal", Braithwaite proposed the idea of:
A ceremony of reintegration
Disintegrative shaming
Restorative justice
The conflict model that assumes that there are several power centers and not just one, small, all-encompassing powerful elite is:
Marx's Classic Conflict Model
Quinney's Social Reality Model
The Left Realist Model
The Pluralistic Conflict Model
Information that should be irrelevant to legal decision-making, but that may play an important role due to systemic or personal bias is called:
A discriminatory variable
A legal variable
A Marxist variable
An extralegal variable
While not expressly concerned with crime, Marx's Conflict Theory assumed criminalizing certain behaviors was just another tool used by the Bourgeoisie to __________ the Proletariat.
Both B & C (control & exploit)
Quinney's Social Reality Theory argues that "reality is a state of mind" and that "there is no reason to believe in the objective existence of anything." Statements about subjectivity like these draw heavily upon the European tradition of:
Philosophical idealism
According to Quinney's Social Reality Theory, most of the crimes that are policed and prosecuted in the US would be called _____________. These "crimes of the powerless" mostly include property and violent crimes committed by the Proletariat against the Proletariat.
Crimes of accommodation
Crimes of control
Crimes of domination & repression
Crimes of resistance
According to Chambliss's Legal Reality Theory, attempts at bureaucratic efficiency compromise the idealized goal of impartial law enforcement. He called this realistic need to demonstrate utility while minimizing costs the:
Bureaucratic imperative
Efficiency imperative
Organizational imperative
Maximization imperative
According to ___________________, female crime and delinquency will grow as society becomes more egalitarian because women will be socialized to embrace traditional male qualities of greed, violence, and criminality.
Adler's Masculinity Hypothesis
Simon's Opportunity Hypothesis
The Chivalry Hypothesis
The Paternalism Hypothesis
According to Hagan's Power Control Theory, almost all people are initially indoctrinated into the patriarchal system by:
Innate biology
The family
The school system
Messerschmidt uses gender to construct a unique theory of crime that he calls "Doing Gender." In his model, the dominant cultural script that compels men to strive for competitive individualism, independence, aggressiveness, and authority/control over others (all strong correlates of crime) is called:
Gendered living
Hegemonic masculinity
Low self-control
According to Cornish and Clarke's Rational Choice Theory, the most important determinant of crime is:
Background factors
Bounded rationality
Choice (or a sequence of choices)
The "taste" for crime
The "routine" in Cohen and Felson's Routine Activities Theory refers to:
Everyday activities
The mundane in life
The specific routines of criminals
Both A and B (everyday activities & the mundane in life)
Using a security camera to reduce crime in Routine Activities Theory is an example of a(n):
Mechanical strategy
Natural strategy
Organized strategy
All of the above
According to Biosocial examinations of crime, researchers theorize that criminals differ genetically from non-criminals in:
Arousal tied to the Autonomic Nervous System
IQ or cognitive abilities
Levels of testosterone
All of the above
The attempt to isolate the effects of nature from the effects of nurture motivate research like:
Adoption studies
Fraternal twin studies
Identical twin studies
All of the above
According to Evolution Psychology, males have adopted two alternative behavioral strategies to ensure reproduction. The one that encourages a lack of long-term commitment, the use of violence, and greater dishonesty (all strong correlates of crime) is:
C strategy
K strategy
M strategy
R strategy
According to the lecture on Psychological Theories of crime, a "psychopath" has all of the following characteristics *EXCEPT*
A callous and unemotional affect that lacks the ability for guilt or empathy
A homicidal nature that is prone to violence and aggression
An interpersonal style that is charming and manipulative
A parasitic lifestyle that is highly impulsive and irresponsible
Persistence in offending due to __________ continuity is the result of carrying the same constellation of problematic traits and behaviors from childhood into adulthood
Persistence in offending due to __________ continuity is when an individual becomes ensnared in a deviant lifestyle due to the long-term, negative consequences of earlier delinquency and crime
Moffit's Developmental Taxonomy is an example of a theory integration that combines:
Biosocial Theory with Strain Theory
Biosocial Theory with Social Bond Theory
Labeling Theory with Strain Theory
Labeling Theory with Social Bond Theory
According to Moffitt's Developmental Taxonomy, the small group of individuals that engages in anti-social behavior at every point in life is called the:
Adolescent-limited offenders
Adult-onset offenders
Life-course persistent offenders
According to Moffitt's Developmental Taxonomy, ______________________ are the larger group, containing nearly 90% of delinquents
Adolescent-limited offenders
Adult-onset offenders
Life-course persistent offenders
According to Moffitt's Developmental Taxonomy, Adolescent-Limited offenders tend to engage in benign, low-level offenses with little to no long-term consequences. Examples of these rebellious forms of delinquency include all of the following *EXCEPT*:
Marijuana use
Sampson's and Laub's Age-Grade Theory of Informal Social Control is a theory integration that combine elements from all of the following theories *EXCEPT*:
Biosocial Theory
Labeling Theory
Social Bond Theory
Social Disorganization Theory
While Sampson and Laub acknowledge the possibility of underlying pathological differences in childhood, they argue that agents of informal social control like _________________ can overcome negative child effects like difficult temperament.
Effective parenting
Part-time employment
"Scared Straight" programs
School detention
According to Sampson and Laub's Age-Grade Theory of Informal Social Control, the three adult institutions of social bonding, or "Turning Points", that can lead to desistance including all of the following *EXCEPT*:
Higher education
The military
According to Sampson and Laub's Age-Grade Theory of Informal Social Control, as an individual accrues more and more _____________ by investing in meaningful adult institutions, he or she will grow less likely to offend because the risks become too "costly"
Informal social control
Self control
Social bonds
Social capital
{"name":"According to the lecture, Social Constructionists employ a relativistic definition of crime whereby \"Crime is ...\"", "url":"","txt":"According to the lecture, Social Constructionists employ a relativistic definition of crime whereby \"Crime is ...\", According to the lecture, what is the source of incarceration disparities in the US?, According to the Labeling Theory, once an individual has been labeled \"criminal\" , that individual will be subject to or engage in all of the following *EXCEPT*:","img":""}
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