Whose from Sha's TWST ocs would befreind you

A vibrant, anime-style illustration depicting various characters from a magical school, showcasing diverse dorms, clubs, and a whimsical campus atmosphere, with a light-hearted, adventurous vibe.

Find Your Perfect TWST OC Companion!

Curious about which of Sha's TWST OCs would become your best friend? Take this fun quiz to explore your preferences and discover your ideal companion!

  • Choose your preferred dorm.
  • Identify your favorite subjects and activities.
  • Uncover your study habits and social tendencies.
10 Questions2 MinutesCreated by CuriousTraveler137
Which is your prefered dorm?
I don't have one in particular
Wich would be your favorite/best subject?
Physical Strength (PE)
History of Magic
Magic analysis
Defense magic
Practical magic
Ancient curses
Animal language
I don't have one in particular
Wich club would you join?
Horse Riding Club
Board Game Club
Movie Appreciation Club
Light Music Club
Science Club
Mountain Lovers Club
Magical Shift Club
Basketball Club
Track and Field Club
I wouldn't join a club
Tests are approaching! What would you do?
Study as much and as soon as I can! I wouldn't need help and will focus on myself
I would study but I would like to organize a study group and work together!
I am the type to study and also help others with their stuff if they ask me.
I wouldn't really study much at first. I tend to leave it to the last moment. There's other things to do.
Study? What's that.
What type of student would you be?
Friendly and nice. I like to meet and talk to new people!
I'm quite an introvert so I would mind my business, but if others approach me I would like to talk to them.
I am quite solitary and I don't like others to bother me, so I wouldn't bother others either...
Extroverted people scare me so I would flee easily.
NRC is full of rude people so I would just call them out back. Probably. I would do just my thing
I am not that talkative but I would seek nice people to hang out with.
You have to work on a group project for a class. What is your role?
I don't feel too confident so I would let my classmates to help me.
I do good at class so I wouldn't mind to help others with their assigned tasks.
I am not that good at my own tasks but I am stubborn enough to do it just myself. Or at least, try it.
Even if I am not that good I would probably join forces with other students. Two heads works better than one, right?
I just want to do my own thing without too much trouble and not really mind others. They are pretty problematic to be fair.
What would you do in your free time?
Go to my club, if I have one, even if it's not necessary. I like to be with others
Go to study on the library or alone. Studies are first for me.
I would go around campus and maybe hang out with my friends! Maybe go to the town if there's time.
Not much, take it easy at the common room on my dorm. Probably nothing
What do you think of the Great Seven?
I don't know much about them but they seem pretty cool. I would like to know more about their study. I could respect them as well.
I know about them enough and I am pretty neutral about them. They are fine I guess.
I'm not interested at all, to be fair. What is the deal with those statues anyway?
What part of the campus would you frequent?
Sports field
Alchemy laboratory
Mostro Loungue
School courtyard
Which of these describe you? (Choose 4)
{"name":"Whose from Sha's TWST ocs would befreind you", "url":"https://www.quiz-maker.com/QPREVIEW","txt":"Curious about which of Sha's TWST OCs would become your best friend? Take this fun quiz to explore your preferences and discover your ideal companion!Choose your preferred dorm.Identify your favorite subjects and activities.Uncover your study habits and social tendencies.","img":"https:/images/course3.png"}
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