Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?
New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 17 Mar 22
[2203.08154] Michael O. Flynn, Long-Hin Tang, Anushya Chandran et al.: Momentum space entanglement of interacting fermions
[2203.08156] Ryohei Kobayashi: Symmetry-preserving boundary of (2+1)D fractional quantum Hall states
[2203.08159] T. Weber, D. M. Fobes, J. Waizner et al.: Topological magnon band structure of emergent Landau levels in a skyrmion lattice
[2203.08168] Vladimir Rosenhaus, Michael Smolkin: Feynman rules for wave turbulence
[2203.08173] Miguel Castillo-Celeita, Alonso Contreras-Astorga, David J. Fernández C: Complex Supersymmetry in Graphene
[2203.08175] Defne Akay, Santanu. K. Maiti: Mini Band Gap Generation in Magnetic Beta-Borophene: Effects of Optical Phonon Interaction
[2203.08183] Zouhour Ben Jabra, Mathieu Abel, Filippo Fabbri et al.: Van der Waals heteroepitaxy of air stable quasi-free standing silicene layers on CVD epitaxial graphene/6H-SiC
[2203.08186] Y. Xiao, M. O. Borgh, A. A. Blinova et al.: Topological Superfluid Defects with Discrete Point Group Symmetries
[2203.08200] Juan P. Garrahan, Frank Pollmann: Topological phases in the dynamics of the simple exclusion process
[2203.08214] EliseAnne C. Koskelo, Cheng Liu, Paromita Mukherjee et al.: Free-spin dominated magnetocaloric effect in dense Gd$^{3+}$ double perovskites
[2203.08236] Supriyo Bandyopadhyay: Comment on "Using Dipole Interaction to Achieve Nonvolatile Voltage Control of Magnetism in Multiferroic Heterostructures" [Adv. Mater., 2021, 2105902]
[2203.08238] Guang Shi, D. Thirumalai: A method to predict 3D structural ensembles of chromatins from pairwise distances: Applications to Interphase Chromosomes and Structural Variants
[2203.08250] Jonatan Wårdh, Mats Granath: Nematic single-component superconductivity and loop-current order from pair-density wave instability
[2203.08261] Rameshwar L. Kumawat, Biswarup Pathak: Synthetic Hachimoji DNA Sequencing with Graphene Nanodevice
[2203.08294] Ondrej Dyck, Jacob L. Swett, Charalambos Evangeli et al.: Contrast mechanisms in secondary electron e-beam induced current (SEEBIC) imaging
[2203.08333] Satoru Hayami, Ryota Yambe: Helicity locking of square skyrmion crystal in a centrosymmetric lattice system without vertical mirror symmetry
[2203.08361] Taro Kanao, Hayato Goto: Simulated bifurcation assisted by thermal fluctuation
[2203.08385] Yutaro Tanaka, Tiantian Zhang, Makio Uwaha et al.: Anomalous crystal shapes of topological crystalline insulators
[2203.08413] Roshni Singh, Bhaskaran Muralidharan: Conductance Spectroscopy of Majorana Zero Modes in Superconductor-Magnetic Insulating Nanowire Hybrid Systems
[2203.08447] Victor Grand, Baptiste Flipon, Alexis Gaillac et al.: Characterization and modeling of the influence of initial microstructure on recrystallization of zircaloy-4 during hot forming
[2203.08458] Jesper Byggmästar, Kai Nordlund, Flyura Djurabekova: Simple machine-learned interatomic potentials for complex alloys
[2203.08494] Jayanta Bhattacharjee, Archna Sagdeo, S. D. Singh: Determination of Al occupancy and local structure for \b{eta}-(AlxGa1-x)2O3 alloys across nearly full composition range from Rietveld analysis
[2203.08495] Clément Hainaut, Jean-François Clément, Pascal Szriftgiser et al.: Localization properties of the asymptotic density distribution of a one-dimensional disordered system
[2203.08506] Jean-François de Kemmeter, Bryan Debin, Philippe Ruelle: Arctic curves of the $6$V model with partial DWBC and double Aztec rectangles
[2203.08575] Ivan S. Maksymov, M. Kostylev: Effect of hydrogen gas on magnetic properties of alloys of ferromagnetic metals with Pd and its application in hydrogen gas sensing
[2203.08577] J. Hawecker, E. Rongione, A. Markou et al.: Spintronic THz emitters based on transition metals and semi-metals/Pt multilayers
[2203.08584] Hiroshi Horii, Raphael Lefevere, Masato Itami et al.: Anomalous fluctuations of renewal-reward processes with heavy-tailed distributions
[2203.08587] K. Kaperek, S. Heun, M. Carrega et al.: Scanning gate microscopy imaging of the supercurrent distribution in a planar Josephson junction
[2203.08598] Hiroki Fujibayashi, Genki Nakamine, Katsuki Kinjo et al.: Superconducting order parameter in UTe$_2$ determined by Knight shift measurement
[2203.08605] Phoebe M. Pearce, Sheau Wei Ong, Andrew D. Johnson et al.: Compositional dependence of direct transition energies in Si$_x$Ge$_{1-x-y}$Sn$_y$ alloys lattice-matched to Ge/GaAs
[2203.08607] Vidushi Sharma, Dibakar Datta: Developing Potential Energy Surfaces for Graphene-based 2D-3D Interfaces from Modified High Dimensional Neural Networks for Applications in Energy Storage
[2203.08609] Jingxu Zheng, Yue Deng, Wenzao Li et al.: The Sabatier principle for Battery Anodes: Chemical Kinetics and Reversible Electrodeposition at Heterointerfaces
[2203.08611] Geralf Hütter: Interpretation of the micromorphic elastic moduli by harmonic decomposition and homogenization of a porous microstructure
[2203.08621] Daniel Capic: Elliptical skyrmions: theory and nucleation by a magnetic tip in an antiskyrmion-hosting material
[2203.08623] Aurelio W. T. de Noronha, Levi R. Leite, Humberto A. Carmona et al.: Scaling in Local Optimal Paths Cracks
[2203.08626] Mahendra K. Verma, Soumyadeep Chatterjee, Aryan Sharma et al.: Equilibrium states of Burgers and KdV equations
[2203.08627] Francesco De Vita, Giovanni Dematteis, Raffaele Mazzilli et al.: Anomalous conduction and second sound in the Fermi-Pasta-Ulam-Tsingou chain: wave-turbulence approach
[2203.08641] Niklas Cichutek, Max Hansen, Peter Kopietz: Phonon renormalization and Pomeranchuk instability in the Holstein model
[2203.08675] Noémie Dagès, Louis V. Bouthier, Lauren Matthews et al.: Interpenetration of fractal clusters drives elasticity in colloidal gels formed upon flow cessation
[2203.08687] M. H. Moreiraa, S. Dal Pont, A. Tengattinib et al.: Experimental proof of moisture clog through neutron tomography in a porous medium under truly one-directional drying
[2203.08696] Zhiyu Cao, Zhonghuai Hou: Improved estimation for energy dissipation in biochemical oscillations
[2203.08697] Scott R. Broderick, Kaito Miyamoto, Krishna Rajan: New Generalized Informatics Framework for Development of Large Scale Virtual Battery Material Databases
[2203.08699] Scott R. Broderick, Kaito Miyamoto, Krishna Rajan: High-Throughput Computation of Li-based Battery Material Databases: Chemistry-Processing-Property Relationships
[2203.08705] Dominik Maile, Joachim Ankerhold, Sabine Andergassen et al.: Engineering the speedup of quantum tunneling in Josephson systems via dissipation
[2203.08710] Akshay A. Murthy, Paul Masih Das, Stephanie M. Ribet et al.: Potential Nanoscale Sources of Decoherence in Niobium based Transmon Qubit Architectures
[2203.08711] R. Baggio, O. U. Salman, L. Truskinovsky: Inelastic rotations and plastic turbulence
[2203.08718] I. M. Suslov: Is Fermi liquid topologically protected?
[2203.08741] P. Serafini, A. Milani, M. Tommasini et al.: Vibrational properties of graphdiynes as 2D carbon materials beyond graphene
[2203.08743] A. A. Sinchenko, R. Ballou, J. E. Lorenzo et al.: Does (TaSe4)2I really harbor an axionic charge density wave?
[2203.08752] Filipp N. Rybakov, Egor Babaev: Flux Qubit Based on Hybrid Ferromagnetic-Superconducting Device
[2203.08754] Nazmul Hasan, Md Arifuzzaman, Alamgir Kabir: Structural, elastic and optoelectronic properties of inorganic cubic FrBX3 (B = Ge, Sn; X = Cl, Br, I) perovskite: the density functional theory a...
[2203.08756] E. Rongione, S. Fragkos, L. Baringthon et al.: Ultrafast spin-charge conversion at SnBi$_2$Te$_4$/Co topological insulator interfaces probed by terahertz emission spectroscopy
[2203.08769] Emily V. S. Hofmann, Taylor J. Z. Stock, Oliver Warschkow et al.: Room temperature donor incorporation for quantum devices: arsine on germanium
[2203.08770] Hong Li, He Zhao, Kun Jiang et al.: Manipulation of Dirac band curvature and momentum-dependent g-factor in a kagome magnet YMn6Sn6
[2203.08780] Rajah Nutakki, Richard Röß-Ohlenroth, Dirk Volkmer et al.: Frustration on a centred pyrochlore lattice in metal-organic frameworks
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Thu, 17 Mar 22","img":""}
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