General Psychology Quiz 1; Chapter's 1, 5, & 10

(Beginning of Ch 1 Questions) Theories allow psychologists to make ________such as a client's chance of recovery.
Jean, a divorced mother with two children, married Harry, a widower with a teenage daughter. From the onset of her relationship with Harry, Jean had difficulty in relating to his daughter. Once married, the family problems between stepmother and stepdaughter became exacerbated. Who might be consulted?
A developmental psychologist
An educational psychologist
A counseling psychologist
A psychiatric social worker
School psychologists are employed by school districts to
Develop achievement and aptitude tests
Identify and assist students who have problems that interfere with their learning
Study hereditary and environmental influences on the development of students
Develop instructional methods for teachers to employ
Which of the following psychologists is most likely to conduct pure research?
Human factors
Industrial psychologists and organizational psychologists study the behavior of people in
Research laboratories
Court rooms
As much as she tried to lose weight, Pauline could not achieve her goal of 15% weight loss. Accordingly, she made an appointment to consult with Dr. Richman, a _________psychologist.
Human factors
A forensic psychologist may be involved in any of the following activities EXCEPT:
Testing the mental health of a defendant in a criminal trial
Analyzing criminal behavior patterns
Consulting with attorneys about selecting jury members
Developing standardized intelligence tests
Would a sample of children from an affluent suburban district be considered a representative sample of American children?
Yes, because public education is available to all children
No, because affluent suburban schools tend to be less racially, ethnically, and economically diverse than the nation as a whole.
No, because they are nothing like the average American child.
Yes, because they have all the advantages and none of the disadvantages.
All of the following are disadvantages of survey research EXCEPT
Respondents may have inaccurate self-reports
Respondents may answer in a way that they think is socially desirable
Respondents may answer the questions in the comfort of their own home
Respondents may lie about or exaggerate their own behavior.
You are interested in studying whether preschool boys engage in more aggressive play than preschool girls. You decide to watch children playing in a day care setting. You are using the _________ method.
Case study
Naturalistic observation
If you were to conduct an experiment on the effects of temperature on aggressive behavior, temperature would be the ________ variable.
You volunteer to participate in a research experiment. You participate in a variety of test procedures and interviews. Later, however, you learn that another group of participants had an experimental treatment that you and members of your group did not have. This is because you
Were disqualified
Failed earlier tests
Were in the control group
Were in the treatment group
Psychology is defined as the scientific study of:
Behavior and mental processes
Diagnosis and treatment of behavioral disorders
Conscious and unconscious mental processes
The mind
As a science, Psychology has four goals. Which of the following is NOT one of those goals?
Eliminate behavior
Explain behavior
Predict behavior
Control behavior
Wilhelm Wundt felt that the object of psychology was the study of the mind as a natural event and that the best way to approach the study of psychology was to
Break down conscious experience into basic elements
Focus on the continuity between conscious experience and behavior
Analyze the relation between sensory stimuli and behavior
Determine the functions of conscious experience
The school of psychology that emphasizes the purposes of mind and behavior and views consciousness as a continuous, not discrete, process is called
The scientific method allows us to
Support popular opinion
Maintain traditions
Justify our values
Test ideas and refine knowledge
In selecting research participants, the results can be generalized if the sample represents the
Ideas of the researcher
Commonsense view of the times
Target population
Theory in question
The sociocultural perspective is concerned with the
Issues of gender, ethnicity, and socioeconomic status
Behavior of society
Makeup of social and cultural organizations
Influence of a group on the behavior of the individual
______________ psychologists study the relationship between genetic and environmental factors on growth of the individual through the life span.
______________ psychologists are concerned with racism, sexism, and ageism
John Watson proposed a definition of psychology that omitted all of the following EXCEPT
Mental processes
Feelings and thoughts
The school of psychology that emphasizes the organization of perceptual experience into wholes and the integration of seperate stimuli into meaningful patterns is termed
Gestalt psychology
That people are motivated to satisfy unconscious urges and to avoid guilt feelings at the same time is an assumption of
Psychodynamic theory
The humanistic-existential approach
Gestalt psychology
Which of the following statements distinguishes psychanalysis from other schools of psychology?
Unconscious processes have the greatest impact on behavior
Learning is the basis of behavior
Humans are potentially good
The sum of the parts is more important than the separate parts.
Psychologists with a biological perspective study the links between __________ and behavior.
Brain activity
Hormone activity
All of these
The statement that the mental state associated with being in love can be reduced to chemical changes in the brain is most likely to be made by a psychologist taking the _____________ perspective.
Cognitive psychologists would be least interested in
Mental representations
Behavior in social settings
Lydia Corfield, a humanistic-existential psychotherapist, is most likely to make which of the following statements to her clients about their objectives for therapy?
We will uncover the unconscious ideas that are at the source of your disorder.
We will lay out a program to extinguish your disordered behavior and condition appropriate behavior.
You will explore your perceptions and thoughts in order to discover who you really are.
You need to identify the ethnic and social and environmental factors that may be at the root of your mental disorder.
Cathy was a very successful real estate agent. At age 36 she decided to donate her wealth to charity and become a missionary in Haiti, where she has been living in relative contentment for the past two years. Which perspective would best explain Cathy's behavior?
A hypothesis is an assumption or a best guess that
Becomes a selection factor in research
Is accepted if it is popular
Can be tested by gathering evidence
Provides an operational definition
A correlation coefficient is a number
That expresses the strength and direction of a relationship between two variables
Presenting the average relationship
Representing a location on the normal curve
Indicating the percentile of a score
A correlation of -.90 between two sets of test scores indicates that people who earned high scores on the first test generally earned __________ scores on the second.
(Beginning of Ch 5 Questions) You walk past Pizza Hut and salivate in response to the aroma of freshly based pizzas. This is the result of
Classical conditioning
Operant conditioning
Spontaneous recovery
Instrumental conditioning
While sitting in her Jeep at a red traffic light, Lauren heard a loud screech. One second later, a cab smashed into the back of her Jeep. Now when she hears a screeching sound, she feels anxious. In this example, the screech became an effective ___________, and her anxiety in response to the sound became the ____________.
Your little brother learned that a cow says "moo moo." When he sees a horse he calls it a "moo moo," this is an example of
Higher-order conditioning
Response discrimination
A baby cries in response to faces of strangers but smiles when he sees his mother's face. This is an example of
Higher-order conditioning
Response generalization
A child who is afraid of the water is tossed into a swimming pool to teach him how to swim is an example of
Programmed learning
Which of the following is NOT an example of a reinforced behavior?
Praising a dog for rolling over
Patting a dog for rolling over
Ringing a bell before a dog rolls over
Giving a dog a bisquit for rolling over
A slot machine is an example of a
Variable ratio schedule
Fixed ration schedule
Fixed interval schedule
Variable interval schedule
To train a young child to eat with a spoon, you should reinforce small steps until she gets it right. This is an example of
Variable reinforcement
Negative reinforcement
Partial reinforcement
Operant conditioning can be effective in which of the following circumstances
Modifying one's own behavior
Lowering blood pressure
Disciplining children at school
All of these
William's dad was a gardener. William often played in the yard where his dad worked. He now has his own home and prides himself for having the best garden on the block. Most likely ________________ learning occurred during his childhood.
According to behaviorists, _______________ is any relatively permanent change in an organism's behavior that occurs because of experience.
Higher-order conditioning
Because of the phenomenon of spontaneous recovery, psychologists believe that
Extinction of a CR can never really occur
Extinction of a CS can never really occur
The CR is not really extinguised but merely inhibited during extinction trials
The UR is not really extinguished but merely inhibited during extinction trials
Stimuli that increase the frequency of behavior are referred to as
None of these
Any stimulus that, when removed, increases the likelihood that a behavior will continue is called a(n)
Positive reinforcer
Negative reinforcer
Conditioned stimulus
Unconditioned stimulus
Punishment is an aversive event that _______________ the frequency of the behavior it follows.
The most effective method for teaching complex behaviors is
According to the text, media violence is said to do all of the following EXCEPT
Increase arousal towards aggressive behavior
Disinhibit aggressive behavior
Encourage nonviolent behavior
Prime aggressive memories
Viewers of media violence are more likely to imitate media violence when
They identify with the characters
The portrayal of violence is realistic
The perpetrator looks like them and lives in a similar environment
All of these
The reason fish and tadpoles are born able to swim, and robins can sing the song of their species immediately after birth is that lower animals' behavior is
Complex learning
Unlearned and instinctive
The reason we are more likely to stop at a red light than at a green light is because
The human eye is more sensitive to the color red than the color green
We learn that stopping at red lights is associated with avoiding accidents and tickets
We are born knowing that red means stop and green means go
None of these
The reasons that Ivan Pavlov's dogs began salivating in response to an assistant entering the laboratory, was because
The assistant made a noise every time they entered the room
The assistant had previously brought food to the animal
The dogs had been conditioned through association
Both b and c are correct
_________________ usually takes only one trial to condition successfully.
Operant conditioning
Taste aversion
Classical conditioning
Lever pressing
Many fear responses are acquired through the process of _______________conditioning.
Peter has a phobia for dogs. The behavior therapist has him relax and just think about dogs, and occasionally shows him pictures of dogs. The next session will involve going to the pet store to observe dogs through a glass, and the next week a trip to a kennel. In every instance Peter must maintain a relaxed response. This type of behavior therapy is known as
Aversion-hierarcy conditioning
Systemic desensitization
Higher-order conditioning
Stimulus generalization conditioning
In ______________ conditioning the focus is on how organisms form anticipations about the environment; in ______________ conditioning the focus is on what the organism does to act on the environment.
Classical; operant
Operant; classical
Higher-order; classical
Operant; higher-order
Reinforcers can be
A reward
A pleasant event
Biologically satisfying
All of these
Spontaneous recovery of extinguished responses in operant conditioning supports the notion that the
Behavior was not permanently lost
Behavior was innate
Behavior was forgotten
Behavior was not adaptive
_____________ work to increase the likelihood that a behavior will be strengthened, whereas _________________ work to decrease the likelihood that a behavior will be strengthened.
Positive reinforcers; negative reinforcers
Primary reinforcers; secondary reinforcers
Negative reinforcers; punishments
Primary positive reinforcers; primary negative reinforcers
When you are beginning to train your dog to sit, it is most effective to put him on
Partial reinforcement
Continuous reinforcement
A variable-interval schedule
A variable-ration schedule
After your dog has learned to consistently come to you on command, it is wise to put her on __________________ because it is more resistant to extinction.
Partial reinforcement
Continuous reinforcement
Consistent reinforcement
A full reward reinforcement
(Beginning of Ch 10 Questions) Adults frequently reinforce undesirable behavior in children by _______________ them.
Attending to
Punishing and attending to
According to Freud, your telephone number is stored at the _____________ level.
Frank tended to drive recklessly because he enjoyed it. He had received several traffic tickets and had even been in car accidents. Freud would likely say that Frank's actions are based upon which psychic structure?
Martial ego
Casey says she feels bad because she broke her mother's vase. This feeling is most consistent with the
Positive regard
Fred is overweight and continually overeats. He abuses alcohol, smokes and bites his nails. Freud would theorize that these behaviors are likely the result of
An anal fixation
Regression to the phallic stage
An oral fixation
A failure to resolve the Oedipus conflict
Which person best illustrates the concept of conflict during the anal stage?
Martin bites his nails
Karen becomes extremely dependent upon her boyfriends
Kaite is sexually active
Sean is excessively neat and clean
Beth prefers to spend her time alone and very rarely does something spontaneous. She would be described by Eysenck as
Tough minded
Lucy has trained for a marathon, and she thinks that she will be able to complete the race. This is an example of _______________ according to social-cognitive theory.
Self-defacing expectations
Self-induced expectations
Self-efficacy expectations
Karen is open to new experience, not afraid to take risks and always strives to do her best on any project. According to Maslow, Karen demonstrates characteristics of a
Free spirit
Depressed person
When giving correction, a parent seperates the behavior from the child so the child does not experience rejection for the inappropriate behavior. This demonstrates Rogers'
Conditions of worth
Conditional positive regard
Unconditional positive regard
Nicholas develops a new assessment tool to measure the personality factor "extraversion." He finds that individuals who take the test repeatedly tend to score similarly each time. To what dimension of assessment does this refer?
None of these
Joshua developed an assessment tool to determine a person's level of depression. However, upon repeated trials, he comes to find that the test is actually a better measure of self-esteem. Joshua's depression measure is not very ____________.
None of these
Reasonably stable patterns of actions, feelings, and motives are referred to as
Which theory emphasizes unconscious motives and inner conflicts?
The psychic structure that incorporates the moral standards and values of parents and develops throughout early childhood is known as the
Reality principle
Some impulses and desires are kept from awareness primarily by the
A fixation can occur during a psychosexual stage of development if there is
Either too little or too much gratification
A lack of libido energy
Too much eros
None of these
Erikson's theory emphasizes
Social relationships
Rewards and punishments
Sexual development
Unlike behavioral theories, social cognitive theory recognizes the influence of _______________ on behavior.
Humanism endorses the concept(s) of
Free choice
All of these
The Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) is an example of
A radical measure
A projective measure
A rarely used measure
An objective measure
The TAT is widely used in research on motivation and in clinical practice. The assumption is that we are likely to
Project our needs into our responses to ambiguous situations
Try to choose an answer we feel is "correct"
Try to deceive the test
None of these
Which is an illustration of the defence mechanism "repression"?
Mary witnessed the death of her child but cannot remember it
Mark wants to remember what he ate for lunch but is not sure whether it was tuna or hamburger
Michael tells people he did not cheat in high school but knows it is untrue
Rachel thought about going to a party, but her mother forced her to stay home.
Which psychic structure is motivating behavior when you are on a diet but eat a piece of chocolate cake anyway?
None of these
Which best illustrates a child in the phallic stage of psychosexual development?
Billy acts out to get his mother's attention whenever she is alone with his father
John seeks out strangers for sexual encounters
Alan always goes shopping with his father
Paul has not had conscious sexual desires for the past year.
Repression of sexual urges and identification with the same sex parent are the means for resolving the ______________stage of psychosexual development.
The difference between Jung's theory and Freud's theory is that Jung
Didn't emphasize the sexual instincts
Was not a psychiatrist
Was not interested in the unconscious
Did not believe in archetypes
A major contribution of the psychoanalytic theorists is
Psychodrama as a therapeutic tool
The concept of reward and punishment
Recognition that childhood events affect future development
The idea that group dynamics help therapeutically
Freud's work may be criticized because
The latency stage is not as sexually latent as Freud believed
Id, ego, and superego are difficult to measure
Freud's subjects were individuals who sought therapy and could afford to pay for it
All of these
These traits of the five-factor model of personality are thought to be
Based on an individual's experience
Related to people's basic temperaments
Genetically based
Both b and c
A criticism of the behaviorist theory in regards to personality is that they have
Ignored psychological constructs like unconscious drives
Limited their study to observable variables
Assumed behavior is situationally determined
All of these
Psychodynamic is to ___________________ as humanistic is to _________________.
Unconscious desires; self-awareness
Self-awareness; unconscious desires
Conscious desires; self-awareness
Repression; regression
What kind of test measures unconscious aspects of personality?
None of these
The reason for using a projective test is that
Failure to give the correct answer will result in a failing grade
The forced-choice answer are easy to score
It shows how industriously a person can work on a "project" under extreme pressure.
The meanings given by the subject reflect his or her personality.
{"name":"General Psychology Quiz 1; Chapter's 1, 5, & 10", "url":"","txt":"Theories allow psychologists to make ________such as a client's chance of recovery., Jean, a divorced mother with two children, married Harry, a widower with a teenage daughter. From the onset of her relationship with Harry, Jean had difficulty in relating to his daughter. Once married, the family problems between stepmother and stepdaughter became exacerbated. Who might be consulted?, School psychologists are employed by school districts to","img":""}
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