Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?

New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 6 Oct 21
[2110.01608] Clóves Gonçalves Rodrigues: Electron transport in GaN(ZB) and AlN(WZ)
[2110.01609] Clóves Gonçalves Rodrigues, Valder N. Freire, Áurea R. Vasconcellos et al.: Mobility in N-Doped Wurtzite III-Nitrides
[2110.01611] Jackelinne L. Vasconcelos, Clóves Gonçalves Rodrigues, Roberto Luzzi: Anisotropic Hole Drift Velocity in 4H-SiC
[2110.01612] Clóves Gonçalves Rodrigues, Valder N. Freire, Áurea R. Vasconcellos et al.: Hot Electron Dynamics in Zincblende and Wurtzite GaN
[2110.01636] D. Szász-Schagrin, I. Lovas, G. Takács: Quantum quenches in an interacting field theory: full quantum evolution vs. semi-classical approximations
[2110.01642] Abhishek Kumar, Premala Chandra, Pavel A. Volkov: Spin-Phonon Resonances in Nearly Polar Metals with Spin-Orbit Coupling
[2110.01656] Anton Kovyakh, Soham Banerjee, Chia-Hao Liu et al.: Towards scanning nanostructure x-ray microscopy
[2110.01657] Claudio Bonati, Alessio Franchi, Andrea Pelissetto et al.: Phase diagram and Higgs phases of 3D lattice SU(Nc) gauge theories with multiparameter scalar potentials
[2110.01701] Uwe Wolfram, Marta Peña-Fernandez, Samuel McPhee et al.: Multiscale Mechanical Consequences of Ocean Acidification for Cold-Water Corals
[2110.01713] Philipp Rüßmann, Stefan Blügel: Density functional Bogoliubov-de Gennes analysis of superconducting Nb and Nb(110) surfaces
[2110.01714] William K. Peria, De-Lin Zhang, Yihong Fan et al.: Anomalous temperature dependence of phonon pumping by ferromagnetic resonance in Co/Pd multilayers with perpendicular anisotropy
[2110.01720] Thow Min Cham, Saba Karimeddiny, Vishakha Gupta et al.: Separation of Artifacts from Spin-Torque Ferromagnetic Resonance Measurements of Spin-Orbit Torque for the Low-Symmetry van der Waals S...
[2110.01750] Kwnaghee Park, Sunmin Ryu: Dual-channel charge transfer doping of graphene by sulfuric acid
[2110.01760] T. Macrì, L. Lepori, G. Pagano et al.: Bound state dynamics in the long-range spin-$\frac{1}{2}$ XXZ model
[2110.01787] Kejun Li, Tyler Smart, Yuan Ping: $C_2C_N$ as a 2 eV Single-Photon Emitter Candidate in Hexagonal Boron Nitride
[2110.01790] Yunfan Liang, Min Cai, Lang Peng et al.: Electronic Polaron in Strongly-correlated Transition Metal Halides
[2110.01793] Biswajit Datta, Jaykumar Vaidya, Subhamoy Ghatak et al.: Nanoscale devices with superconducting electrodes to locally channel current in 3D Weyl semimetals
[2110.01801] Kohei Ueda, Naoki Moriuchi, Kenta Fukushima et al.: Spin-orbit torque generation in NiFe/IrO2 bilayers
[2110.01817] Taehun Kim, Sangwoo Sim, Sumin Lim et al.: Slow oxidation of magnetite nanoparticles elucidates the limits of the Verwey transition
[2110.01819] K. Ishihara, T. Takenaka, Y. Miao et al.: Tuning the Parity Mixing of Singlet-Septet Pairing in a Half-Heusler Superconductor
[2110.01841] Jae Sung Lee, Hyunggyu Park: Effects of the non-Markovianity and non-Gaussianity of active environmental noises on engine performance
[2110.01859] Lorenzo Tiberi, Jonas Stapmanns, Tobias Kühn et al.: Gell-Mann-Low criticality in neural networks
[2110.01865] Matthias Gillig, Xiaochen Hong, Piyush Sakrikar et al.: Thermal transport of the frustrated spin-chain mineral linarite: Magnetic heat transport and strong spin-phonon scattering
[2110.01867] Gyungchoon Go, Seunghun Lee, Se Kwon Kim: Generation of Nonreciprocity of Gapless Spin Waves by Chirality Injection
[2110.01870] Rustem Khasanov, Ross Urquhart, Matthias Elender et al.: Three-wall piston-cylinder type pressure cell for muon-spin rotation/relaxation experiments
[2110.01887] Lev V. Levitin, Harriet van der Vliet, Terje Theisen et al.: Cooling low-dimensional electron systems into the microkelvin regime
[2110.01898] Chris Toebes, Mario Vretenar, Jan Klaers: Dispersive and dissipative coupling of photon Bose-Einstein condensates
[2110.01902] Komal Kumari, Raman Sharma, Navinder Singh: Density-Driven Resistance Response in $MnS_{2}$: Theory
[2110.01906] A. Motavassal, S. A. Jafari: Circuit realization of tilted Dirac cone: A platform for fabrication of curved spacetime geometry on a chip
[2110.01946] Yanik-Pascal Förster, Luca Gamberi, Evan Tzanis et al.: Exact and Approximate Mean First Passage Times on Trees and other Necklace Structures: a Local Equilibrium Approach
[2110.01947] Qian Wu, Baibiao Huang, Ying Dai et al.: Main-Group Metal Elements as Promising Active Centers for Single-Atom Catalysts
[2110.01961] Fabian Bertoldo, Sajid Ali, Simone Manti et al.: Quantum point defects in 2D materials: The QPOD database
[2110.01985] Róbert Juhász: Long-range hopping models with off-diagonal disorder and the concept of random-singlet state
[2110.01986] Elena N. Tsiok, Yuri D. Fomin, Evgenii A. Gaiduk et al.: The role of attraction in the phase diagrams and melting scenarios of generalized 2D Lennard-Jones systems
[2110.02003] Gaofeng Xu, Krish Patel, Igor Žutić: Threshold behavior in spin lasers: Spontaneous emission and nonlinear gain
[2110.02025] E. H. Krenkel, M. A. Tanatar, M. Konczykowski et al.: Unconventional pairing in $(\text{Ca,Sr})_{3}(\text{Ir,Rh})_{4}\text{Sn}_{13}$ superconductors revealed by controlling disorder
[2110.02045] Mahroo Shiranzaei, Jonas Fransson: The impact of defects on low-energy excitations in two-dimensional bipartite uniaxial antiferromagnet insulators
[2110.02053] A. I. Blair, D. P. Hampshire: The Critical Current Density of SNS Josephson Junctions and Polycrystalline Superconductors in High Magnetic Fields
[2110.02064] Juliette Huynh, Mathias Albert, Pierre-Élie Larré: Critical velocity for superfluidity in one dimension: From matter to light quantum fluids
[2110.02070] Jian-Min Zuo, Renliang Yuan, Yu-Tsun Shao et al.: Data-Driven Electron Microscopy: Electron Diffraction Imaging of Materials Structural Properties
[2110.02076] Winfried Schmidt, Andre Förtsch, Matthias Laumann et al.: Oscillatory, non-progressing flows induce directed cell motion
[2110.02087] S. V. Mironov, A. I. Buzdin: Collective magnetic and plasma excitations in Josephson $ψ$ junctions
[2110.02118] Cong Tao, Daniel Mutter, Daniel F. Urban et al.: Electrostatic treatment of charged interfaces in atomistic calculations
[2110.02126] S. Kollarics, F. Simon, A. Bojtor et al.: Ultrahigh nitrogen-vacancy center concentration in diamond
[2110.02130] Flavio Ronetti, Daniel Loss, Jelena Klinovaja: Fractional spin excitations and conductance in the spiral staircase Heisenberg ladder
[2110.02131] Yury A. Budkov, Nikolai N. Kalikin, Andrei L. Kolesnikov: Electrochemistry meets polymer physics: polymerized ionic liquids on an electrified electrode
[2110.02137] Yao-Wen Yeh, Sobhit Singh, David Vanderbilt et al.: Polarization selectivity of aloof-beam electron energy-loss spectroscopy in one-dimensional ZnO nanorods
[2110.02138] Yu. I. Dzhezherya, A. F. Kravets, V. M. Kalita et al.: Fast barrier-free switching in synthetic antiferromagnets
[2110.02179] Oliviero Cannelli, Julia Wiktor, Nicola Colonna et al.: Atomic-level description of thermal fluctuations in inorganic lead halide perovskites
[2110.02184] J. L. Liu, R. Liu, M. Yang et al.: Revealing a charge-density-wave gap in the predicted weak topological insulator HoSbTe
[2110.02185] Paramjeet Banger, R. Kishor Kumar, Ashton S. Bradley et al.: Spin-orbit- and coherently-coupled spin-1 Bose-Einstein condensates under rotation
[2110.02194] Carlo Rizza, Debasis Dutta, Barun Ghosh et al.: Photonic Topological Transitions and Epsilon-Near-Zero Surface Plasmons in Type-II Dirac Semimetal NiTe$_2$
[2110.02199] A. Kapanowski, S. Dawidowicz: Monte Carlo simulations of biaxial molecules near a hard wall
[2110.02201] Vighnesh Naik, Varna Shenoy, Weibin Li et al.: Analyzing Rydberg excitation Dynamics in an atomic chain via discrete truncated Wigner approximation and artificial neural networks
[2110.02213] Patrick Pietzonka: Classical pendulum clocks break the thermodynamic uncertainty relation
{"name":"Do you have any recommendations in new papers today?", "url":"","txt":"New submissions in cond-mat on Wed, 6 Oct 21","img":""}
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