Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 8 Feb 22
[2202.02353] Jiabin Yu, Ming Xie, Fengcheng Wu et al.: Euler Obstructed Cooper Pairing in Twisted Bilayer Graphene: Nematic Nodal Superconductivity and Bounded Superfluid Weight
[2202.02358] Nick Papior, Susanne Leitherer, Mads Brandbyge: Simple approach to current-induced effects -- bond weakening in metal chains
[2202.02370] Pujan Biswas, Parmanand Ahirwar, S. Nandagopal et al.: A Search for Alternative Solid Rocket Propellant Oxidizers
[2202.02372] Michael Saccone, Francesco Caravelli, Kevin Hofhuis et al.: Direct observation of a dynamical glass transition in a nanomagnetic artificial Hopfield network
[2202.02375] Oscar Telschow, Miguel Albaladejo-Siguan, Lena Merten et al.: Preserving the Stoichiometry of Triple-Cation Perovskites by Carrier-Gas-Free Antisolvent Spraying
[2202.02376] O. Chukova, S.A. Nedilko, S.G. Nedilko et al.: Strong europium luminescence in lanthan-euripium-erbium-calcium-vanadate nanocrystals, the result of codoping optimization
[2202.02378] Mia Carrola, Amir Asadi, Han Zhang et al.: Best of both worlds: Synergistically derived material properties via additive manufacturing of nanocomposites
[2202.02380] Sterling G. Baird, Marianne Liu, Hasan M. Sayeed et al.: Data-Driven Materials Discovery and Synthesis using Machine Learning Methods
[2202.02386] M.G. Dunsmore, J.A. Thibault, K.R. Fast et al.: Three-axis torque investigation of interfacial exchange coupling in a NiFe/CoO bilayer micromagnetic disk
[2202.02412] Qicheng Zhang, Daehun Lee, Lu Zheng et al.: Observation of Gigahertz Topological Valley Hall Effect in Nanoelectromechanical Phononic Crystals
[2202.02413] Giampaolo Folena, Alessandro Manacorda, Francesco Zamponi: Introduction to the dynamics of disordered systems: equilibrium and gradient descent
[2202.02434] Jorge Quintanilla: On the relationship between the ground-state wave function of a magnet and its static structure factor
[2202.02450] Chi Chen, Shyue Ping Ong: A Universal Graph Deep Learning Interatomic Potential for the Periodic Table
[2202.02461] T. Sato, T. Kato, Daigo Oue et al.: Gyromagnetic bifurcation in a levitated ferromagnetic particle
[2202.02475] Jing Liu, Yuanchang Li: First-principles perspective on full-spectrum infrared photodetectors from doping an excitonic insulator
[2202.02504] Jasleen Kaur, Aritra Ghosh, Malay Bandyopadhyay: Partition of free energy for a Brownian quantum oscillator: Effect of dissipation and magnetic field
[2202.02505] M. A. Basith, Nilufar Yesmin, Rana Hossain: Low temperature synthesis of BiFeO$_{3}$ nanoparticles with enhanced magnetization and promising photocatalytic performance in dye degradation and ...
[2202.02508] M. A. Basith, Ragib Ahsan, Ishrat Zarin et al.: Enhanced photocatalytic dye degradation and hydrogen production ability of Bi$_{25}$FeO$_{40}$-rGO nanocomposite and mechanism insight
[2202.02512] J. Fransson: The Chiral Induced Spin Selectivity Effect -- What It Is, What It Is Not, And Why It Matters
[2202.02548] Kohei Kawabata, Ken Shiozaki, Shinsei Ryu: Many-body topology of non-Hermitian systems
[2202.02553] Satyaprasad P. Senanayak, Krishanu Dey, Ravichandran Shivanna et al.: Charge Transport in Mixed Metal Halide Perovskite Semiconductors
[2202.02558] Moh. Adhib Ulil Absor, Arif Lukmantoro, Iman Santoso: Full-zone Persistent Spin Textures with Giant Spin Splitting in Two-dimensional Group IV-V Compounds
[2202.02577] Bradley D. E. McNiven, James P. F. LeBlanc, Gordon T. Andrews: Long-wavelength phonon dynamics in incommensurate Bi2Sr2CaCu2O(8+delta) crystals by Brillouin light scattering spectroscopy
[2202.02578] Gudur Ashrith Reddy, Parag Katira: Differences in cell death and division rules can alter tissue rigidity and fluidization
[2202.02588] Kun Wang, Patrice Chartrand: The modified quasichemical model in the Distinguishable-Pair Approximation for multicomponent solutions
[2202.02589] Yves Noat, Alain Mauger, Minoru Nohara et al.: Cuprates phase diagram deduced from magnetic susceptibility: what is the `true' pseudogap line?
[2202.02596] Weiqi Wang, Brian J. Spencer: Does elastic stress modify the equilibrium corner angle?
[2202.02605] Pragya Shukla: Many body density of states in the edge of the spectrum: non-interacting limit
[2202.02630] Henry Alston, Luca Cocconi, Thibault Bertrand: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics of diffusion in fluctuating potentials
[2202.02715] Prashant Singh, Arnab Pal: First-passage Brownian functionals with stochastic resetting
[2202.02716] Weishuai Di, Xin Wang, Yanyan Zhou et al.: Fluorination Increases Hydrophobicity at the Macroscopic Level but not at the Microscopic Level
[2202.02737] Olivier Bouaziz: An alternative strategy for the use of a low-cost age-hardenable Fe-Si-Ti steel for automotive application
[2202.02739] D. Tay, T. Shang, Y. P. Qi et al.: $s$-wave superconductivity in the noncentrosymmetric W$_3$Al$_2$C superconductor: An NMR study
[2202.02746] Zhijing Huang, Zihan Yan, Guangdong Zhu et al.: Unexpectedly Spontaneous Water Dissociation on Graphene Oxide Supported by Copper Substrate
[2202.02753] Ken Chen, Qiang Luo, Zongsheng Zhou et al.: Triple-meron crystal in high-spin Kitaev magnets
[2202.02754] Jorge Berger: Attempt to describe phase slips by means of an adiabatic approximation
[2202.02761] P. Contreras, D. Uzcategui, E. Ochoa et al.: Tight-Binding non-magnetic disorder DOS and residual DOS revisited for Unconventional Superconductors
[2202.02781] Junjie Zeng, Chen Chen, Yafei Ren et al.: Topological Corner States in Graphene by Bulk and Edge Engineering
[2202.02785] Vinod Kumar, S. Kundu, M. Baenitz et al.: Magnetic transition in the $J_\textrm{eff} = 1/2$ Kagomé system Sm$_3$Sb$_3$Zn$_2$O$_{14}$
[2202.02792] Lauro B. Braz, Fernando A. Garcia: A semi-empirical analysis of the paramagnetic susceptibility of solid state magnetic clusters
[2202.02798] Amit Aharon-Steinberg, Tobias Völkl, Arkady Kaplan et al.: Direct observation of vortices in an electron fluid
[2202.02801] Richard Edberg, Ingrid Marie Fjellvåg, Lise Hoffman et al.: Magnetic monopole relaxation effects probed by modulation calorimetry in small spin-ice samples
[2202.02810] Satoshi Kokado, Masakiyo Tsunoda: Theoretical Study on Anisotropic Magnetoresistance Effects of Arbitrary Directions of Current and Magnetization for Ferromagnets: Application to Transverse A...
[2202.02827] Son Pham-Ba, Jean-François Molinari: Adhesive wear with a coarse-grained discrete element model
[2202.02834] Guanzhong Wu1, Dongying Wang, Nishchhal Verma et al.: Enhancing Perpendicular Magnetic Anisotropy in Garnet Ferrimagnet by Interfacing with Few-Layer WTe2
[2202.02835] Francesco Macheda, Paolo Barone, Francesco Mauri: Fröhlich electron-phonon interaction and LO-TO splitting in doped semiconductors
[2202.02852] Ken K. W. Ma, Kun Yang: Kolmogorov complexity as intrinsic entropy of a pure state: perspective from entanglement in free fermion systems
[2202.02865] Leiming Chen, Chiu Fan Lee, Ananyo Maitra et al.: Packed swarms on dirt: two dimensional incompressible flocks with quenched and annealed disorder
[2202.02866] Xiaowei Zhang, Ting Cao: Ab initio calculations of spin-nonconserving exciton-phonon scattering in monolayer transition metal dichalcogenides
[2202.02867] Piyush K. Singh, Randy H. Ewoldt: On simultaneous fitting of nonlinear and linear rheology data: Preventing a false sense of certainty
[2202.02873] Andreas Sinner, Gregor Tkachov: Diffusive transport in the lowest Landau level of disordered 2d semimetals: the mean-square-displacement approach
[2202.02908] Eric Ocegueda, Kaushik Bhattacharya: Interaction between deformation twinning and dislocation slip in polycrystalline solids
[2202.02910] Seungchan Woo, Brett Min, Hongki Min: Semiclassical magnetotransport including the effects of the Berry curvature and Lorentz force
[2202.02917] Xiao-Xiao Zhang, Naoto Nagaosa: Nonequilibrium topological spin textures in momentum space
[2202.02940] Chen Ma, Zhiping Yuan, Li Chen et al.: Condensation Droplet Sieve
[2202.02945] Zeyu Li, Yulei Han, Qian Niu et al.: Chern Number Tunable Quantum Anomalous Hall Effect in Monolayer Transitional Metal Oxides via Manipulating Magnetization Orientation
[2202.02969] Yingxi Bai, Linke Cai, Ning Mao et al.: Doubled Quantum Spin Hall Effect with High-Spin Chern Number in $α$-Antimonene and $α$-Bismuthene
[2202.02982] Hoon Kim, Joel Bertinshaw, J. Porras et al.: Sr$_2$IrO$_4$/Sr$_3$Ir$_2$O$_7$ superlattice for a model 2D quantum Heisenberg antiferromagnet
[2202.02995] Stephy Jose, Dipanjan Mandal, Mustansir Barma et al.: Active Random Walks in One and Two Dimensions
[2202.03003] Tao Qin, Pengfei Zhang, Guoao Yang: Non-diagonal disorder enhanced topological properties of graphene with laser irradiation
[2202.03029] Rudranil Basu, Swastibrata Bhattacharyya: Structural Deformation and Metal-Semiconductor Transition in Coupled Carbon Chains
[2202.03049] Ryan van Mastrigt, Marjolein Dijkstra, Martin van Hecke et al.: Machine Learning of Combinatorial Rules in Mechanical Metamaterials
[2202.03065] Juliane U. Klamser, Tridib Sadhu, Deepak Dhar: Sequence of phase transitions in a model of interacting rods
[2202.03089] Jia Zhang, Rui Qin, Wenjun Zhu et al.: Energy relaxation and electron-phonon coupling in laser-excited metals
[2202.03117] Elena Y. Vedmedenko, Roland Wiesendanger: Spin revolution
[2202.03123] Konstantin L. Metlov: Two types of metastable magnetic hopfions
[2202.03135] Ismail Aldellaa, Petr Havlásek, Milan Jirásek et al.: Effect of Creep on Corrosion-Induced Cracking
[2202.03161] I. Palacio, J. Obando-Guevara, L. Chen et al.: CDW signatures in the electronic structure of LaSb2 at 13 K and metal-insulator transition
[2202.03171] D. G. C. Jonas, P. K. Biswas, A. D. Hillier et al.: Quantum muon diffusion and the preservation of time-reversal symmetry in the superconducting state of type-I rhenium
[2202.03205] A. S. Belozerov, A. A. Katanin, V. I. Anisimov: Coulomb correlations and magnetic properties of L1$_0$ FeCo: a DFT+DMFT study
[2202.03222] Arnaud Bigué, Frédéric Chevy, Xavier Leyronas: Mean-field vs RPA calculation of the energy of an impurity immersed in a spin 1/2 superfluid
[2202.03225] Kento Yasuda, Kenta Ishimoto, Akira Kobayashi et al.: Time-correlation functions for odd Langevin systems
[2202.03231] Marina Pasquet, François Boulogne, Julien Saint-Anna et al.: Impact of physical-chemistry on the film thinning in surface bubbles
[2202.03232] Haeyoon Jung, Jiyeon Kim, Sooran Kim: Phonon study of Jahn-Teller distortion and phase stability in NaMnO$_2$ for sodium-ion batteries
[2202.03247] Therese Frostad, Hans Skarsvåg, Arne Brataas: Spin-transfer-assisted Parametric Pumping of Magnons in Yttrium Iron Garnet
[2202.03251] S. Spachmann, A. Elghandour, S. Selter et al.: Strong effects of uniaxial pressure and short-range correlations in Cr2Ge2Te6
[2202.03261] Sijie Tong, Rastko Sknepnek, Andrej Kosmrlj: Normal Mode Analysis of the Linear Viscoelastic Response of Dissipative Systems: Application to Vertex Model
[2202.03292] Chenchao Xu, Chao Cao, Jian-Xin Zhu: Pressure-induced concomitant topological and metal-insulator quantum phase transitions in Ce$_3$Pd$_3$Bi$_4$
[2202.03311] D. A. Mayoh, J. Bouaziz, A. E. Hall et al.: Giant topological and planar Hall effect in Cr$_{1/3}$NbS$_{2}$
[2202.03315] Wibke Bronsch, Manuel Tuniz, Giuseppe Crupi et al.: Ultrafast dynamics in (TaSe$_4$)$_2$I triggered by valence and core-level excitation
[2202.03317] Anumita Bose, Rajdeep Banerjee, Awadhesh Narayan: Pressure-induced magnetic and topological transitions in non-centrosymmetric MnIn$_{2}$Te$_{4}$
[2202.03318] Ata Keşkekler, Hadi Arjmandi, Peter G. Steeneken et al.: Symmetry-breaking induced frequency combs in graphene resonators
[2202.03330] Lorenz Baumgarten, Stefan Bornholdt: A toy model for brain criticality: self-organized excitation/inhibition ratio and the role of network clustering
[2202.03331] Richard Schlitz, Luise Siegl, Takuma Sato et al.: Magnetization dynamics affected by phonon pumping
[2202.03355] Aden Z. Lam, Niccolò Bigagli, Claire Warner et al.: A High Phase-Space Density Gas of NaCs Feshbach Molecules
[2202.03366] M. Mühlhauser, K.P. Schmidt: Linked Cluster Expansions via Hypergraph Decompositions
[2202.03370] M. A. Ali, Muhammad Waqas Qureshi: DFT insights into the new Hf-based chalcogenide MAX phase Hf2SeC
[2202.03409] Lea Happel, Dennis Wenzel, Axel Voigt: Effects of local curvature on epithelia tissue -- coordinated rotational movement and other spatiotemporal arrangements
[2202.03417] Jing-Rong Wang, Chang-Jin Zhang: Fate of higher-order topological insulator under Coulomb interaction
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Tue, 8 Feb 22","img":""}
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