Is GSC's Online Learning Program Right for You?

My access to technology would be desrcibed as...
I have a computer and internet access, and use it whenever I need to.
I can access a computer and internet most of the time.
I don't have a computer or internet access.
When it comes to technology, I feel...
Confident. I have no problem using computers, email, internet, and word processing software.
So-so. I can figure out most things I need to online.
Below Average. I have used computers and email before, but I cannot troubleshoot problems. I get easily frustrated at this.
When it comes to communicating, face-to-face communication is...
Not necessary to me. I understand I can get a good education without interacting in person.
Important to me, and I'm not sure about my ability to learn without being able to meet the instructor/other students.
Essential. I can't learn without interacting with others in person.
I have ___ hours a week to devote to my online classes.
15 or more, day or night
10-15, mainly at night
Less than 10
I would describe myself as...
Motivated, disclipined and organized.
Motivated, though sometimes I need reminders about assignments and due dates.
Pretty disorganized... I need motivation to help me stay on top of my assignents.
My reading comprehension and writing skills are...
Above average. I enjoy it, and I have confidence in my skill level.
Alright. I read well, but not quite comfortable expressing myself through writing.
Poor. I don't like reading, and often seek out classes that don't require much writing for assignments.
When it comes to class discussions...
I don't usually participate, they aren't necessary to me.
They're very important to me. I almost always participate in class discussion, because it's integral in helping me learn the content.
It's somehwat important to me, but I can do without, also.
I would describe my learning style as...
Ambitious. I am excited for a challenge, learning, and mastering new technologies.
Hesitant. I like to learn, but new techology makes me a little nervous.
Singular. In-class is best for me, as technology makes me very nervous.
I'm thinking about taking an online course because...
I've done it before, and it was rewarding to me.
I'm curious about it, and have room in my schedule to try it.
I need the class(es), and I can't fit it into my campus schedule.
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