Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 3 Jun 21
[2106.00690] Glenn Wagner, Dung X. Nguyen, Steven H. Simon et al.: $s$-wave paired composite-fermion electron-hole trial state for quantum Hall bilayers with $ν=1$
[2106.00696] Balázs Pozsgay: A Yang-Baxter integrable cellular automaton with a four site update rule
[2106.00697] Georgios Varnavides, Yaxian Wang, Philip J.W. Moll et al.: Finite-size effects of electron transport in PdCoO$_2$
[2106.00709] Benjamin J. Wieder, Barry Bradlyn, Jennifer Cano et al.: Topological Materials Discovery from Nonmagnetic Crystal Symmetry
[2106.00712] Hongyu Lu, Chuhao Li, Wei Li et al.: AI-assisted quantum many-body computation beyond Markov-chain Monte Carlo
[2106.00721] Sebastian Manzo, Patrick J. Strohbeen, Zheng-Hui Lim et al.: Defect-seeded lateral epitaxy and exfoliation on graphene-terminated surfaces
[2106.00731] Riccardo Arpaia, Giacomo Ghiringhelli: Charge order at high temperature in cuprate superconductors
[2106.00770] Meng Wu, Zhenglu Li, Steven G. Louie: Optical and magneto-optical properties of ferromagnetic monolayer CrBr$_3$: A first-principles $GW$ and $GW$ plus Bethe-Salpeter equation study
[2106.00800] Bruno Mera, Anwei Zhang, Nathan Goldman: Relating the topology of Dirac Hamiltonians to quantum geometry: When the quantum metric dictates Chern numbers and winding numbers
[2106.00811] Johannes Hofmann: Universal corrections to reaction-diffusion dynamics above the upper critical dimension
[2106.00818] Gerhard Jung, Friederike Schmid: Fluctuation-Dissipation Relations Far from Equilibrium: A Case Study
[2106.00820] Raymond E. Blackwell, Fangzhou Zhao, Erin Brooks et al.: Spin Splitting of Dopant Edge States in Magnetic Zigzag Graphene Nanoribbons
[2106.00821] Eugene B. Kolomeisky, Jonathan Colen, Joseph P. Straley: Negative group velocity and Kelvin-like wake in superfluid $^{4}He$
[2106.00823] Markus Sudmanns, Jaafar A. El-Awady: The effect of local chemical ordering on dislocation activity in multi-principle element alloys: a three-dimensional discrete dislocation dynamics study
[2106.00824] Fernanda Pérez-Verdugo, Germán Reig, Mauricio Cerda et al.: Modelling of active contraction pulses in epithelial cells using the vertex model
[2106.00825] Matthew Mitchell, Andrea Di Carli, German Sinuco Leon et al.: Dynamics of periodically driven matter waves with negative effective mass
[2106.00833] Hongrui Zhang, Yu-Tsun Shao, Rui Chen et al.: A room temperature polar ferromagnetic metal
[2106.00835] Brendan Rhyno, Nathan Lundblad, David C. Aveline et al.: Thermodynamics in expanding shell-shaped Bose-Einstein condensates
[2106.00867] Philip B. Allen, Nhat Ahn Nghiem Vu: Phonon Heat Transport Seen in Pulses
[2106.00868] Yogesh Sharma, Min-Cheol Lee, Krishna C. Pitike et al.: High Entropy Oxide Relaxor Ferroelectrics
[2106.00879] H. A. Vinutha, Daan Frenkel: Estimation of the equilibrium free energy for glasses using the Jarzynski equality
[2106.00894] Koji Kobashi: Pressure-constant Monte Carlo simulation of phase I of solid CO2 up to 10 GPa at T = 200 K using Kihara potential model
[2106.00907] San-Dong Guo, Wen-Qi Mu, Meng-Yuan Yin et al.: Coexistence of intrinsic piezoelectricity, ferromagnetism and nontrivial band topology in Li-decorated Janus monolayer $\mathrm{Fe_2SSe}$ with h...
[2106.00915] Chi-Ho Cheng, Pik-Yin Lai: Non-equilibrium thermodynamics and Phase transition of Ehrenfest urns with interactions
[2106.00921] M. Hiraishi, K. M. Kojima, H. Okabe et al.: Anomalous diamagnetism of electride electrons in transition metal silicides
[2106.00935] Andrew C. Yuan, Erez Berg, Steven A. Kivelson: Strain-induced time reversal breaking and half quantum vortices near a putative superconducting tetra-critical point in Sr$_2$RuO$_4$
[2106.00938] Tomoki Hotta, Kengo Takase, Kosuke Takiguchi et al.: Growth and characterization of quaternary-alloy ferromagnetic semiconductor (In,Ga,Fe)Sb
[2106.00946] Toshiyuki Tabata, Karim, Huet et al.: Dopant redistribution and activation in Ga ion-implanted high Ge content SiGe by explosive crystallization during UV nanosecond pulsed laser annealing
[2106.00947] M. Mirzakhani, F. M. Peeters: Isolated and hybrid bilayer graphene rings
[2106.01007] Håvard Homleid Haugen, Egor Babaev, Fredrik Nicolai Krohg et al.: First order superconducting phase transition in chiralp+ipsystem
[2106.01026] Ryunosuke Takahashi, Yoshiki Tani, Hirotaka Abe et al.: Ultrafast demagnetization in NiCo2O4 thin films probed by time-resolved microscopy
[2106.01029] Ashfaq Ahmad, Pawel Strak, Pawel Kempisty et al.: Polarization doping ab initio verification of the concept charge conservation and nonlocality
[2106.01046] Ze Liu, Jing-Yang You, Bo Gu et al.: Enhanced spin-orbit coupling and orbital moment in ferromagnets by electron correlations
[2106.01054] Viola Krizakova, Eva Grimaldi, Kevin Garello et al.: Interplay of voltage control of magnetic anisotropy, spin transfer torque, and heat in the spin-orbit torque switching in three-terminal m...
[2106.01066] Liane Brandt, Ulrike Ritzmann, Niklas Liebing et al.: Effective exchange interaction for terahertz spin waves in iron layers
[2106.01068] Martin-Isbjörn Trappe, Piotr T. Grochowski, Jun Hao Hue et al.: Phase Transitions of Repulsive Two-Component Fermi Gases in Two Dimensions
[2106.01133] Michal J. Winiarski, Gabriel Kuderowicz, Karolina Górnicka et al.: MgPd$_2$Sb -- the first Mg-based Heusler-type superconductor
[2106.01152] C. Macchiutti, J. R. Jesus, F. B. Carneiro et al.: Absence of zero-field-cooled exchange bias effect in single crystalline La2-xAxCoMnO6 (A = Ca, Sr) compounds
[2106.01181] Alexandros Vekris, Juan Carlos Estrada Saldaña, Joeri de Bruijckere et al.: Asymmetric Little-Parks Oscillations in Full Shell Double Nanowires
[2106.01188] Archana Mishra, Pascal Simon, Timo Hyart et al.: A Yu-Shiba-Rusinov qubit
[2106.01192] Sergey S. Pershoguba, Victor M. Yakovenko: Optical control of topological memory based on orbital magnetization
[2106.01198] Akash Singh, Michio Tateno, Gilles Simon et al.: Immersed Cantilever Apparatus for Mechanics and Microscopy
[2106.01220] Meng An, Dongsheng Chen, Weigang Ma et al.: Directly Visualizing the Crossover from Incoherent to Coherent Phonons in Two-dimensional Periodic MoS2/MoSe2 Arrayed Heterostructure
[2106.01239] Patrick J. Strohbeen, Vivek Saraswat, Sebastian Manzo et al.: Quantifying the role of defects in monolayer graphene diffusion barriers
[2106.01248] Yang Luo, Shuting Peng, Samuel M. L. Teicher et al.: Distinct band reconstructions in kagome superconductor CsV$_3$Sb$_5$
[2106.01267] Amit Kumar Chatterjee, Manas Kulkarni, Anupam Kundu: Dynamical regimes of finite temperature discrete nonlinear Schrödinger chain
[2106.01276] Alberto Megías, Andrés Santos: Hydrodynamics of granular gases of inelastic and rough hard disks or spheres. I. Transport coefficients
[2106.01278] Alberto Megías, Andrés Santos: Hydrodynamics of granular gases of inelastic and rough hard disks or spheres. II. Stability analysis
[2106.01290] Prateek Dwivedi, Atishay Shrivastava, Dipin Pillai et al.: Rheotaxis of Self-Propelled Liquid Crystal Droplets
[2106.01292] Tomaz Prosen: Reversible Cellular Automata as Integrable Interactions Round-a-Face: Deterministic, Stochastic, and Quantized
[2106.01296] Justin Crabb, Xavier Cantos-Roman, Josep M. Jornet et al.: Hydrodynamic theory of the Dyakonov-Shur instability in graphene transistors
[2106.01306] Nataliya Stankevich: Stabilization of steady state in Multiplex heterogeneous networks of neuron-like models with bistability between silent state and bursting attractor
[2106.01307] I. F. Llovo, C. Carballeira, D. Sóñora et al.: Multiband effects on the upper critical field angular dependence of 122-family iron pnictide superconductors
[2106.01309] Qiaohao Liang, Aldair E. Gongora, Zekun Ren et al.: Benchmarking the Performance of Bayesian Optimization across Multiple Experimental Materials Science Domains
[2106.01318] Clément Moreau, Kenta Ishimoto, Eamonn A. Gaffney et al.: Control and controllability of microswimmers by a shearing flow
[2106.01321] M.V. Tamm, D.G. Koval, V.I. Stadnichuk: Polygon-based hierarchical planar networks based on generalized Apollonian construction
[2106.01333] Chaithanya K.V.S., Sumesh P. Thampi: Wall curvature driven dynamics of a microswimmer
[2106.01334] Claire Warner, Aden Z. Lam, Niccolò Bigagli et al.: Overlapping Bose-Einstein Condensates of $^{23}$Na and $^{133}$Cs
[2106.01341] Shan Wu, Zhijun Xu, Shannon C. Haley et al.: Highly tunable magnetic phases in transition metal dichalcogenide Fe$_{1/3+δ}$NbS$_2$
[2106.01349] Malte Schröder, Marc Timme: Asymmetry in repeated isotropic rotations
[2106.01358] Hongyun Zhang, Changhua Bao, Michael Schüler et al.: Self-energy dynamics and mode-specific phonon threshold effect in a Kekulé-ordered graphene
[2106.01359] Changhua Bao, Hongyun Zhang, Teng Zhang et al.: Experimental evidence of chiral symmetry breaking in Kekulé-ordered graphene
[2106.01361] Bitan Roy, Vladimir Juricic: Mixed parity octupolar pairing and corner Majorana modes in three dimensions
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 3 Jun 21","img":""}
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