Air Brakes #1

A straight truck air brake system should not leak at a rate of more than _______ psi per minute with the engine off and the brake on.
Your brakes are fading when:
You release pressure on the brake pedal and speed increases.
Less pressure is needed on the brake pedal for each stop.
You have to push harder on the brake pedal to control your speed on a downgrade.
The brake pedal feels spongy when you apply pressure.
The supply pressure gauge shows how much pressure:
Is going to the brake chambers
You have used in this trip
Is in the air tanks
The air can take
The brake system that applies and releases the brakes when the driver uses the brake pedal is the _______ brake system.
None of the above
If your vehicle has an alcohol evaporator, every day during cold weather you should:
Change the alcohol from a new bottle
Check the oil for alcohol content
Check and fill the alcohol level
Clean the air filter with alcohol
Why should you drain water from compressed air tanks?
To make room for the oil that should be there.
Water cools the compressor too much.
Water can freeze in cold weather and cause brake failure.
The boiling point reduces brake power.
On long downhill grades, experts recommend using a low gear and light, steady pedal pressure instead of on-again, off-again braking. Why?
Air usage is less with light steady pressure.
Brake linings do not heat up as much with light pressure.
You can keep vehicle speed constant in a low gear with light, steady, pressure.
All of the above
Your truck or bus has a dual air brake system. If a low air pressure warning comes on for only one system, what should you do?
Reduce your speed, and test the remaining system while under way
Continue at normal speed. No action is needed when only one system fails.
Stop right away and safely park. Continue only after the system is fixed.
Reduce your speed, and drive to the nearest garage for repairs
During normal driving, spring brakes are usually held back by:
Spring pressure
Air pressure
Bolts or clamps
Centrifugal force
Total stopping distance for air brakes is longer than that for hydraulic brakes due to __________ distance.
Brake lag
Effective braking
The most common type of foundation brake found on heavy vehicles is the:
Wedge drum
S+cam drum
None of the above
With air brake vehicles, the parking brakes should be used:
Only during pre and post-trip inspections
To hold your speed when going downhill
As little as possible
Whenever you leave the vehicle unattended
For emergency stab braking, you should:
Press hard on the brake pedal and apply full hand valve until you stop
Brake hard until the wheels lock, then release
Pump the brake pedal rapidly and lightly
Press on the brake pedal as hard as you can, release the brakes when the wheels lock, and when the wheels start rolling, put the brakes on fully again
Parking or emergency brakes of trucks and buses can be legally held on by _________ pressure.
The driver must be able to see a low air pressure warning which comes on before pressure in the service air tanks falls below ________ psi.
If your vehicle has an alcohol evaporator, it is there to:
Rid the wet tank of alcohol that condenses and sits at the bottom
Eliminate the need for daily tank draining
Boost tank pressure the same way that turbochargers boost engines
Reduce the risk of ice in air brake valves in cold weather
The brake pedal in an air brake system:
Controls the air pressure applied to put on the brakes
Controls the speed of the air compressor
Is connected to slack adjusters by a series of rods and linkages
Is seldom used, compared to hydraulic systems
Separate air tanks allows the driver of a heavy vehicle to:
Release the spring emergency/parking brakes to move a short distance
Brake harder if the main tank is getting low
Balance the service brake system when you are parked
Stay parked twice as long without using up service air pressure
To check the free play of manual slack adjusters of S+cam brakes, you should park on:
A slight grade, release the parking brakes, and apply the service brakes, watching for vehicle movement
Level ground and drain off air pressure before checking the adjustment
Level ground and apply the parking brakes
Level ground, chock the wheels, and release the parking brakes
The most important thing to do when a low air pressure warning comes on is:
Adjust the brake pedal for more travel
Stop and safely park as soon as possible.
The air compressor governor controls:
When air is pumped into the air tanks
When the brake chambers release pressure
Air pressure applied to the brakes
The speed of the air compressor
The braking power of the spring brakes:
Is not affected by the condition of the service brakes
Can only be tested by highly+trained brake service people
Increases when the service brakes are hot
Depends on the service brakes being in adjustment
All air brake equipped vehicles have:
At least one brake heater
A backup hydraulic system
An air use gauge
A supply pressure gauge
If you must make an emergency stop, you should brake so you:
Use the hand brake before the brake pedal
Use the full power of the brakes to lock them
Can steer and your vehicle stays in a straight line
Do not need to worry about steering
{"name":"Air Brakes #1", "url":"","txt":"A straight truck air brake system should not leak at a rate of more than _______ psi per minute with the engine off and the brake on., Your brakes are fading when:, The supply pressure gauge shows how much pressure:","img":""}
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